Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
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Sodomites blaming blacks, can't these sore loser accept that they've lost the right to live is sodomosexual matrimony in California? This backs up Mr Bass' assertions of blacks being the least gay of all people:

Criticism mounts among gays over Calif. ban - Yahoo! News

Exit polls in California showed that the gay marriage ban received a majority from black voters, which has prompted some gay leaders to complain that they were abandoned by a minority group that should understand discrimination.

Kathryn Kolbert, a black lesbian who is president of People for the American Way, a Washington-based group that monitors the religious right, was so worried about a backlash that she wrote a memo to colleagues, warning it is wrong and self-defeating to blame black voters for the outcome.

"It's always easy to scapegoat when you are feeling bitter about a loss," Kolbert said. "What we do in America when we are frustrated is blame the people we always blame."

Its no surprise, gay so called "rights" and the black Civil Rights are *NOT* the same so sodomites shouldn't be surprise to see this from blacks.
And they would be right. If the Bass hadn't forgot what it is like to be discriminated against, the Bass would see clearly and give these people equal rights.

If slavery were put up for a vote, the bass would still be a slave.
And they would be right. If the Bass hadn't forgot what it is like to be discriminated against, the Bass would see clearly and give these people equal rights.

If slavery were put up for a vote, the bass would still be a slave.

The sealybobo is wrong. Being "discriminated" against because of gay sex acts[which are voluntary, willful sex acts] vs being discriminated against because of skin colour/race/ethnicity is *NOT* the same.
The sealybobo is wrong. Being "discriminated" against because of gay sex acts[which are voluntary, willful sex acts] vs being discriminated against because of skin colour/race/ethnicity is *NOT* the same.

It's not exactly the same no, but that's just symantics.

If the bass was a real America, he would know it is not right to exclude one group of people from having access to benefits other groups of people have based on their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

Where does the Bass get married? A Baptist church? excellent.

Where does John Kerry get married? A catholic church? Cool.

Where does The Sealybobo get married? Greek Orthodox? Nice!

Where do we all go to get divorced? Court? :eek:

So your church can deny marrying someone if they want, for whatever reason they want. More power to them.

But you allow 2 people to get married and enjoy the benefits, like sharing healthcare, or making decisions for each other, or splitting what they have if they decide to get a divorce down the road.

A gay couple can't get the tax breaks that straight couples get? Bullshit.
They can't make decisions for each other in hospitals? Crap.
They can't share healthcare? Why not?
And if one stays home and the other works and saves for 30 years and the one that saved decides to kick the other one out, the bread winner gets all the money?

I think the Bass needs to seperate church and state. Constitutionally, you are wrong.

And like I said, if you put it up for a vote back in the 1800's, you would still be a slave. Some things you don't let the masses decide on. Wrong is wrong.
The sealybobo is wrong. Being "discriminated" against because of gay sex acts[which are voluntary, willful sex acts] vs being discriminated against because of skin colour/race/ethnicity is *NOT* the same.

By the way, back in the 50's and 60's, whites used the bible to argue why blacks and whites should not marry.

They talked about this on Air America the other day. Denying these people equal rights is wrong no matter how you justify it. Either stop giving married people who do not have children tax breaks and stop letting them share insurance, or give it to gay people.

They were talking about Sodom & Gamora. I guess that town was punished by God for all their sins? But the funny thing is, they did a lot more than sodomize. So I find it funny that the bible thumpers chose to focus on the sodomy but ignore all the other shit they were doing that made god mad.

And we all sin. You sin, I sin. And if being gay is a sin, so what? Are you going to hell you sinner? NO? Well then neither are they. Unless of course they haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. :cuckoo:
While engaging in homosexual acts is a choice, as are all sexual acts, the orientation itself is not a choice.

From The American Psychological Association:

Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?

No, human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight. For most people, sexual orientation emerges in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.

Is Homosexuality a Mental Illness or Emotional Problem?

No. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, a mental disorder, or an emotional problem. More than 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems. Homosexuality was once thought to be a mental illness because mental health professionals and society had biased information.

In the past, the studies of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people involved only those in therapy, thus biasing the resulting conclusions. When researchers examined data about such people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better-designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting this removal.

For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.​

The next thing people need to realize is that civil marriage is a legal contract. As a paralegal, I'm not aware of any other legal contract that has a gender bias.

It won't let me post the URL until I've made 15 posts or more for some odd reason, so just go to and look for "Sexual Orientation."
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The sealybobo is wrong. Being "discriminated" against because of gay sex acts[which are voluntary, willful sex acts] vs being discriminated against because of skin colour/race/ethnicity is *NOT* the same.

FYI a sexual act between two people of the same sex does not make them homosexual.
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It's not exactly the same no, but that's just symantics.

If the bass was a real America, he would know it is not right to exclude one group of people from having access to benefits other groups of people have based on their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

Where does the Bass get married? A Baptist church? excellent.

Where does John Kerry get married? A catholic church? Cool.

Where does The Sealybobo get married? Greek Orthodox? Nice!

Where do we all go to get divorced? Court? :eek:

So your church can deny marrying someone if they want, for whatever reason they want. More power to them.

But you allow 2 people to get married and enjoy the benefits, like sharing healthcare, or making decisions for each other, or splitting what they have if they decide to get a divorce down the road.

A gay couple can't get the tax breaks that straight couples get? Bullshit.
They can't make decisions for each other in hospitals? Crap.
They can't share healthcare? Why not?
And if one stays home and the other works and saves for 30 years and the one that saved decides to kick the other one out, the bread winner gets all the money?

I think the Bass needs to seperate church and state. Constitutionally, you are wrong.

And like I said, if you put it up for a vote back in the 1800's, you would still be a slave. Some things you don't let the masses decide on. Wrong is wrong.

Well hell what ever will the people that like dead people for sex do? They are surely discriminated against and who are they really hurting after all?

How about NAMBLA? They too face horrible discrimination, why the Government even puts them in PRISON.

I can go on and on about deviant sex acts and show you why your simplistic statement is retarded as hell.
Well hell what ever will the people that like dead people for sex do? They are surely discriminated against and who are they really hurting after all?

How about NAMBLA? They too face horrible discrimination, why the Government even puts them in PRISON.

I can go on and on about deviant sex acts and show you why your simplistic statement is retarded as hell.

Apples & Oranges.

NAMBLA is an organization that advocates sex between grown men and young boys. This an age of consent issue. It has nothing to do with homosexuality.

As for your mention of necrophilia - do you seriously believe that doesn't harm people? If a loved one of yours was dead, would it bother you if someone were to have sex with them?

I bet it would.

Two consenting adults engaging in homosexual acts does not harm anyone - period.
Well hell what ever will the people that like dead people for sex do? They are surely discriminated against and who are they really hurting after all?

How about NAMBLA? They too face horrible discrimination, why the Government even puts them in PRISON.

I can go on and on about deviant sex acts and show you why your simplistic statement is retarded as hell.

Is it legal to have sex with dead people now?

Is it legal to have sex with young boys now?

Do you give your wife oral? I know some bible thumpers who think that's immoral and a homosexual act. Also a sin.

Your arguments are squashed.
Exit polls in California showed that the gay marriage ban received a majority from black voters, which has prompted some gay leaders to complain that they were abandoned by a minority group that should understand discrimination.
I understand the NAACP has a new motto. "The NAACP: Protecting Americans from teh Gay since 2008."

A dark chapter in black American history.
I understand the NAACP has a new motto. "The NAACP: Protecting Americans from teh Gay since 2008."

A dark chapter in black American history.

I'm so glad that my greek immigrant grandparents didn't start descriminating aginst the next minority that took their place.

There was a time when they were considered the "dirty greeks" in a neighborhood filled with blondes and an occasional Italian. The Italians were so glad to see the Greeks arrive. Just like the blacks like Bass today are loving that muslims and gays are taking all the heat.

Rather than be like Powell and see that discrimination is discrimination no matter who's on the receiving end.
Apples & Oranges.

NAMBLA is an organization that advocates sex between grown men and young boys. This an age of consent issue. It has nothing to do with homosexuality.

As for your mention of necrophilia - do you seriously believe that doesn't harm people? If a loved one of yours was dead, would it bother you if someone were to have sex with them?

I bet it would.

Two consenting adults engaging in homosexual acts does not harm anyone - period.

he can not see the apples for his wall of oranges....

arent most necros...hetro anyways?
Sodomites blaming blacks, can't these sore loser accept that they've lost the right to live is sodomosexual matrimony in California? This backs up Mr Bass' assertions of blacks being the least gay of all people:

Criticism mounts among gays over Calif. ban - Yahoo! News

Exit polls in California showed that the gay marriage ban received a majority from black voters, which has prompted some gay leaders to complain that they were abandoned by a minority group that should understand discrimination.

Kathryn Kolbert, a black lesbian who is president of People for the American Way, a Washington-based group that monitors the religious right, was so worried about a backlash that she wrote a memo to colleagues, warning it is wrong and self-defeating to blame black voters for the outcome.

"It's always easy to scapegoat when you are feeling bitter about a loss," Kolbert said. "What we do in America when we are frustrated is blame the people we always blame."

Its no surprise, gay so called "rights" and the black Civil Rights are *NOT* the same so sodomites shouldn't be surprise to see this from blacks.

What do you think the vote would be, loony toon, if segregation were put on the ballot?

Ya, as I recall black men claim if they are the GIVER they are not Gay, same as Arab men.

Oh, good grief.................

Thanks for showing us your ignorance, Archie.
The sealybobo is wrong. Being "discriminated" against because of gay sex acts[which are voluntary, willful sex acts] vs being discriminated against because of skin colour/race/ethnicity is *NOT* the same.

Oh yea Bass. Someone just mentioned Jeffrey Dahmer. He prayed on gay black men. Watch the movie. It's horrible, but will prove that blacks are gay.

Not only are they gay, but they have horrible taste.

Oh, good grief.................

Thanks for showing us your ignorance, Archie.

Hey, he was banging me. I wasn't enjoying it nor was I hard. He was hard. How is he not gay for being excited enough to bang me but I'm gay because he's putting it to me? :cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle::eusa_eh:
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