Gay porn in the Senate, Swearing in ceremony on child porn in Virginia, Tranny tap dancers in the White House, And Satanic statues in Iowa

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy and make the country proud again. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

And mutilation of children in the name of "gender affirming care."
Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy and make the country proud again. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

I imagine those folks living in the decedent post-WW1 Weimar Republic Germany were pretty surprised too, when they gave rise to Hitler coming into power.
Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy and make the country proud again. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

Dude, I could almost feel the spittle there!
The leftists just shrug and act like this is all normal. We should not get lost in the trees while we should be focusing on the forest; I.e., the neo-Marxist revolution that is underway and aimed at destroying our republic.
Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy and make the country proud again. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

Why does the OP post so much perverted stuff? He must really like it.
I completely agree. In another thread I posted that depraved and degenerate democrats have turned the United States into Caligula's Rome.
Degeneracy has taken over democrat government officials. It took less than ten years to go from “gays getting married won’t affect you” to gay porn being filmed in the Senate and naked transgender parties in the White House. I used to be “live and let live” and “the lying, thieving government shouldn’t get to decide what consenting adults do to themselves” and look where that got us.

The anti-gay marriage crowd was right. Making pedophilia and beastiality legal is the ultimate goal and has been from the beginning. We have entered the degeneracy phase of the ill fated Weimar Republic in late 1920s/early 30s Germany and a solution was elected to resolve the problem and end the degeneracy and make the country proud again. As was then, we must put a person in the oval office that will purge BY ANY MEANS the degeneracy taking place now. That person is President Trump. Does anyone agree?

I don't think the ten threads we have on this porn shoot is enough.

This needs its own sub-forum.
No, because you type people need to be exposed. Homosexuals are a danger to our society.



Washington Post › 1989/08/01 › the-...

Aug 1, 1989 — With a story about "key officials of the Reagan and Bush administration ... male prostitution call service. The Secret Service, which ...

Was Richard Thornburgh being provided teen boys to have ...​

Amazon › customer-reviews

Because of this book: 1) I am convinced George W. Bush #43 was having homosexual sex with gay prostitute Jeff Gannon, who Vinson knew as a gay sex worker from ...
wtf??? 😣 ~S~

Yes indeed WTF.

Gay porn in the Senate, Swearing in ceremony on child porn in Virginia, Tranny tap dancers in the White House, And Satanic statues in Iowa​

What ever happened to Patriotism (God & Country) and Family Values, the cornerstone of America for 250 years?

The democrat deviants are playing with fire. I hope they get burned in 2024.

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