Gender Pay Gap: Arugment implodes after examination


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
So this is based out of the UK, where they were having some feminazis pushing for equality laws, and the politicians started discussing this.

At 4 Minutes in, he finally asks the feminazis directly, "why don't you look at hours worked"?

The humorous response was, because just sitting at your desk, doesn't mean you are more productive.
It was fun to watch them squirm around.

The background is that when they questioned the activists, they found that they were not looking at how many hours male employees worked, compared to female employees.

What they were doing was, looking at their salaries on an annualized basis.

What that means is, if you were working part time, they adjusted that income, to be a full time employee.

So a women is part time, and they made $10,000 a year. So if they were full time, that's $20,000 a year.

So a man is full time doing the same job, and they made $27,800 a year. No adjustment.

Now we have a pay gap.

The problem is, what if the reason the man was earning nearly 1/3 more is because he was putting in 10 hours of over time every week? Overtime pays time and half. So during those 10 hours, he's earning $15/hour instead of $10.

That's not because the man is paid a higher hourly rate, but rather, because he's putting in over time.

The feminazis didn't want to look at that. The man was paid more, that's all that matters.

But that isn't how the world works.

And in fact, men are typically paid more money per hour too.

But again, it's because of the hours worked.

You are not paid a flat sum of money based on just a title. You are paid more because of many other attributes that go behind just a title.

For example, who you treat people, and how you dress, and how professional you are.

People that come in looking like a punk band.... don't get promotions and raises. Just saying.

But specifically men and women.....

A man that is willing to work more hours, will generally be paid more for the same job.

Just think about it realistically. Last week, my company had an order that came in super late, and they wanted it out by the end of the day.

I stayed over, and stayed long enough to get the order out.

There's a women I work with. She has a son. She leaves at 4:30 PM on the dot, every day, no exceptions. "We need help"
" ok later, see you Monday! Bye!"

That's how it is. Now which do you think has more value to the company? We both do the exact same job. Exact same title.

Which is more valuable to the company?

I'll give you a hint. I just got a raise. She did not.

This is how the world works. The reason women are paid less, is because they are just flat out less valuable overall, to the company.

And by the way.... if you account for all differences.... there is no pay gap. Which is why the feminazis in the video above, specifically did not want to look at hours worked. It destroys their agenda.
All of it was complete bullshit, and has been debunked again, and again... and again.

We need many, many less women in universities reading worthless gender studies materials and more, in fact much more women making a future for America. Some tough action should be on order for the people who think women should act as inferior versions of males.
1. in general/average women can't do the physical work men can
2. in general/average women are not as aggressive as men....physical and mentally = how many really go after the great jobs? want to become ''CEOs''/etc?'re going to have to prove the percentage of women that go after the high paying jobs is equivalent to men if you want to prove a gender pay gap
When I applied to become a male hooker, I couldn't command anywhere near the money good looking babes were getting. But what's the sense of crying about it? So I became a plumber instead.

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