Garbage In - Garbage Out: Liberals Programming AI To Lie, To Re-Write History


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / generations to come.

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.


"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / genetations to come.

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.


It's a continuation of the American educational system. Was once first in the world and now probably behind Kenya
and impress those values upon the rest of us."

Why would you allow your values to be impacted in this way?
"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / genetations to come.

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.


What Democrat is pushing AI? Answer..none.
The only people pushing AI are the just and righteous conservatives..just like your free speech hero, Elon. :)

Do you need anti-nausea meds from the amount of spinning you do? :)
"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / generations to come.

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.


last nights Star Trek was, The Ultimate Computer. the m5
what a self fulfilling prophecy
When the AI's make stuff up & flat out lie, which they have been caught doing repeatedly, they call it "hallucinations".
They will flat make things up, like references for their answers.
The experts are saying they hope to minimize the amount of "hallucinations" at some point.

All AI is advanced algorithms that carry the biases from their programming into their interactions.
When it's all lefty programmers making these algorithms, it's no wonder the AI has to lie constantly to people since collectivism falls apart when confronted with the truth
"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / generations to come.

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.



And you expected something else?

"Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us."
-- Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.


If it does that, then it's not Intelligent.

In other words, as the saying goes, 'Garbage in, garbage out.'


Intelligence is self organizing.

AI programmed to re-write history as Liberals want it?

Intelligence does not require "programming".

A whole new method of indoctrination, brainwashing of children / generations to come.

A sophisticated database does not equate with intelligence

Leave it to Democrats o create advanced technology that will only make us DUMBER...if it doesn't rise up and kill us.


Democraps are incapable of any such thing.

Hanson means well but he's not very smart.

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