Gaza Strip of Palestine


Jan 15, 2004
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The higher world oil prices have increased the flow of dollars into the wealthy Arab nation by the tens of billions of dollars. If the people of Palestine are going to have any chance of building a prosperous society they are going to need the financial help of other wealthy nations and people. This aid will be needed in two forms. Long-term financial investment and institutional grants are needed to rebuild the infrastructure of the Palestinian economy. Starting with the Gaza Strip makes the most sense given the condition of the situation on the ground.

To wait for a final settlement in the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis before improving the living conditions of ordinary Palestinian families is leading to the same old cycle of violence. The Gaza Strip with 1.3 million Palestinians many of who are refugees in there own homeland with very little job opportunities. The wealthy Arab nations with the support of the international community of nations should focus on improving the living conditions of the people of the Gaza Strip. Then with improving conditions on the ground and continuing negotiations between the Palestinian-Israelis a final settlement can be reach.

The crisis between the Palestinian-Israeli was an international creation. It will take an international effort to resolve it. Restitution must be made to the Palestinian society similar to the restitution made to the Jewish people. As the Nazis were the victimizers and the Jewish people were the victims the Palestinian people carried an unfair portion the compensation made to the Jewish people after World War II. Today the question is not whether Israel is going to exist but how is the State of Israel going to exist. The same can be said for the people of Palestine. With so mush disparity on one side and so much prosperity on the other side. Things have to be brought into balance before they will ever be right. The mission is to bring the standard of living of the Palestinian people closer to the Israeli standard of living. Then there will be peace and security among the people in the Holy Land.
Go beg for a handout elsewhere. When the "ordinary" Arabs of Palestine learn to police the murderous thugs that represent Palestine to the world, THEN come and apply for a freakin' loan.
David2004 said:
The higher world oil prices have increased the flow of dollars into the wealthy Arab nation by the tens of billions of dollars. If the people of Palestine are going to have any chance of building a prosperous society they are going to need the financial help of other wealthy nations and people. This aid will be needed in two forms. Long-term financial investment and institutional grants are needed to rebuild the infrastructure of the Palestinian economy. Starting with the Gaza Strip makes the most sense given the condition of the situation on the ground.

To wait for a final settlement in the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis before improving the living conditions of ordinary Palestinian families is leading to the same old cycle of violence. The Gaza Strip with 1.3 million Palestinians many of who are refugees in there own homeland with very little job opportunities. The wealthy Arab nations with the support of the international community of nations should focus on improving the living conditions of the people of the Gaza Strip. Then with improving conditions on the ground and continuing negotiations between the Palestinian-Israelis a final settlement can be reach.

The crisis between the Palestinian-Israeli was an international creation. It will take an international effort to resolve it. Restitution must be made to the Palestinian society similar to the restitution made to the Jewish people. As the Nazis were the victimizers and the Jewish people were the victims the Palestinian people carried an unfair portion the compensation made to the Jewish people after World War II. Today the question is not whether Israel is going to exist but how is the State of Israel going to exist. The same can be said for the people of Palestine. With so mush disparity on one side and so much prosperity on the other side. Things have to be brought into balance before they will ever be right. The mission is to bring the standard of living of the Palestinian people closer to the Israeli standard of living. Then there will be peace and security among the people in the Holy Land.

you have to defeat poverty, raise eduation. Most Organisation fund Palestinian authorities. These money sicker in corruption and elsewhere.

There is needed an effort on-ground helping the palestinians, not by writing a cheque and then think the situation will resolve by itself.


In Gaza-strip there is an industrial area called Erez.
You can inform yourself here about capacity, and other things:

This industrial area is closed for some time now.

Turkey and Israel agreed that "Ankara chamber of Commerce" will manage this industrial area and reopen it.

Turks bought the rights of this area for 49 years.
"Ankara Chamber of commerce" will hold 95% of the areas right. Palestinian chamber of commerce will hold a symbolic 5% stake of this area.

In the first phase, Turkish businessmen will employ 6,000 Palestinians in Gaza-Strip. In the second phase the workers will be extended to a figure of 12,000 employees.

The problem was only the security of this Industrial area. Turkey and Israel agreed now that 1,000 security men of the Turkish Defence ministry will make their Police-duty and security-duties.

Now Turks have stepped a foot in this region. Based on this project we can help more building water-projects and other infrastructural things for Palestinians.


The thing is: How can you help Palestinians when you do not recognize Israel or are at a "war-situation" with Israel?

You then only please Palestinians hearts, but not their pockets. Cooperating with Israel makes the way free, to help Palestinians on Ground and where they live.
I think the best that place can hope for is a suicide bomber getting his hands on a nuke and accidently detonating it before he can get inside Isreal.

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