Fuck you war supporters

Paul Revere

Mar 4, 2007
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Fayetteville, PA.
From an Angry Soldier
Date: 2007-04-10, 1:00PM PDT

I'm having the worst damn week of my whole damn life so I'm going to write this while I'm pissed off enough to do it right.

I am SICK of all this bullshit people are writing about the Iraq war. I am abso-fucking-lutely sick to death of it. What the fuck do most of you know about it? You watch it on TV and read the commentaries in the newspaper or Newsweek or whatever god damn yuppie news rag you subscribe to and think you're all such fucking experts that you can scream at each other like five year old about whether you're right or not. Let me tell you something: unless you've been there, you don't know a god damn thing about it. It you haven't been shot at in that fucking hell hole, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are "Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse shit? I'll tell you why. I'm a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq. My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a letter and tell me my husband died in that fucking festering sand-pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour and now he's coming home in a box.

You fuckers and that god-damn lying sack of shit they call a president are the reason my husband will never see his baby and my kid will never meet his dad.

And you know what the most fucked up thing about this Iraq shit is? They don't want us there. They're not happy we came and they want us out NOW. We fucked up their lives even worse than they already were and they're pissed off. We didn't help them and we're not helping them now. That's what our soldiers are dying for.

Oh while I'm good and worked up, the government doesn't even have the decency to help out the soldiers whos lives they ruined. If you really believe the military and the government had no idea the veterans' hospitals were so fucked up, you are a god-damn retard. They don't care about us. We're disposable. We're numbers on a page and they'd rather forget we exist so they don't have to be reminded about the families and lives they ruined while they're sipping their cocktails at another fund raiser dinner. If they were really concerned about supporting the troops, they'd bring them home so their families wouldn't have to cry at a graveside and explain to their children why mommy or daddy isn't coming home. Because you can't explain it. We're not fighting for our country, we're not fighting for the good of Iraq's people, we're fighting for Bush's personal agenda. Patriotism my ass. You know what? My dad served in Vietnam and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

So I'm pissed. I'm beyond pissed. And I'm going to go to my husband funeral and recieve that flag and hang it up on the wall for my baby to see when he's older. But I'm not going to tell him that his father died for the stupidty of the American government. I'm going to tell him that his father was a hero and the best man I ever met and that he loved his country enough to die for it, because that's all true and nothing will be solved by telling my son that his father was sent to die by people who didn't care about him at all.

Fuck you, war supporters, George W. Bush, and all the god damn mother fuckers who made the war possible. I hope you burn in hell.



I'm having the worst damn week of my whole damn life...My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a letter and tell me my husband died in that fucking festering sand-pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour and now he's coming home in a box.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. No name or nothing. This was posted on Craigslist on April 10. According to press reports only two Marines died from April 1st to April 10. They were Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Olsen and Pfc. Miguel A. Marcial III- neither one of them was married. She says the Marines told her her husband had died three days before she wrote this. That would be April 7. No Marine casualty was reported before or after that day. Your letter's bogus.

04/10/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/10/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/10/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/10/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
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04/10/2007: DoD Identifies Navy Casualty
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04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Navy Casualties
04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
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04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
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04/09/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/08/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/08/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/08/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/07/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/07/2007: DoD Identifies Navy Casualty
04/06/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/06/2007: DoD Announces Certification Of WMD-CST For District Of Columbia
04/06/2007: General Officer Assignments
04/06/2007: General Officer Assignments
04/06/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/04/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/04/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/04/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/04/2007: National Guard (In Federal Status) And Reserve Mobilized As Of April 4, 2007
04/04/2007: Department Of Defense Announces Partnership With The Florida Agency For Health Care Administration
04/04/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/03/2007: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Asia and Pacific Security Affairs to Retire
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualties
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Marine Casualty
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Marine Casualty
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
04/03/2007: DoD Identifies Army Casualty
Revere the Queer owned again!!!!!!
It's funny. Queer Revere goes around talking about how he knows the truth about 9/11 and how we all need to wake up. Then he goes and posts some obvious fake bullshit like this. Anyone dumb enough to believe this is dumb enough to believe that he has a son named V for Vendetta and that they share the same computer.
In the interest of equal time and all that...

From Corporal Tyler Rock in an outpost in downtown Ramadi:

yeah news worth reporting…. well ramadi was once dubbed by everyone as the worst city in the world. but we have done such a great job here that all the families in the area have worked with us on driving out the insurgency and that we work directly with the IA and the IP’s. the city has been cleaned up so well that the IP’s do most of the patrols now and we go out with them to hand out candy and toys to the children. you can tell that the people want us here to protect them from the thugs and gangs (insurgents). granted they would rather have peace and quit but they know that if we arent here they will be thrown around by the insurgents. a good example is this one mission we did. long story short we got blown up in multiple buildings and had to run into a families house. i spent my christmas holidays covered in ash from the mortar fire and the IED’s, sleeping under a dirty rug i found in the house. everyone was sleeping way to close for comfort just to stay warm. anyways. a family was there and they obviously didnt want us there. atleast at first. the daughters were very sick so our corpsman treated them. they didnt have electricity so we got them a generator for power, they were cold so we got them gas heaters, we got them food and water and then we gave them $500. by the end of the week long visit with them we were drinking tea with them. when we left we cleaned their house better than it was when we got there. i even have pictures with the family. they told us that they liked marines and they would help us as much as they could and they gave us some information on the insurgents in the area. we ended up catching a HUGE target down the road from there house because of it.

yeah and i got a qoute for that douche harry reid. these families need us here. obviously he has never been in iraq. or at least the area worth seeing. the parts where insurgency is rampant and the buildings are blown to pieces. we need to stay here and help rebuild. if iraq didnt want us here then why do we have IP’s voluntering everyday to rebuild their cities. and working directly with us too. same with the IA’s. it sucks that iraqi’s have more patriotism for a country that has turned to complete shit more than the people in america who drink starbucks everyday. we could leave this place and say we are sorry to the terrorists. and then we could wait for 3,000 more american civilians to die before we say “hey thats not nice” again. and the sad thing is after we WIN this war. people like him will say he was there for us the whole time.

and for messages back home. i have a wife back home who is going through a tough time. i just cant wait to be back home and see everyone. haha and i cant wait to go back home and get some starbucks. i love it when those people serve me. hahaha”

Marine Corporal From A Bunker In Ramadi: “I Got A Message For That Douche Harry Reid”
It's funny. Queer Revere goes around talking about how he knows the truth about 9/11 and how we all need to wake up. Then he goes and posts some obvious fake bullshit like this. Anyone dumb enough to believe this is dumb enough to believe that he has a son named V for Vendetta and that they share the same computer.

You have a very accurate picture of Paul
ten brave american soldiers died yesterday. the folks that continue to wave pompoms for this stupid ill-advised war should all be charged with treason.
ten brave american soldiers died yesterday. the folks that continue to wave pompoms for this stupid ill-advised war should all be charged with treason.

The terrorists agree with you

You are known by the company you keep MM
The terrorists agree with you

You are known by the company you keep MM

I know that your support for this stupid war is treasonous...I know that the majority of Americans want us out of this stupid war..... I know that the REAL enemies of America - the islamic extremists who attacked us on 9/11 - are happy that we are bogged down in Iraq instead of finding and fighting them.
I know that your support for this stupid war is treasonous...I know that the majority of Americans want us out of this stupid war..... I know that the REAL enemies of America - the islamic extremists who attacked us on 9/11 - are happy that we are bogged down in Iraq instead of finding and fighting them.

I thought this thread was over a fake letter posted from a moonbat liberal

Since Al Qaeda has said Iraq is their war front I fail to see how running away will defeat them
I thought this thread was over a fake letter posted from a moonbat liberal

Since Al Qaeda has said Iraq is their war front I fail to see how running away will defeat them

it won't!
Now about MM, I don't get this with you. A Navy Vet who I assume made it a career, yet you worked for the war machine and excepts the retirement check every month only to bad month the cause of the military the very one you took a oath to serve under. (Basis and principle here is my reference.)
FACT: Iraq was going to be a issue someday in our lives.
FACT: A war was going to happen
FACT: troops were going to die as history has talked about war and the destruction from it.
I don't know the answer here but today we need to do something positive to go beyond saving face.
And Maine for a guy who served you have a lousy way of showing any type appreciation for what these folks do everyday. I don't agree with every thing that has happened along the way. But I'm not constintantly bashing and making excuses either.
And I guess you'd feel safer if these terrorist bastards were in your backyard blowing stuff up? I wouldn't like it at all, something to think about.
it won't!
Now about MM, I don't get this with you. A Navy Vet who I assume made it a career, yet you worked for the war machine and excepts the retirement check every month only to bad month the cause of the military the very one you took a oath to serve under. (Basis and principle here is my reference.)
FACT: Iraq was going to be a issue someday in our lives.
FACT: A war was going to happen
FACT: troops were going to die as history has talked about war and the destruction from it.
I don't know the answer here but today we need to do something positive to go beyond saving face.
And Maine for a guy who served you have a lousy way of showing any type appreciation for what these folks do everyday. I don't agree with every thing that has happened along the way. But I'm not constintantly bashing and making excuses either.
And I guess you'd feel safer if these terrorist bastards were in your backyard blowing stuff up? I wouldn't like it at all, something to think about.

MM has a severe phobia to facts

Besides, he threw out his back bowing at DNC headquarters
it won't!
Now about MM, I don't get this with you. A Navy Vet who I assume made it a career, yet you worked for the war machine and excepts the retirement check every month only to bad month the cause of the military the very one you took a oath to serve under. (Basis and principle here is my reference.)
FACT: Iraq was going to be a issue someday in our lives.
FACT: A war was going to happen
FACT: troops were going to die as history has talked about war and the destruction from it.
I don't know the answer here but today we need to do something positive to go beyond saving face.
And Maine for a guy who served you have a lousy way of showing any type appreciation for what these folks do everyday. I don't agree with every thing that has happened along the way. But I'm not constintantly bashing and making excuses either.
And I guess you'd feel safer if these terrorist bastards were in your backyard blowing stuff up? I wouldn't like it at all, something to think about.

1. Badmouthing the CAUSE of the military is different than badmouthing the military. While in service, I went wherever the suits in DC sent me and did what they asked me to do as well as I could until they told me to come home. That is what the military does. They are the muscular arm of American foreign policy. They are not the people who MAKE that foreign policy, they only do their part to help implement it.
2.I disagree with your assertions about Iraq. How the fuck can you portray such an opinon as FACT (all caps)????
3. No doubt. After 9/11, a war was going to happen.... after 9/11 we were already IN a war. Does that make Iraq the place to fight it? WHy not Mexico? Why not South Africa? Neither of them had any connection to 9/11 either. I am all for fighting our enemies.... Iraqi sunnis and shiites are NOT our enemies...or at least they WEREN'T until after we shocked them, awed them, invaded them, conquered them, and occupied them.
4. I got no problems sending professional military men into harm's way.... my only beef is with the battleground selected by our president.
5.and FUCK YOU...you have obviously chosen to disregard all the ways that I show appreciation to our troops every single fucking week..... I have absolutely no doubt that I do more every month - of substance - to support our troops than you have EVER done.
I know that your support for this stupid war is treasonous...I know that the majority of Americans want us out of this stupid war.....

I am not justifying this war in any way.

But when I read that a majority of Americans want out of this stupid war I can't help wondering...

If this war is suddenly stupid, then American stupidity is responsible for the death of hundered of thousands innocent civilians. It would turn into a giant crime. A unprecidented misuse of power.

Don't you think you are obligated to fix some issues before departing? Or is it okay for a superpower to lay a country in ruins for no reason at all?

I think the American persistance in actually trying to create a soverign, secure and democratic nation is admirable - no matter what you think of the reasons for starting the war.
1. Badmouthing the CAUSE of the military is different than badmouthing the military. While in service, I went wherever the suits in DC sent me and did what they asked me to do as well as I could until they told me to come home. That is what the military does. They are the muscular arm of American foreign policy. They are not the people who MAKE that foreign policy, they only do their part to help implement it.
2.I disagree with your assertions about Iraq. How the fuck can you portray such an opinon as FACT (all caps)????
3. No doubt. After 9/11, a war was going to happen.... after 9/11 we were already IN a war. Does that make Iraq the place to fight it? WHy not Mexico? Why not South Africa? Neither of them had any connection to 9/11 either. I am all for fighting our enemies.... Iraqi sunnis and shiites are NOT our enemies...or at least they WEREN'T until after we shocked them, awed them, invaded them, conquered them, and occupied them.
4. I got no problems sending professional military men into harm's way.... my only beef is with the battleground selected by our president.
5.and FUCK YOU...you have obviously chosen to disregard all the ways that I show appreciation to our troops every single fucking week..... I have absolutely no doubt that I do more every month - of substance - to support our troops than you have EVER done.

Well folks, another example of MM's liberal love and tolerance
I can't believe you posted an anonymous Craigslist post and actually gave it any sort of credibility and expected anyone to take it seriously.

Besides that, is there any Marine on earth who would blame someone else for a war when they are the one who enlisted knowing they would be fighting a war? I don't believe there are any Marines that dumb, especially since all the Marines I know are patriotic, intelligent, responsible people.

But what I find real interesting is that the entire letter is an appeal to emotion. Not a single fact. No perspective of the consequences. If our troops do not stabilize Iraq, the lives of a few hundred soldiers is not going to matter compared to the unprecedented bloodshed that will be poured out not only in the Middle East but in the United States as well. Our enemies will not stop fighting us simply because we stop fighting. We are not the aggressors. We were perfectly content to ignore the rest of the world, but the second those terrorists attacked us our world had to change. We have to address the thread of terrorism and the regimes that support terror. Either that or we will be destroyed.

I dont want to see that happens, but if the time comes when the Democrats keep pushing the American people to abandon the war on terror and the American people listen to them, then America deserves whatever we get. Let's just hope those who are willing to stand up to evil will find refuge if that day ever comes.
I think the American persistance in actually trying to create a soverign, secure and democratic nation is admirable - no matter what you think of the reasons for starting the war.

I agree completely with this sentiment. In fact, I remember liberals trying to claim that the US was responsible for propping up Saddam and putting him in power (utter nonsense) and thats why we shouldnt go in to stop him. That argument made no sense then and still doesnt because if we were responsible for Saddam we had the obligation to clean up the mess we made.

But then I am not sure the left understands responsibility.
1. Badmouthing the CAUSE of the military is different than badmouthing the military. While in service, I went wherever the suits in DC sent me and did what they asked me to do as well as I could until they told me to come home. That is what the military does. They are the muscular arm of American foreign policy. They are not the people who MAKE that foreign policy, they only do their part to help implement it.
2.I disagree with your assertions about Iraq. How the fuck can you portray such an opinon as FACT (all caps)????
3. No doubt. After 9/11, a war was going to happen.... after 9/11 we were already IN a war. Does that make Iraq the place to fight it? WHy not Mexico? Why not South Africa? Neither of them had any connection to 9/11 either. I am all for fighting our enemies.... Iraqi sunnis and shiites are NOT our enemies...or at least they WEREN'T until after we shocked them, awed them, invaded them, conquered them, and occupied them.
4. I got no problems sending professional military men into harm's way.... my only beef is with the battleground selected by our president.
5.and FUCK YOU...you have obviously chosen to disregard all the ways that I show appreciation to our troops every single fucking week..... I have absolutely no doubt that I do more every month - of substance - to support our troops than you have EVER done.

Yet you support the Democrat plan to slow bleed our troops out of Iraq...

If you care so much about the troops why dont you want them to win?
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Yet you support the Democrat plan to slow bleed our troops out of Iraq...

If you care so much about the troops why dont you want them to win?

Whatever Dems are for MM supports

Whatever Pres Bush is for MM is against

It is easy to figure out
Yet you support the Democrat plan to slow bleed our troops out of Iraq...

If you care so much about the troops why dont you want them to win?

I care so much about the troops that I don't want them to die on a mission devised by fools. Iraq is not a 'war" that can be "won" in a military sense, by American troops. The only way Iraq will ever be a stable country is if sunnis and shiites are allowed to settle their differences.... spill each other's blood until they both get a bellyfull...decide they need to devise a political solution that divides up the territory and the oil revenues in a way that is acceptable to both sides.... the American military right now is in the impossible situation of being both the protector and the target for both sides...we are trying to protect sunnis, and sunnis are trying to kill us...we are trying to protect shiites and shiites are trying to kill us.... our presence there is not going to make this situation resolve itself any easier or any faster..... in fact, exactly the opposite will happen.... the longer we are there, the more protracted this conflict will be...the more men we will lose, the more money we will flush down the toilet...and the less we will therefore be able to do to deal with our real enemies who we are all but ignoring because of our presence in Iraq.

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