Garland vows to hold all those involved in January 6th accountable

Batcat wrote 22JAN27-POST#0099 above

NFBW wrote: You are a propaganda spewing racist.. Police described the group that walked on I-94 to protest the murder of George Floyd as organized and peaceful. They were not rioters, You are one helluva keyboard agent provocateur aiding those trying to incite a race war. - - - Protesters sometimes commit civil disobedience, peacefully, it disrupts things. In this case a highway, no one was hurt. 46 protesters were arrested for a misdemeanor. , Bail was set at $1500 - People donate to a fund to help civil disobedience protesters out. It’s not set up to bail out violent criminals in order to promote riots - You are a sick racist to suggest that’s what happened here.

About 1,500 people who gathered for a large protest at the Capitol in St. Paul on Sunday began marching later in the afternoon and walked onto Interstate 94. They headed westbound for about an hour before they exited.

Police described the group as organized and peaceful. After leaving the Capitol, the group used the St. Anthony Avenue ramp to enter Interstate 94 West shortly after 4 p.m. They exited at Lexington Parkway about 5 p.m. to University Avenue, headed east and returned to the Capitol. 22JAN28-POST#0100
So you are saying that the riots in the summer of 2020 were all nice and peaceful and 2000 cops were not injured and two billion in damages never happened.

So you are saying that the riots in the summer of 2020 were all nice and peaceful and 2000 cops were not injured and two billion in damages never happened
Batcat wrote 22JAN27-POST#0101 above

NO. Absolutely not. I’m saying the protesters at the civil disobedience incident you referred and linked to was not a riot and the 46 protesters that were arrested were not rioters. You falsely referred to them as rioters. You lied and made a racially motivated attack,

This is a Criminal RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating​


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.​
A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.​
On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.​

The MULTICULTURAL Democratic PARTY Condemns every criminal like him 22JAN28-POST#0102..
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Batcat wrote 22JAN27-POST#0101 above

NO. Absolutely not. I’m saying the protesters at the civil disobedience incident you referred and linked to was not a riot and the 46 protesters that were arrested were not rioters. You falsely referred to them as rioters. You lied and made a racially motivated attack,

This is a Criminal RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating​

View attachment 593701

Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.​
A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.​
On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.​

The MULTICULTURAL Democratic PARTY Condemns every criminal like him 22JAN27-POST#0102..
I referred to a large number of riots not just one. Over 2000 cops were injured and damages were over 2 billion dollars.

A few protestors were arrested and are facing prosecution but there was no serious effort to arrest many who were looting and burning as we have witnessed after the Jan 6th “insurrection”

Plus Democrats were paying to bail rioters out of jail so they could return to rioting.

Democrats likely helped finance those rIots and we know some bailed the rioters out so they could go back to rioting again. Therefore chances are they will NEVER be prosecuted.
Batcat wrote 22JAN27-POST#0099 above
I referred to a large number of riots not just one.
Batcat wrote 22JAN28-POST#0103 above

NFBW wrote:
You provided the following link to support your racist lie that Democrats fund riots and as proof Biden staffers donated to MFF which provided cash bail to low income people who have been arrested.

So I followed your link. It contains this statement:

MFF became a national focus after several celebrities donated funds to the organization to bail out protesters arrested during demonstrations calling for the arrest of police officers associated with the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died while in custody.​

I then clicked the link to “demonstrations” which referred to the I-94 protests and civil disobedience in St Paul MINN which police described to be organized and peaceful

You chose to distort your own link by using riot in place of protest which makes every peaceful Chauvin Protestor a rioter in your right wing racist version of what occurred after Officer Chauvin was seen torturing and murdering George Floyd on video.

Your racist fearmongering distorts
every peaceful protest in the same way. 22JAN28-POST#0104
Batcat wrote 22JAN27-POST#0099 above

Batcat wrote 22JAN28-POST#0103 above

NFBW wrote:
You provided the following link to support your racist lie that Democrats fund riots and as proof Biden staffers donated to MFF which provided cash bail to low income people who have been arrested.

So I followed your link. It contains this statement:
MFF became a national focus after several celebrities donated funds to the organization to bail out protesters arrested during demonstrations calling for the arrest of police officers associated with the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died while in custody.​

I then clicked the link to “demonstrations” which referred to the I-94 protests and civil disobedience in St Paul MINN which police described to be organized and peaceful

You chose to distort your own link by using riot in place of protest which makes every peaceful Chauvin Protestor a rioter in your right wing racist version of what occurred after Officer Chauvin was seen torturing and murdering George Floyd on video.

Your racist fearmongering distorts
every peaceful protest in the same way. 22JAN28-POST#0104
Well you did a lot of research. I appreciate the effort.

In passing I have absolutely no problem with peaceful demonstrations but am opposed to violent protests or riots. The race of the people involved in the violent protests or riots is irrelevant to me. If that makes me a racist than so be it.

The Snopes article on the protests or riots does state the allegation that Biden staffers did contribute to a protestor bailout fund is true.

it is also true that MFF bailed out violent protestors or rioters (as opposed to peaceful protestors).


One defendant, Jaleel Stallings, was charged with attempted murder after allegedly shooting at police during protests on May 30, county records show. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail, according to MFF interim director Greg Lewin. He said Stallings was among a dozen people MFF helped with direct bail actions after the protests.

The probable charge statement against Stallings says officers wore their uniforms, as well as SWAT vests and helmets, as they fired 40 mm plastic projectiles to disperse crowds. As police officers patrolled in an unmarked white van, a group of people ran away, but Stallings allegedly approached the vehicle and appeared to fire three or four rounds from a AK-47-style mini Draco pistol after an officer fired a plastic projectile in his direction. Stallings was quickly subdued and arrested.

MFF also paid $750 toward a bond for Chylen Evans, who was charged with looting a liquor store, clothing store and mobile store.

Plus we have this article:

The bail funded supported by a dozen members of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and publicly praised by Vice President Kamala Harris has twice bailed out a violent rioter who has now been charged yet again.

Thomas Moseley, 29, has been charged with three additional offenses, according to Alpha News, including “fifth-degree drug possession, possession of a dangerous weapon in a courthouse, and second-degree rioting while armed with a dangerous weapon.”

As the outlet reported, Moseley “was previously arrested on property damage and gun possession charges, but was released after the Minnesota Freedom Fund posted $5,000 for his bail.” The weapon charge related to an October 15, 2020 incident in which Moseley had a gun while protesting inside the Hennepin County Government Center “where the officers involved in George Floyd’s death were making a court appearance.”

When officers arrested Moseley for property damage charges based on his behavior during an August riot, they found a handgun. This allowed them to obtain a warrant to search his vehicle, where they “discovered a massive cache of firearms and tactical gear, including three handguns, a shotgun, a semi-automatic rifle, a gas mask and about 50 rounds of ammunition — plus a stash of cocaine, mushrooms, and marijuana,” Alpha News reported. In addition to these items, they also found a hatchet, a crowbar, and a bulletproof vest.

Moseley was released thanks to the Minnesota Freedom Fund but was later charged with second-degree rioting after he participated in a “New Year’s Eve melee,” where rioters damaged buildings and scrawled messages that read, “DOWN W AMERICA,” “Kill all Kops,” “Crimewave 2021,” “AMERICA’S LAST YEAR?” and “DEATH TO AMERICA,” according to prosecutors. While dealing with the riots, police officers “recovered a handgun, knives, three cans containing a suspected wax and fuel substance, a green laser, mace, improvised spike balls, a taser, fireworks, gas masks, body armor, helmets, and 2-way radios.”


The Minnesota Freedom Fund was established last summer to bail out rioters, though it came under fire after raising $30 million in donations, much of that from Hollywood celebrities, and spending less than 1% of those funds on bailing out rioters, The Daily Wire reported. Some of those who were bailed out, however, were dangerous criminals.

“Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice-convicted sex offender, according to court records,” Fox 9 Minneapolis reported at the time. “According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.”

Racism is evil Batcat Repent now. Why didn’t this Army Veteran deserve help with his bail?


Jaleel Stallings shot at the MPD; a jury acquitted him of wrongdoing​


Jaleel Stallings stands next to his pickup that he took cover behind as police fired rubber bullets at him. One damaged the side mirror. Photo by Deena Winter/Minnesota Reformer.

Before the white, unmarked cargo van of the Minneapolis Police Department drove down Lake Street, an officer gave Sgt. Andrew Bittell his orders: “Drive down Lake Street. You see a group, call it out. OK great! F*** ’em up, gas ’em, f*** ’em up.”
Bittell turned to his SWAT unit in the van and said, “Alright, we’re rolling down Lake Street. The first f***ers we see, we’re just hammering ’em with 40s,” according to body camera footage described in court documents. He was referring to “less lethal” plastic projectiles sometimes called rubber bullets or 40mm launchers or rounds.
It was nighttime, just five days after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. Protests and riots had raged for days and laid waste to businesses along Lake Street and the Third Precinct police station. By May 30, protests had ebbed but a curfew was in effect.
At 17th Avenue and Lake Street, around 10 p.m., the SWAT team saw a group of people outside the Stop-N-Shop gas station. Bittell told the driver to head toward the station and said, “Let ’em have it boys!”
“Right there, get ’em, get ’em, get ’em, hit ’em, hit ’em!” he ordered as the officers fired their plastic bullet launchers without warning. They later learned they were shooting at the gas station owner, neighbors and relatives guarding the station from more looting, as well as bystanders, including a Vice Newsreporter who had his hands up and was yelling, “Press!”
A SWAT team member pushed the reporter to the ground, and as he lay there, with his press card up, another officer pepper sprayed him in the face.
About an hour later, three blocks to the west, they opened the sliding door of the van and began firing plastic rounds at people in a parking lot.
They hit Jaleel K. Stallings, 29, a St. Paul truck driver, who says he didn’t know they were cops because they were inside an unmarked white cargo van with the police lights off. He thought they were real bullets. And, he says he was mindful of warnings earlier that day from no less than Gov. Tim Walz that white supremacists were roaming the city looking for trouble.
Stallings, an Army veteran, returned fire with his mini Draco pistol, for which he had a permit. He aimed low, toward the front of the van, and didn’t hit anyone. When the SWAT team jumped out of the van yelling, “Shots fired!” Stallings realized they were police. So he dropped his weapon and lay face down on the pavement, according to court documents.
His eye socket was fractured in the beating that followed, with officers later claiming he resisted arrest.
A Hennepin County jury recently acquitted Stallings of all charges after he was allowed by a judge to claim self-defense.

Well you did a lot of research. I appreciate the effort.

Here’s some more - racist



Jaleel Stallings after his arrest.
Hennepin County Jail
The charges painted Stallings, a veteran, as the aggressor in the encounter, and failed to note that officers, while in an unmarked van, shot plastic bullets at Stallings first.
Stallings said he returned fire in self-defense, not knowing they were members of law enforcement, and citing widespread warnings about armed white supremacists in the area. As soon as Stallings realized they were police officers, he set his firearm down and laid face-down on the ground.

NFBW wrote: And it’s a real problem that racists like Correll going into the 2020 election held the deep down belief that Jaleel Stallings was a LEFTY RIOTER acting on behalf of the BLM, ANTIFA Biden Campaign and Deep State to defeat DJT thereby rigging the election. And applauding the SWAT team for executing the Trump tough way to deal with black Chauvin protesters and rioters .NFBW 22JAN28-POST#01 above


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One defendant, Jaleel Stallings, was charged with attempted murder after allegedly shooting at police during protests on May 30, county records show. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail, according to MFF interim director Greg Lewin.
You liberals as a whole, are responsible for supporting and normalizing the rioting AND the justifications for the rioting
NFBW wrote: Will you two apologize to Mr Jaleel Stallings for being Trump voters / / / Talk about race baiting gone bad 22JAN28-POST#0107

Jaleel Stallings is a would-be cop killer who was in jail for firing at police during "peaceful protests."

Now he's free thanks in part to Biden campaign officials who donated to pay bail fees.

Will Joe Biden apologize for helping put cops in danger?…


10:52 AM · Aug 31, 2020·Twitter Web App

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Have your baby hissy fit.

It's not going to cover for the real reasons you're having a little hissy fit, which are that you supported the Insurrection and you believe the big lie.

I did not support the riot. I have never supported the riot. YOu are a liar.

And an asshole.
Gore didn't try and overthrow an election. Trump did.

He tried to game the system to gain the presidency, even though he lost the vote. And my response was NOT as you claimed it would be.

You lose, loser.
Based on t

The impression I get from Correll ‘s writing is that this cultural Christian white traditional American does not buy the big lie. He essentially says the election was not fair to Trump because Officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd and black people are brainwashed by Democrats to believe Trump is a racist and that makes criminals riot and loot at the behest of BLM ANTIFA and the entire Democratic Party because mob violence hurts TRUMP and helps Democrats.

Correll also pushes the concept that if DJT believes the big lie to him it’s true so any action taken based on the BIg Lie is justified.

The fact that you have to lie about what I have clearly explained to you, many times, AND that you keep noting that I am white and Christians, even though it is not relevant,

is just you being a liar and an asshole.
Gore never submitted fake elector documents, aka alternate electors.
Gore never called up a state to ask them for 11,780 more votes.

But Trump did use lawyers after the election,, at least 63 lawsuits

You claimed that if a dem had done the same thing, that I would be calling for the death penalty.

I have proven you wrong. THat you supported Gore, in his actions, is irrelevant to the point of the discussion we just had.

That you are presenting as too retarded to notice, is strangely credible.
Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0076 above

NFBW wrote: The recounts were prior to the safe harbor deadline and Gore conceded .....

The claim was made that if a dem tried the same stunt, that I would be calling for the death penalty.

Gore's action is quite similar, and my reaction was NOT the hissy fit that you people are having, nor did I call for the death penalty.

That you supported Gore, in his attempts, is irrelevant.

My point stands. YOur hissy fit is uncalled for.
Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0071 above

NFBW wrote
: Your original argument Correll was that DJT wanted the election redone after the DECEMBER 14 certification safe harbor date “so that the election would be based on actual votes.” which is what certification in safe harbor is. Then it was pointed out to you Correll that ‘counting all” 150 million legal actual votes was not what DJT pressured Pence to do. DJT wanted Pence to delete six states with certified votes from the electoral total vote count just enough to finaggle the numbers to declare TRUMPpence the winner.. So you adjusted your argument saying it is perfectly reasonable to deprive the multicultural political party the right to choose a President if the mostly white monocultural primarily white evangelical Christian traditional American party runs a President who decides entirely on his own that the only reason that he lost was due to fraud in big cities where most of the multicultural voters reside.

Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0078 above

So tossing out the entire state after two months of finding that no significance of game changing fraud exists so the loser gets to win is reasonable and practical response in your mind. I guess it would be reasonable and practical to racist fascists types who don’t want people of color voting in blue counties with big cities. The shoe fits you well. 22JAN27-POST#0092

You seem to be pointing to the, relative "multiculturalism" of the dem party, as though that is more...valid than the supposedly less diverse republican party.

That is just you being a racist asshole, and I reject your racist premise.
Well you did a lot of research. I appreciate the effort.

In passing I have absolutely no problem with peaceful demonstrations but am opposed to violent protests or riots. The race of the people involved in the violent protests or riots is irrelevant to me. If that makes me a racist than so be it.

The Snopes article on the protests or riots does state the allegation that Biden staffers did contribute to a protestor bailout fund is true.

it is also true that MFF bailed out violent protestors or rioters (as opposed to peaceful protestors).


One defendant, Jaleel Stallings, was charged with attempted murder after allegedly shooting at police during protests on May 30, county records show. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail, according to MFF interim director Greg Lewin. He said Stallings was among a dozen people MFF helped with direct bail actions after the protests.

The probable charge statement against Stallings says officers wore their uniforms, as well as SWAT vests and helmets, as they fired 40 mm plastic projectiles to disperse crowds. As police officers patrolled in an unmarked white van, a group of people ran away, but Stallings allegedly approached the vehicle and appeared to fire three or four rounds from a AK-47-style mini Draco pistol after an officer fired a plastic projectile in his direction. Stallings was quickly subdued and arrested.

MFF also paid $750 toward a bond for Chylen Evans, who was charged with looting a liquor store, clothing store and mobile store.

Plus we have this article:

The bail funded supported by a dozen members of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and publicly praised by Vice President Kamala Harris has twice bailed out a violent rioter who has now been charged yet again.

Thomas Moseley, 29, has been charged with three additional offenses, according to Alpha News, including “fifth-degree drug possession, possession of a dangerous weapon in a courthouse, and second-degree rioting while armed with a dangerous weapon.”

As the outlet reported, Moseley “was previously arrested on property damage and gun possession charges, but was released after the Minnesota Freedom Fund posted $5,000 for his bail.” The weapon charge related to an October 15, 2020 incident in which Moseley had a gun while protesting inside the Hennepin County Government Center “where the officers involved in George Floyd’s death were making a court appearance.”

When officers arrested Moseley for property damage charges based on his behavior during an August riot, they found a handgun. This allowed them to obtain a warrant to search his vehicle, where they “discovered a massive cache of firearms and tactical gear, including three handguns, a shotgun, a semi-automatic rifle, a gas mask and about 50 rounds of ammunition — plus a stash of cocaine, mushrooms, and marijuana,” Alpha News reported. In addition to these items, they also found a hatchet, a crowbar, and a bulletproof vest.

Moseley was released thanks to the Minnesota Freedom Fund but was later charged with second-degree rioting after he participated in a “New Year’s Eve melee,” where rioters damaged buildings and scrawled messages that read, “DOWN W AMERICA,” “Kill all Kops,” “Crimewave 2021,” “AMERICA’S LAST YEAR?” and “DEATH TO AMERICA,” according to prosecutors. While dealing with the riots, police officers “recovered a handgun, knives, three cans containing a suspected wax and fuel substance, a green laser, mace, improvised spike balls, a taser, fireworks, gas masks, body armor, helmets, and 2-way radios.”


The Minnesota Freedom Fund was established last summer to bail out rioters, though it came under fire after raising $30 million in donations, much of that from Hollywood celebrities, and spending less than 1% of those funds on bailing out rioters, The Daily Wire reported. Some of those who were bailed out, however, were dangerous criminals.

“Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice-convicted sex offender, according to court records,” Fox 9 Minneapolis reported at the time. “According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.”

Why the embarrassing song and dance?

You believe the Big Lie.

And that's all. You have not a shred of evidence for it, and you know it.

So we get treated to this embarrassing dog and pony show.
The misinformation is coming from your Party of Leftist nut bags. They are taking America down the poop shoot.
Fox is the only TV network that agrees with anything You people believe in the entire world, hundreds of networks thousands of newspapers -you have the three owned by Rupert Murdock. It is called journalism as opposed to GOP propaganda. Snap out of it for God's sake.
Fox is the only TV network that agrees with anything You people believe in the entire world, hundreds of networks thousands of newspapers -you have the three owned by Rupert Murdock. It is called journalism as opposed to GOP propaganda. Snap out of it for God's sake.

What percentage of those "hundreds" and "thousands" reported that President TRump said that w.s. "were very fine people"/

Rhetorical question. It was all of them, and thus all of them are shown to be nothing but lib propaganda and a bunch of fucking shit bag liars.

Fuck them all.

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