General Wes Clark in 2007: "and Finishing Off, Iran"

Another Zionist Traitor from the W Administration...

Hopefully, there will someday be justice for America being sold out to the cause of Zionism....
From the same line of thought, the W and Dem sellouts...

Had Hillary won, Madeleine Albright would've been Secretary of State...again...

What happened the first time?

According to Gen Hugh Shelton, this....

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | HuffPost

"At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”
From the same line of thought, the W and Dem sellouts...

Had Hillary won, Madeleine Albright would've been Secretary of State...again...

What happened the first time?

According to Gen Hugh Shelton, this....

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | HuffPost

"At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

I doubt anyone who could be that stupid. First, a U-2 cannot fly low and it does not fly very fast at all!

It normally operated at 72,000 feet at a whopping 470 kts.

That makes the entire claim suspect!

Then again, this was the Clinton administration.

On second thought, they were that stupid, so I guess it is very plausible!

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