Gaddafi’s prophecy comes true as foreign powers battle for Libya’s oil


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In August 2011, as Libya’s rebels and Nato jets began an assault on Tripoli, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi delivered a speech calling on his supporters to defend the country from foreign invaders.

“There is a conspiracy to control Libyan oil and to control Libyan land, to colonise Libya once again. This is impossible, impossible. We will fight until the last man and last woman to defend Libya from east to west, north to south,” he said in a message broadcast by a pro-regime television station. Two months later, the dictator was dragged bleeding and confused from a storm drain in his hometown of Sirte, before being killed.

Nine years on, after the outbreak of a second civil war, Gaddafi’s proclamation is not far from the truth – but as the US has retreated from the role it played in his downfall, a constellation of emboldened regional powers has descended on Libya instead. As the battle moves to Sirte, gateway to the country’s oil crescent, a potential showdown over control of Libya’s oil wealth is looming.

It was true the moment that this started.
In August 2011, as Libya’s rebels and Nato jets began an assault on Tripoli, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi delivered a speech calling on his supporters to defend the country from foreign invaders.

“There is a conspiracy to control Libyan oil and to control Libyan land, to colonise Libya once again. This is impossible, impossible. We will fight until the last man and last woman to defend Libya from east to west, north to south,” he said in a message broadcast by a pro-regime television station. Two months later, the dictator was dragged bleeding and confused from a storm drain in his hometown of Sirte, before being killed.

Nine years on, after the outbreak of a second civil war, Gaddafi’s proclamation is not far from the truth – but as the US has retreated from the role it played in his downfall, a constellation of emboldened regional powers has descended on Libya instead. As the battle moves to Sirte, gateway to the country’s oil crescent, a potential showdown over control of Libya’s oil wealth is looming.

It was true the moment that this started.

The interesting thing is, I still don't see the "oil war" that you seem to be implying. In fact your article says otherwise.
Haftar is supported by leaders of the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, who view political Islam as a threat to their own power, and by Russia, which is fresh from its successes in Syria and is intent on expanding its footprint in the Arab world.​

Russia isn't interested in their oil. They are perfectly fine with them producing no oil. Russia already has all the oil they need. And they are certainly not planning on occupying Libya.

And of course the others are there because they see political Islamic regime as a problem. (which I can see their point).

And NATO isn't after the oil, because we could have taken it at any moment.

The only group that is actually after the oil, is the tribal militia groups... because they don't have a source of funding. No one else is.
In August 2011, as Libya’s rebels and Nato jets began an assault on Tripoli, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi delivered a speech calling on his supporters to defend the country from foreign invaders.

“There is a conspiracy to control Libyan oil and to control Libyan land, to colonise Libya once again. This is impossible, impossible. We will fight until the last man and last woman to defend Libya from east to west, north to south,” he said in a message broadcast by a pro-regime television station. Two months later, the dictator was dragged bleeding and confused from a storm drain in his hometown of Sirte, before being killed.

Nine years on, after the outbreak of a second civil war, Gaddafi’s proclamation is not far from the truth – but as the US has retreated from the role it played in his downfall, a constellation of emboldened regional powers has descended on Libya instead. As the battle moves to Sirte, gateway to the country’s oil crescent, a potential showdown over control of Libya’s oil wealth is looming.

It was true the moment that this started.
It was true the moment he got assassinated for the global cabal. (by Hillary using the US government)
He was going to put the African Union on the The Gold standard..that's why he was murdered.
I think Obama was hanging out with him 2 months prior? That's why I was like "wtf?!" Now he's gotta die?
So I did some research.
Seriously Obama was hanging out with him..and 2 months later ..Hillary had him killed.
Khadafi was doing the best he could for the people he represented, now it's a shitshow.
Warlord factions ripping the country apart. I guess Obama knows his role, he never said a word in defense of the guy AFAIK.
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Back when Gaddafi ruled Libya the country was the richest nation in Africa.
The people had free medical care and university education was available to everyone, and half of the students were female.
Gadaffi had publicly renounced supporting terrorists and terrorism. And had destroyed all the WMD's in order to be accepted into the world community.
But then he made one colossal mistake. Gaddafi announced that Libya was going to stop accepting American petrodollars for its oil, and would now only accept physical gold or silver.
Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State during the Obama administration and decided that Gaddafi had to go. She then brought NATO onboard and the entire infrastructure of the once prosperous Libya was bombed to rubble, and Gaddafi was hunted down and murdered by rebels.
Sadly, today the country of Libya is a basket case in total chaos, ruled by tribal warlords fighting each other to become the big dog. ... :cool:
Another one of the meat puppet faggot's disasters. Mo was no longer a threat, he hadn't been since Reagan showed him WTF for. He bent over backwards to make sure the Bush admin didn't take a look at him, and the relations with that country were beginning to thaw. I'm not sure what the reason was, I'm sure it was nefarious of course, everything Queen Antifa and his sociopath hag Hitlary did was something with sinister intent. The results are plain to see.

The folk tale of King Midas and his "golden touch" comes to mind, except that Queen Antifa had "The Asshole Touch", because everything he touched turned to shit.


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