German Analysis: “Current Warm Period Is No Anthropogenic Product”


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
German Analysis: “Current Warm Period Is No Anthropogenic Product” – Major Natural Cycles Show No Signs Of Warming!


The Germans have now figured out that this is ALL NATURAL VARIATION! They are also not afraid to peer review and publish it as well. This new paper has the eco-nutters in Europe all wound up and in attack mode..


"Figure 3: The 230-year cycle over the last 165 years has been superimposed by a 65-year cycle as well as by other effects like the irregular ENSO events and large volcanic eruptions. "

This paper shreds whatever was left of the CAGW movement.

It's climastrology! It's got the planetary cycles and everything! Too bad it doesn't correspond to the real world in any way, but that's astrology for you. (Hint: If you take the graph further left, the whole correllation collapses. That's why they don't show it.)

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace shall guide the planets
And love will steer the temps
This is the dawning of the age of denailists,
Age of denialists.
Denialists! Denialists!
It's climastrology! It's got the planetary cycles and everything! Too bad it doesn't correspond to the real world in any way, but that's astrology for you. (Hint: If you take the graph further left, the whole correllation collapses. That's why they don't show it.)

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace shall guide the planets
And love will steer the temps
This is the dawning of the age of denailists,
Age of denialists.
Denialists! Denialists!

Your number one in climastrology and lies... You deny natural variation and natural cycles which have been going on long before you were a turd in the toilet and will continue long after your flushed. Your moronic alarmist rant show just how idiotic you are and how you deny real science.

Not once did you address the science presented, went right straight to attacks on me. This proves that you are neither competent or intelligent to discuss anything.
Billy, curve-fitting isn't science. Any finite data set can be fitted to a summation of sinusoids. Saying "Aha! I fitted it to a summation of sinusoids! That proves it's cyclic!" is just dumb.

Real scientists know that. You're just mathturbating.
It's climastrology! It's got the planetary cycles and everything! Too bad it doesn't correspond to the real world in any way, but that's astrology for you. (Hint: If you take the graph further left, the whole correllation collapses. That's why they don't show it.)

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace shall guide the planets
And love will steer the temps
This is the dawning of the age of denailists,
Age of denialists.
Denialists! Denialists!

Sniff. That refrain just makes me want to bang my tambourine, and stink, and look stupid. Oh those gosh-darn "deniers," mamooth. Whatever should we do?

"Figure 4 shows the real global temperature development of the past 1000 years and its theoretical continuation over the next 700 years. This is not a forecast, but rather it is the extended possible course of the over all temperature trend, which over the mid-term in the next 100 years could see a drop of approx. 0.3°C and a 2°C drop in global temperature in 350 years – which would mean conditions just like those seen in the Little Ice Age from 1450 to 1700. In about 1000 years the 1000-year cycle will again take on its warm phase and temperatures like those of today can be expected. "

When alarmist fit the trend of CO2 for just 35 years and scream were going to burn it makes me laugh at the shear stupidity of the idiots rantings. The when we show how natural variation matches those very long term cycles they get all butt hurt and get their panties in a bunch.

Malklovich cycles and other periodical cycles can explain everything going on today, But that wont blame man and keeps the left from using their lies as a political weapon. Now all they have is blanks, lots of noise but no substance.

So, if we see a warming in the next five years, will you admit this paper is a peice of bullshit?

In the next 50 years there would be no temperature increase, but rather a slight temperature decrease is expected. In the decades before and after the year 2300 a powerful temperature drop could occur because both the 230-year cycle and 100-year cycle would be dropping rapidly together in parallel. - See more at: German Analysis 8220 Current Warm Period Is No Anthropogenic Product 8221 8211 Major Natural Cycles Show No Signs Of Warming
indeed...........this whole "man-made" mantra has been butchered in recent years. Also in very recent years, as bitter cold temperatures have dominated the news landscape, the "settled science" isn't appearing so settled as now the AGW crowd is morphing the debate to include a pseudo ice-age into a general warming theme.

Oh.....but we'd been told the science was settled.:coffee:

C'mon........these people are making it up as they go!!! You have to have the IQ of a small soap dish not to recognize it!!:spinner:
indeed...........this whole "man-made" mantra has been butchered in recent years. Also in very recent years, as bitter cold temperatures have dominated the news landscape, the "settled science" isn't appearing so settled as now the AGW crowd is morphing the debate to include a pseudo ice-age into a general warming theme.

Oh.....but we'd been told the science was settled.:coffee:

C'mon........these people are making it up as they go!!! You have to have the IQ of a small soap dish not to recognize it!!:spinner:

The fact of the matter is.........this German outfit and the people who present the alternative view.......none of them know dick about what will happen 5..............10.............25...........50 years from now!!!:bye1:
So, if we see a warming in the next five years, will you admit this paper is a peice of bullshit?
We all know he won't. Billy and skook will just keep doing the same thing they always do. Which is:

1. They'll make a prediction of imminent cooling.

2. It will keep warming strongly.

3. They'll forget to mention their past record of total failure, and proceed with yet another prediction of imminent cooling.

4. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

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