Funerals, Democrats, and Minorities, Make Me Understand


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Going to a funeral of someone you don't know for the free food seems disrespectful to me. But democrat Creepy Joe hasn't a problem with it. Not only free food, he might get a few more idiots to vote for him. It looks like a lot of democrats show up at funerals of ones they don't know. Look at Slick Willie and his 'better' half, both are known as the first Black American president. How many times have they shown up at a minority's funeral for free food and turn ones funeral into a mad house?

All this seems to be working for the Southern Confederacy and the KKK, also known as the Democrat Party. You know the party that has voted against every bill guaranteeing anyone a God given right, including anti-lynching laws.

I have many Black Friends and have ask them why would any Black American be a Democrat. But they are as clueless as I am on this issue. This could mean two things. 1. They have the same moral compass as me or 2. I know how to pick my friends. A lot Black Americans switch parties in the mid 60's about the time of Johnson's Great Society Bill got passed. The bill was to end poverty, close the racist divided, create jobs and even cure the environment.

At that time when a man was between jobs his church, his family, and his friends picked him up, brushed him off, and would see him and his family through the ruff time. In turn he and his family would do the same for others. Back when all Americans had pride, self worth, and the ability to work through any problem.

Today these Democrats throw one trillion dollars to poverty a year of other peoples' money, the racial divided is wider than the Grand Canyon. The jobs never came through any democrat president or city councilman, or any democrat in between. The environment waited for Republicans and it must of worked, my lungs, eyes, and skin don't burn and I can swim or fish in more than half our water ways.

Today we have vase areas in long ran democrat cities that are worse than a shit hole, no jobs, high crime, good drugs, and a disarmed population that have gotten so use to hand outs they believe they are owed this cash and when ever they get uppity they think they are owed everything else too.

The democrats are still giving other peoples' money but never a hand up only hand outs and it's never enough to get anyone out of poverty. Illegals get job training but it will never happen for any American Black, White, or Green. Democrats are the party of the poor and they are Hell bound to keep them that way, trapped in shit holes with no way out. Then there are your democrats that are there to blame all but the guilty. Sharpner and Jackson are traitors to their race, and anyone not seeing that are as blind as the ones not thanking Trump for bettering their lives. Obama has murdered more Blacks in history than anyone. Obama was convicted in Malaysia for among other things genocide for his actions in Libya and across all Africa So why would anyone especially Blacks think he walks on water?

I can't see why any Black American would be a democrat. It's like being a NAZI Jew. So make me understand why so many Blacks are democrats when so many have been sentenced to a life in a shit hole. If anyone boxes up obama I will pay fourth class postage to get him to Malaysia by way of leaking tuna boat. .
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Plugs crashes a black funeral because he has always been convinced he's superior to black people.

Why wouldn't they just be thrilled with his presence??

Creepy and dumber than fuck.... a real leader.
Make Me Understand
Tell the truth; you have no interest in understanding. You picked your side long ago.
Typical shill babble.
No I'm as serious as a heart attack. I am beginning to think you crazed leftist don't even know why you always run and vote for the worst of the bunch. Obama, Hillary and now Creepy Joe. you know the pedophile has taken money from Ukraine and China, being all most half as bad as that career criminal, Russian collusion, bitch, hillary. and don't even get me going on that Constitution hating, enemy supporting, gay Somalian, The only thing that Bozo ever did was allowing your and every democrat's stupidity to shine. What really cracks me up is when Bozo was talking of a police force just as trained, just as well armed as our military! Dumber than dirt democrats started chanting Bo oh Zo, Bo oh Zo, Bo oh Zo! Cheering and carrying on about creating another federal police force coming to your town. Pretty stupid. Nothing to do with insane as insane takes intelligence.

Since I have ask that question many times and only receiving one answer that was delusional at best. I'll go with the most probable answer. Nothing cures stupid. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

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