Gaetz responds to Nadler’s objection to saying the Pledge of Allegiance before judiciary hearings


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
For once Nadler has a valid point though likely it's because he can't stand up that long twice in one day. ;)

“I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance every day on the floor and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day, to show how patriotic we are.”

Hey Gaetz, how about your creeper ass just getting to the business of the nation instead.
For once Nadler has a valid point though likely it's because he can't stand up that long twice in one day. ;)

“I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance every day on the floor and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day, to show how patriotic we are.”

Hey Gaetz, how about your creeper ass just getting to the business of the nation instead.

Come on man…its judicial hearings. Whats the big deal with taking 30 seconds to sa it again.

Why not have any formal meeting of Congress start with the Pedge?

I like it.
For once Nadler has a valid point though likely it's because he can't stand up that long twice in one day. ;)

“I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance every day on the floor and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day, to show how patriotic we are.”

Hey Gaetz, how about your creeper ass just getting to the business of the nation instead.
I partly agree with you. Mostly about that creep Gaetz or Gaytz or whatever some call him.
Come on man…its judicial hearings. Whats the big deal with taking 30 seconds to sa it again.

Why not have any formal meeting of Congress start with the Pedge?

I like it.
Duplication of effort is not a efficient use of time.

It would be like starting every class when I was in HS with the Pledge when you had already done it in Home Room at the start of the day.
Duplication of effort is not a efficient use of time.

It would be like starting every class when I was in HS with the Pledge when you had already done it in Home Room at the start of the day.

Hey man, I like you. We disagree.

You see how much time they waste in these hearings.

I would get 3000 blowjobs a day if I could. Too much of a good thing isnt necessarily bad.
A waste of time to gain brownie points.

We already know what shits 95%+ of Democrats in the House are.
Suddenly the Anti-American Bigot Democrats become patriotic LMAO
Nobody is buying this crazy liberal BS.
Democrats are anti-American bigots who hate patriots, and they love burning flags.
I want to see Nadler sing God Bless America while saluting the flag.

The anti-Americans are Gayetz and all, the morons, who want to pledge allegiance of the flag, but on a moments notice, drop it to the ground, replacing it with a traitors flag.

Then Gayetz STLL objected to the election results.
A wormy POS.
To put Nadler's corruption and partisanship into context you have to remember that he led Democrats in censuring the US AG for NOT breaking the law...and this ignorant fat f* was the Judicial Committee Chairman.

Barr, testifying before fat ass clown Nadler and the House Judiciary committee, refused to turn over Grand Jury evidence to Nadler, which he could not do so as per the law.

Nadler, Chairman if tbe Judiciary committee, was either too stupid to know this or did not care. He demanded the information anyway.

Enraged that Barr was refusing to break the law, Nadler led a Democrat effort to either Impeach or censure (hold in contempt) Barr.

This is what Garland is doing now, refusing to turn over all information on Biden's classified clusterfuck investigation.

Hypicrite Democrats demanded Barr turn.over all the info THEN but are recusing to do rhe same NOW, as it benefits them / Biden not to do so.

Come on man…its judicial hearings. Whats the big deal with taking 30 seconds to sa it again.

Why not have any formal meeting of Congress start with the Pedge?

I like it.
It is good to take a moment to remind themselves that they are there for the good of the country. It doesn't hurt for the Democrats to to pause their scheming and partisan bickering for a quick exercise in unity. What crying snowflakes they are.

I teach at a Texas public school, and we are required by law to recite the pledge, recite the Texas pledge (quoted below) and then have a moment of silence. It's a great way for the kids to start the day, especially the silence. I don't care if they pray, meditate or just take a break from the constant chatter the will hear the rest of the day.

We once had a teacher from England who would sit at his desk taking roll during the pledge. Some kids followed suit and the principal found out about and called him into the office. The teacher made his case that he was not intending to become a U.S. citizen and would be hypocritial pledging to another country.

The principal asked if he would like the opportunity to step out during the next pledge. When the teacher said yes, the principal told him he meant step out of the building and to to the admin building to turn in his teacher ID, because leading the students in the pledge is part of his job.

Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

My wife is from Virginia and grew up in the military. On an Army base when the flag goes up or down, all outdoor activity stops nad people stand and salute or hands over heart. No exceptions. If you're driving, you pull over and get out, civilian or not.

The first time she visited our son's elementary school, she got there just as the pledge was starting. So, she stopped. Then they did the pledge in Spanish. Then the Texas pledge, English and Spanish. She was annoyed, but I said "that's how we roll."

Holy fuck.

I wonder how Nalder feels about singing the National anthem before sprting events.

It is the US Congress?

Is there any more proof needed that Nadler hates the USA?

What an awful person.

Nadler objects to members of the Sedition Caucus leading the Pledge. He's absolutely right.

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