CDZ Further Specialization Should Be The Next Phase of USA Spacecraft


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Elon Musk's success so far with his rockets is very exciting, and this reduction in the cost of putting cargo into orbit is a huge milestone in our space program, no doubt.

What we need to develop next are craft that are more maneuverable in low orbit and can go to the Space station whenever the want and not have to wait for 'window'. Such craft would have to have more efficiency in their fuel use, which is why I think Branson has the right idea, of a space ship lifted to high altitude and then it launches and can maneuver from there.

The next thing would be to have a modular space ship design so that the front capsule can be separated from the back two thirds or more of the craft and that rear portion would be designed to be canabalized for fast development of orbiting warehouses, fueling ports and repair. Eventually a space 'dry dock' would be built so the next generation of craft can be made; true space craft that are not designed to necessarily return to Earth. They would be designed to transport people and materials and to 'catch' anything launched from a rail gun on the moons surface.

The next station needs to go at the L1 orbital point and assist in directing operations on the lunar surface. The moon bases would consist of several different type; mining bases for water and useful metals, living bases for safety of permanently stationed personnel (ie they would be there for years, not weeks), and then finally the rail gun bases that take the raw materials from the mines, forge it into something useful and shoot it off into lunar orbit so the Deep Space craft can catch it and take it to where it is needed.

These operations should be innovative enough to give us the tech we would need to build autonomous mining craft that would go and survey then tether a near Earth asteroid and bring it to our orbital bases for use. Or best and largest orbital stations in the second half of this century just could be hollowed out asteroids that already have a firm strutcture to them, like a class M asteroid, and from one of these we might be able to set up a an orbital hooks/s for Space elevators once the graphene can be mass produced.

Near Earth asteroids have literally trillions of USD in metals and other resources.

These are exciting times indeed!
We need to develop Near Earth Space mining not only because it is ridiculously profitable, but also it will enable us to nudge some of our neighbors away.

There are currently estimated 800+ class M asteroids in Near Earth orbit of greater than 10 kilometer diameter.

Hunter-Scullion also said that "the sky is not the limit" as the space resources industry may spawn boundless possibilities. As asteroids, which are also known as "flying gold mines" due to the high value of the metals it contains, Hunter-Scullion's company plans to launch a mission to mine them.
On its website, the UK-based company said that it has "every intention of living among the first private citizens of Space."
Hunter-Scullion told Daily Star Online they have been working on classifying the most valuable asteroids as well as those "most viable candidates" for exploration. After weeks of study, Asteroid 1986DA came up and the company valued the materials that can be found in it at about $13 trillion.
An asteroid with a 1km diameter and in the upper 90th percentile for platinum composition would essentially be something like £9 or £10 trillion," the young CEO said.
Hunter-Scullion seeks to find legal registration over mining of Asteroid 1986DA for a mission launching in 2027. Perhaps, the United States government can assist him with legal matters as American legislators passed a law in 2015 allowing private companies to join in the space mining industry.
According to the law, US citizens are allowed to participate in the "commercial exploration and exploitation of space resources" that includes water and minerals as NASA supports research activities on space mining.
Meanwhile, Luxembourg also passed its national space mining law, entitled Law of 20 July 2017 on the Exploration and Use of Space Resources.
He also adds that the space mining industry has huge growth possibilities as there are billions of similar asteroids flying in space that can be used for mining. NASA previously estimated that the space mining industry could generate about $700 quintillion in revenue.
There are currently estimated 800+ class M asteroids in Near Earth orbit of greater than 10 kilometer diameter.

Hunter-Scullion also said that "the sky is not the limit" as the space resources industry may spawn boundless possibilities. As asteroids, which are also known as "flying gold mines" due to the high value of the metals it contains, Hunter-Scullion's company plans to launch a mission to mine them.
On its website, the UK-based company said that it has "every intention of living among the first private citizens of Space."
Hunter-Scullion told Daily Star Online they have been working on classifying the most valuable asteroids as well as those "most viable candidates" for exploration. After weeks of study, Asteroid 1986DA came up and the company valued the materials that can be found in it at about $13 trillion.
An asteroid with a 1km diameter and in the upper 90th percentile for platinum composition would essentially be something like £9 or £10 trillion," the young CEO said.
Hunter-Scullion seeks to find legal registration over mining of Asteroid 1986DA for a mission launching in 2027. Perhaps, the United States government can assist him with legal matters as American legislators passed a law in 2015 allowing private companies to join in the space mining industry.
According to the law, US citizens are allowed to participate in the "commercial exploration and exploitation of space resources" that includes water and minerals as NASA supports research activities on space mining.
Meanwhile, Luxembourg also passed its national space mining law, entitled Law of 20 July 2017 on the Exploration and Use of Space Resources.
He also adds that the space mining industry has huge growth possibilities as there are billions of similar asteroids flying in space that can be used for mining. NASA previously estimated that the space mining industry could generate about $700 quintillion in revenue.

First, I would suggest a good course in orbital mechanics.

Then, you would see that current technology does not exist to solve the problems inherent in your suggestions.

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