Galicia prosecutors open probe into Franco Foundation president’s alleged hate crimes after complain


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
PROSECUTORS in Santiago have opened an investigation into the head of the Franco Foundation after a leftist party accused him of denying crimes against humanity committed during the dictator’s rule.

Investigators in the Galician capital opened a probe after receiving a complaint from Esquerda Unida (EU).

They claimed Juan Chicharro Ortega’s remarks on a television programme broke laws which deem certain remarks about Fascist-era Spain and its dictator illegal. Prosecutors have since passed on the case file to their colleagues in Madrid.

“Franco did not shoot or order to shoot,” Ortega said.

The EU, the Galician branch of the national Izquierda Unida (IU) party, said the remarks denied “crimes against humanity” committed under Franco’s rule.
Galicia prosecutors open probe into Franco Foundation president’s alleged hate crimes after complaint

I'm not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that Franco was a stand up guy.

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