GDP did not fall 32.9%...they are lying, anything, including killing people to beat Trump...

Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Oh shut up
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
We also have one of the least healthy populations in the world when it comes to the high-risk categories for this virus....obesity and breathing issues...asthma, smoking -related illnesses, etc.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
It is a hoax, his cure was right in the beginning.
The stimulus wasn’t meant to stimulate. Was meant to mitigate the bleeding. It wasn’t a solution to anything, but it was necessary considering the circumstances. We’re due for another one. And if you guys are against them you should point the finger at you know who. How you do not is beyond comprehension
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

It would have been worse without the stimulus.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Oh shut up
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
With your best left wing double talking sheep like excuse, explain this.

I will be waiting for your excuses and lies or giggles.

With your best excuse please explain how the WHO claiming masks are not needed for healthy people only to watch you blame Trump voters and Trump not wearing masks.

Why is it Trump gets the blame when it was WHO that ran cover for China who obviously allowed it to spread after they forced the whistle blowing doctor to sign an apology before he died?

You are a brainwashed sheep with nothing but half baked bullshit and propaganda of the globalist scumbags.

Won't be expecting any answers from you.
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
We also have one of the least healthy populations in the world when it comes to the high-risk categories for this virus....obesity and breathing issues...asthma, smoking -related illnesses, etc.
I keep hearing that, but last I was in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Austria, Lichtenstein, I saw plenty of people fatter more out of shape than I and feasted on deep fried fish, deep fried schnitzel, deep fried pom fritz smothered in mayonnaise and and swilled down more beer and wine hanging with the locals or toasting and drinking with foreign military for a couple of months than I do on average in a couple of years here. I don't buy the diet thing.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
It is a hoax, his cure was right in the beginning.
You take it. I will follow my doctor's advice on Covid. Like my T-shirt says, I been there, done that and got the antibodies. You do as you see fit buddy and good luck to ya.
I keep hearing that, but last I was in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Austria, Lichtenstein, I saw plenty of people fatter more out of shape than I and feasted on deep fried fish, deep fried schnitzel, deep fried pom fritz smothered in mayonnaise and and swilled down more beer and wine hanging with the locals or toasting and drinking with foreign military for a couple of months than I do on average in a couple of years here. I don't buy the diet thing.
So what parts of the US have you recently ventured to ?
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Oh shut up
Exactly which countries didn't do it better? trump says we have the best healthcare in the world, so why didn't we fare better than most instead of worse by far than most? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling. :9:
With your best left wing double talking sheep like excuse, explain this.

I will be waiting for your excuses and lies or giggles.

With your best excuse please explain how the WHO claiming masks are not needed for healthy people only to watch you blame Trump voters and Trump not wearing masks.

Why is it Trump gets the blame when it was WHO that ran cover for China who obviously allowed it to spread after they forced the whistle blowing doctor to sign an apology before he died?

You are a brainwashed sheep with nothing but half baked bullshit and propaganda of the globalist scumbags.

Won't be expecting any answers from you.

You didn't bother to answer my question, so what ever made you think I would even finish reading yours or following you links?? Right Wing Dufus. :spank:
Haven't missed a days work yet this year and my stimulus money is sitting in my savings account along with my tax refund and about $4K extra dollars I have added on top thanks to Uncle Sam putting my student loan i could be paying into the land of the lost until october. Also have money just wasting away in my checking account and put a few grand into my brokerage account. I simply don't have anything I need to spend any of it on. They won't hear any argument out of me if they want to send me another check and keep my student loan in interest free deferment for a whole year.
I used mine to pay off my vehicle. I consider it a small rebate for the wages that are confiscated before I even get my paycheck. In fact, they can send me several thousand more and I will call it even for the year.
The one's who shouldn't have got a check are the ones with zero tax liability after they get their refund.
I keep hearing that, but last I was in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Austria, Lichtenstein, I saw plenty of people fatter more out of shape than I and feasted on deep fried fish, deep fried schnitzel, deep fried pom fritz smothered in mayonnaise and and swilled down more beer and wine hanging with the locals or toasting and drinking with foreign military for a couple of months than I do on average in a couple of years here. I don't buy the diet thing.
So what parts of the US have you recently ventured to ?
Depends on you definition of recent. If talking last 4 months, just within 150 miles of Jackson, TN. If last 10 years (recent to me) states from east coast to up and down the Rocky Mountains, desert southwest and Hawaii. It was the 90s last time I was in Europe.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

No stimulus and millions of americans will have no food on the table and roof over their head.

If trump listened from day we wouldn't have to suffer as much, many countries are up and running because they have sane adults running the show.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This is all due to the pandemic and how pitifully we have responded to combat it compared to the rest of the world, under trump leadership or more accurately, lack of leadership. He treated it like a hoax until it was too late and still does. Joe will probably have to lead on this after January, as donnie is just going to pout about it until then.
Joe stuck to his political guns about travel restrictions until at least March, decrying them as xenophobic and ultimately useless.

You'd better pray to God or Gaia or Bill Gates or whoever the fuck that this corrupt vegetable isn't at the helm the next time a hardcore contagious virus hits our shores.

That was debunked long ago... Posted a crap load of times...

Get with the program...
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

No stimulus and millions of americans will have no food on the table and roof over their head.

If trump listened from day we wouldn't have to suffer as much, many countries are up and running because they have sane adults running the show.
Trump doesn't decide what state govenors do.
When you characterize it as EITHER reopening or quelling the can reopen as much as you like; few are going to show up. The news today about Herman Cain who went to a rally isn't going to help matters.

The winning position would have been to first quell the virus and then re-open. We didn't do that and now Florida has more cases than New York.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

I know, get the fucking Democrat governors to let their States get back to work!
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

This guy is a first rate clown. The fact is that we brought in on ourselves. Other countries completely locked down. They are seeing some higher numbers but nowhere near what is happening in the US. Also he uses the same myth that somehow the $600 a week is stopping people from going back to work. The fact is that $600 a wekk represents a huge cut in pay for some. There is absolutely no evidence the money is stopping people from working. If the number of coronavirus cases were dropping then he might have a point. However it remains at higher points in many states and I don't blame a lot of people for not wanting to go back to work if it is happening. This is a guy who can work from home berating people who can't work from home.
Economic recovery requires the government to stop what it's doing

Republicans and Democrats are debating what to include in yet another federal coronavirus relief bill. Meanwhile, the states are in various stages of “opened up” or “locked down,” with state and local politicians regulating the minutiae of our interactions right down to what constitutes a “meal” in order to determine which establishments may serve alcoholic beverages.

The politicians all need to stop. Just stop.

Senate Republicans have proposed a new $1 trillion dollar spending plan. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants a $3 trillion bill. Neither plan would stimulate our economy in the short run, but both would make the economy worse in the long run.

I know, get the fucking Democrat governors to let their States get back to work!

In other words, put your life on the line. If you get sick, you are just collateral damage. That is what states like Arizona, Texas and Florida have done. Florida has surpassed NY in the number of coronavirus cases.