Germany is NATO Problen Not The US


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
NATO's Challenge Is Germany, not America | National Review

Polls show that in most NATO countries, the idea of fighting on behalf of another country receives scant public support. The notion that the Dutch would march into Estonia to save its capital, Tallinn, from Russia is a cruel joke.

NATO’s 21st-century problem is not the United States, which provides a large percentage of its wherewithal, but Germany. As the most populous and most affluent of European nations, Germany still insidiously dominates Europe as it has since its inception in 1871.

Berlin sends ultimatums to the indebted Southern European nations. Berlin alone tries to dictate immigration policy for the European Union. Berlin establishes the tough conditions under which the United Kingdom can exit the European Union. And when Berlin decides it will not pony up the promised 2 percent of GDP for its NATO contribution, other laggard countries follow its example. Only six of the 29 NATO members (other than the U.S.) so far have met their promised assessments.

This is the NATO that Trump inherited and that he tried to shake up with his customary art-of-the-deal antics. Trump may be loud and uncouth, but his argument that NATO countries need to pay more money for their shared alliance’s self-defense is sound. If successful, it will lead to a stronger NATO.

In contrast, German chancellor Angela Merkel sounds customarily professional and diplomatic as she continues to weaken the alliance and pursue German commercial and financial interests at the expense of fellow NATO members.

— NRO contributor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won. @vdhanson
Why NATO Matters

Russia Should Beware the Unintended Consequences of Election Meddling

There’s Nothing Wrong with a Jewish State

Putin Is Obsessed with the Magnitsky Act. Does Trump Understand?

The Sliming of Ben Shapiro

This is a very good analysis of the situation. Once again President Trump is right!
the Cold War is over..the 1950s are gone....
Russia has enough on it's plate
NATO's Challenge Is Germany, not America | National Review

Polls show that in most NATO countries, the idea of fighting on behalf of another country receives scant public support. The notion that the Dutch would march into Estonia to save its capital, Tallinn, from Russia is a cruel joke.

NATO’s 21st-century problem is not the United States, which provides a large percentage of its wherewithal, but Germany. As the most populous and most affluent of European nations, Germany still insidiously dominates Europe as it has since its inception in 1871.

Berlin sends ultimatums to the indebted Southern European nations. Berlin alone tries to dictate immigration policy for the European Union. Berlin establishes the tough conditions under which the United Kingdom can exit the European Union. And when Berlin decides it will not pony up the promised 2 percent of GDP for its NATO contribution, other laggard countries follow its example. Only six of the 29 NATO members (other than the U.S.) so far have met their promised assessments.

This is the NATO that Trump inherited and that he tried to shake up with his customary art-of-the-deal antics. Trump may be loud and uncouth, but his argument that NATO countries need to pay more money for their shared alliance’s self-defense is sound. If successful, it will lead to a stronger NATO.

In contrast, German chancellor Angela Merkel sounds customarily professional and diplomatic as she continues to weaken the alliance and pursue German commercial and financial interests at the expense of fellow NATO members.

— NRO contributor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won. @vdhanson
Why NATO Matters

Russia Should Beware the Unintended Consequences of Election Meddling

There’s Nothing Wrong with a Jewish State

Putin Is Obsessed with the Magnitsky Act. Does Trump Understand?

The Sliming of Ben Shapiro

This is a very good analysis of the situation. Once again President Trump is right!

The war Europe is currently fighting cannot be won by NATO force of arms which is the bigger picture no one back here in America wants to officially recognize. Europe is fighting a cultural war to preserve its own ancient identity and tradition in the face of mass immigrant invasion by radically different cultures. European heads of state must first fight this war of theirs with policy shifts toward much stricter immigration laws. Until they do, our President is very wise to continue the crackdown on trade and NATO spending. If the European culture war is not won by its current leadership, its next round of state leaders may not be allies of the US at all, but direct enemies of US culture and global policy that benefits the US foremost.
The UK is leaving the EU. Unless of course they want another revolution.
Germany is a joke in NATO. Less than ten operational fighter planes and their pathetic army is training with broom sticks, literally.
Would you fight for your country?


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