Gay activists at White House: Racist?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith -

Check out this vid..............

Found this story quite interesting.........some gay activists at the White House yesterday were shouting down the President on "Dont ask-Dont Tell". Curiously.........not one single media outlet or talking head was out last night proclaiming these activists to be racists?

Now how compelling is that?? Im thinking there is definately a racial component going on here.................

Discuss................( no k00k double standard crap please.....)
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Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith -

Check out this vid..............

Found this story quite interesting.........some gay activists at the White House yesterday were shouting down the President on "Dont ask-Dont Tell". Curiously.........not one single media outlet or talking head was out last night proclaiming these activists to be racists?

Now how compelling is that?? Im thinking there is definately a racial component going on here.................

Discuss................( no k00k double standard crap please.....)

Why would they be classified as racist? Did they call him a Kenyan? Did they call the White House the Black House? Did they hold up pictures of him eating watermelon?
Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith -

Check out this vid..............

Found this story quite interesting.........some gay activists at the White House yesterday were shouting down the President on "Dont ask-Dont Tell". Curiously.........not one single media outlet or talking head was out last night proclaiming these activists to be racists?

Now how compelling is that?? Im thinking there is definately a racial component going on here.................

Discuss................( no k00k double standard crap please.....)

Why would they be classified as racist? Did they call him a Kenyan? Did they call the White House the Black House? Did they hold up pictures of him eating watermelon?

Not that I heard.........but THEY DID criticize his policies.:eek::eek::eek::eek: Clearly racist and its not even debatable.............
Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith -

Check out this vid..............

Found this story quite interesting.........some gay activists at the White House yesterday were shouting down the President on "Dont ask-Dont Tell". Curiously.........not one single media outlet or talking head was out last night proclaiming these activists to be racists?

Now how compelling is that?? Im thinking there is definately a racial component going on here.................

Discuss................( no k00k double standard crap please.....)
The complaint that "anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist" is ridiculous. Much as I like Jimmy Carter, I just don't agree with him or anyone else who sees things this way. People are more complex than that....GLBT people have every right to be upset with Obama for breaking campaign promises to them he could easily fulfill with a stroke of the pen and an Executive Order.
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Self-loathing homophobes I'm guessing. This oughtta be good.

Isnt it fascinating though that gay people can never be racists?? Tea Party people are ALL racists though!!!

GLBT people do not share one single set of values. But it is likely true that most such folk have seen the damage discrimination has done in their own lives, and are loathe to mistreat anyone else on similar grounds.

I suppose it might also be true that fewer black folk are homophobes...but who knows, really?

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