Gasoline Renamed

The funny thing is people think that electric cars will remain cheap to power.

Not gonna happen.

They got a big ole dick waiting for when it goes all electric.
do you own an electric car ?
There are many ways to not buy much gasoline
1.) Live near work & shopping
2.) Walk or Bike
3.) Mass Transit
4.) 100+/MPG 50cc Scooter
5.) Electric Vehicle
6.) Work from Home
7.) Use E85 or Bio-Diesel
8.) Ride Share / Car Pool
9.) Home Delivery
10.) CNG
11.) Hydrogen
12.) PHEV
13.) Siphon from someone else
I was still buying E85 last week for $2.99 then getting 4% rebate. I have a 300 gallon tote + 32 gallon barrel + 5, 5gal jugs full. I should be good for 3+ months.
Underground tank? Overhead/Gravity tank? 24-hour armed security guards? Or is this on your imaginary compound?
LOL! I live in South-Eastern Idaho. No worries as to security. Most folks probably wouldn't waste the gas!
Underground too expensive..and the permits can be hell.
Nah...just an above ground tank I bought on Amazon. Hard part is filling it. Cheaply. imaginary compound is in Hawaii, just sayin'--

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