From the Desk of Captain Obvious

Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.

Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. ....t.

Not in the slightest.
Absolutely is a red herring. The issue is can the will of the people, i.e. the election of the President, ever be superseded by an impeachment proceeding. Your view seems to be never. Every impeachment proceeding is in essence the overturning of an election. Overturning is really the wrong term because it is not overturning an election it is removing a rogue office holder. What your argument is conveniently ignoring is presidential actions after an election.

Answer me this, what is the point of having an impeachment clause in the Constitution if every impeachment is by definition a removal of a duly elected President? In other words, If “the will of the people” is the only criteria that matters why even have an impeachment clause? Does “the will of the people” override the rule of law?
Well, I know he just keeps winning and I'm not tired of winning yet --- there was the China trade treaty; lots of federal judges confirmed --- I don't know, are you saying the Dems invented all this impeachment business to distract us from what THEY are up to? They're up to the impeachment, that's bad enough, I'd have thought, and they can't be passing a lot of bad bills, surely --- we have control of the Senate.

This is very confusing, this idea that Dems are doing impeachment to distract us. It can't be us doing it: we don't want any impeachment!!

Not the Dems, it is a joint effort. The Dems and the Repubs really do not hate each other, it is all an act. The Repubs could have ended this in a day, we all know the outcome already, why have the stupid dog and pony show? What purpose does it serve?

Just the middle of the most contentious impeachment proceeding in our country's history, the two sides that supposedly hate each other came together to add a trillion dollars to our national debt and pass a bill fucking around with the retirement system...and Trump whom they all are supposed to hate so very much signed all these bills with a smile on his face.

And almost nobody, including you, is paying enough attention to those bills to know what is in them.
Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. ....t.

Not in the slightest.
Absolutely is a red herring. The issue is can the will of the people, i.e. the election of the President, ever be superseded by an impeachment proceeding. Your view seems to be never. Every impeachment proceeding is in essence the overturning of an election. Overturning is really the wrong term because it is not overturning an election it is removing a rogue office holder. What your argument is conveniently ignoring is presidential actions after an election.

Answer me this, what is the point of having an impeachment clause in the Constitution if every impeachment is by definition a removal of a duly elected President? In other words, If “the will of the people” is the only criteria that matters why even have an impeachment clause?

You realize that YOU are the one who has introduced a red herring, don’t you?
I will admit your OP is a bit confusing. Your thesis is that Democrats are against the electoral college and are somehow using the impeachment proceeding to negate the votes in a few states and then jumping to the conclusion that “this would obviate the need for national elections...” This argument is bit of a stretch and makes little sense. If I have your thinking correct.
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It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumventing the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
Trump has also spoke against the electoral college. I have no idea why. Not sound thinking in a representative republic. Note the date of the article.
Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote


04/26/2018 10:47 AM EDT

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President Donald Trump on Thursday voiced support for doing away with the Electoral College for presidential elections in favor of a popular vote because the latter would be “much easier to win.”
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumventing the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
Trump has also spoke against the electoral college. I have no idea why. Not sound thinking in a representative republic. Note the date of the article.
Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote


04/26/2018 10:47 AM EDT

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President Donald Trump on Thursday voiced support for doing away with the Electoral College for presidential elections in favor of a popular vote because the latter would be “much easier to win.”
Trump was against the electoral college before he was for it.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumventing the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
Trump has also spoke against the electoral college. I have no idea why. Not sound thinking in a representative republic. Note the date of the article.
Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote


04/26/2018 10:47 AM EDT

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President Donald Trump on Thursday voiced support for doing away with the Electoral College for presidential elections in favor of a popular vote because the latter would be “much easier to win.”
Trump was against the electoral college before he was for it.

not unlike abortion
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumventing the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
Trump has also spoke against the electoral college. I have no idea why. Not sound thinking in a representative republic. Note the date of the article.
Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote


04/26/2018 10:47 AM EDT

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President Donald Trump on Thursday voiced support for doing away with the Electoral College for presidential elections in favor of a popular vote because the latter would be “much easier to win.”
Trump was against the electoral college before he was for it.

Who cares what he was against before it helped him except those like you?

Trump used the Electoral College correctly and won and it upset those like Schiff and you.

Schiff has been very clear that this Impeachment is about the 2020 election, so those like you can scream fraud if Trump win in November...

As for the influence you attempted to introduce, well you have yet to show any fake news story that helped Trump to win and again the reason why is because you know Wikileaks was not fake...

Finally, the will of the People is the Congress but remember you must convince the Senate that Trump deserves to be convicted and remove and with what has been introduced your political party has failed.

Obstruction of Congress can not happen until Democrats exhausted the courts and abuse of power, every damn President has done it!

Andrew Jackson Genocide Native Americans, FDR put Japanese-Americans in prison camps, Reagan had Iran/Contra, Clinton bombed Iraq, G.W.Busg invaded Iraq and Obama used drones on countries like Yemen, so as you can see your abuse of power is weak...

In the end as pointed out that is to make 2016 invalid and if that fails Schiff and those like you will then scream fraud if Trump win a second term while demanding the election be voided...

That is the plan!

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