Gays who survived mass shooting by son of hilary supporter are kind of upset...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Yeah......there are some reports that some of the gay men at the Orlando night club that was attacked by the muslim terrorist...who killed 49 people ........are upset that the killers father is supporting hilary know..the candidate who wants to bring in several hundred thousand un vetted muslims from countries that kill gays......and now seem to support hilary....

Survivors 'Outraged' Father of Pulse Terrorist Attended Clinton Rally

In one picture, Ceballo held a sign with a Clinton campaign slogan, “Standing together.” He’s now skeptical of Clinton’s commitment to gays and questions how the Clinton campaign allowed Mateen to be placed prominently behind Clinton as she delivered her speech, paying tribute to the police officers and victims of a massacre that left 49 dead and 53 others injured.

As Breitbart News has reported, Seddique Mir Mateen, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s father, has supported the Taliban, has several ties to Islamist groups, said “God will punish” gays — after his son murdered dozens of them in cold blood — and reportedly helped run the radical mosque that his son had attended.

“Hillary has been supporting the LGBT community, she’s been to Pulse, you know? To find out (Mateen’s father) was there, it’s really disappointing,” Ceballo said. “I’m not happy about it at all. I feel, like, let down.”

Gay people....they want your money...but you are too few in number to change they also need the thousands of anti gay muslims to move into communities to vote for will be less safe....but hilary doesn't care.....she has your money and your votes...and now she will have muslim votes too...........
Oh look! Another nutbag thinks Hillary Clinton had Mateen's father there so she could steal the Muslim vote from Donald Trump. After all....he has had that demographic locked up. Clearly, Hillary must work hard to swing them.


If I were related to one of the people killed at Pulse, I'd likely be upset as well. Emotions are raw.....clear thinking isn't to be expected. Having anything related to that murderous day splashed on screen with a candidate is upsetting.
Do we hold Dylan Roof's father responsible for what he did?


Then why should we hold the Orlando shooter's father responsible?
She'll buy them off.....that's how democrats roll.
Tragedy....don't worry....well give you cash!
If gays were upset, do you think parents of molested children were upset when they saw this?

Using Republican logic, serious question does this make Trump gay? and possibly a member of NAMBLA?
If gays were upset, do you think parents of molested children were upset when they saw this?

Using Republican logic, serious question does this make Trump gay? and possibly a member of NAMBLA?

I'm gonna give a rdean type this. Mark Foley is a great guy.....he's done great things in congress
If gays were upset, do you think parents of molested children were upset when they saw this?

Using Republican logic, serious question does this make Trump gay? and possibly a member of NAMBLA?

I'm gonna give a rdean type this. Mark Foley is a great guy.....he's done great things in congress
Sound more like a response a NAMLA supporter would say.

NAMBLA was a part of the gay rights movement, and was a favorite of big time liberal Alan ginsberg.....its all you got the klan and NAMBLA....good job
What are gays upset about?

The fact that Hillary has taken hundreds of millions of dollars from Muslim nations that murder gays?

The fact that DNC e-mails leaked recently exposed the DNC as nothing but a bunch of LGBT-mocking homophobes?

Or the fact that Hillary invited the Taliban-supporting homophobe father of the terrorist who mudered 49 LGBT at a night club not long ago to sit behind her in the 'VIP' section at a rally, cheering for her and endorsing her?
If gays were upset, do you think parents of molested children were upset when they saw this?

Using Republican logic, serious question does this make Trump gay? and possibly a member of NAMBLA?

I'm gonna give a rdean type this. Mark Foley is a great guy.....he's done great things in congress
Sound more like a response a NAMLA supporter would say.

NAMBLA was a part of the gay rights movement, and was a favorite of big time liberal Alan ginsberg.....its all you got the klan and NAMBLA....good job

it's all yours and Donald Trump's now.
If gays were upset, do you think parents of molested children were upset when they saw this?

Using Republican logic, serious question does this make Trump gay? and possibly a member of NAMBLA?

I'm gonna give a rdean type this. Mark Foley is a great guy.....he's done great things in congress
Sound more like a response a NAMLA supporter would say.

NAMBLA was a part of the gay rights movement, and was a favorite of big time liberal Alan ginsberg.....its all you got the klan and NAMBLA....good job

it's all yours and Donald Trump's now.

Nope all yours....I mean it's genetic. You guys created this shit....all you bro
Yeah......there are some reports that some of the gay men at the Orlando night club that was attacked by the muslim terrorist...who killed 49 people ........are upset that the killers father is supporting hilary know..the candidate who wants to bring in several hundred thousand un vetted muslims from countries that kill gays......and now seem to support hilary....

Survivors 'Outraged' Father of Pulse Terrorist Attended Clinton Rally

In one picture, Ceballo held a sign with a Clinton campaign slogan, “Standing together.” He’s now skeptical of Clinton’s commitment to gays and questions how the Clinton campaign allowed Mateen to be placed prominently behind Clinton as she delivered her speech, paying tribute to the police officers and victims of a massacre that left 49 dead and 53 others injured.

As Breitbart News has reported, Seddique Mir Mateen, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s father, has supported the Taliban, has several ties to Islamist groups, said “God will punish” gays — after his son murdered dozens of them in cold blood — and reportedly helped run the radical mosque that his son had attended.

“Hillary has been supporting the LGBT community, she’s been to Pulse, you know? To find out (Mateen’s father) was there, it’s really disappointing,” Ceballo said. “I’m not happy about it at all. I feel, like, let down.”

Gay people....they want your money...but you are too few in number to change they also need the thousands of anti gay muslims to move into communities to vote for will be less safe....but hilary doesn't care.....she has your money and your votes...and now she will have muslim votes too...........

The father was openly anti-gay, which should have turned off the left. I don't buy that Hillary and her campaign had no idea the guy was there till later, as they claimed. No one is going to get that close to Hillary without being fully vetted and probably invited.

They should just be honest and say they willingly included him. Then they can explain to some supporters why they would extend an invitation to a man who hates gays.
Do we hold Dylan Roof's father responsible for what he did?


Then why should we hold the Orlando shooter's father responsible?

Because the idiot father supported AQ , supports Sharia Law , AND is reportedly still under investigation by the FBI for any role he may have played in the shooting. THAT is why
Who did the father shoot?

Nobody, of course, but I agree having him there was probably in bad taste. And let's be real. If he had shown up at one of Trump's rallies it would be an endless shit storm in the media
PROBABLY in bad taste?

Hillary is usually MUCH smarter than this. She MUST have dain bramage!
Hey, guess who Trump had sitting behind him at his rally yesterday, while he was railing against Hillary having the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind her?

That's right..............disgraced congressman Mark Foley, you know, the one who had to leave office for making sexual advances towards his congressional pages?

Disgraced ex-congressman Mark Foley sits behind Trump at rally -
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