From here on out, the DNC will run on fear

Blacks and Browns account for a huge amount. My God what they did to you
Not anymore. Now it is primarily Trumpsters.

Overall, across these 43 states, as of November 15, 2021, 56% percent of White people had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, which was close to the rate for Hispanic people (54%) but higher than the rate for Black people (49%). White people had a vaccination rate that was higher than the rate for Hispanic people in 26 states, while it was similar or lower in 16 states. White people had a higher rate than Black people in most reporting states, except Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Washington, Louisiana, and West Virginia. The size of these differences varied widely across states, and they have been narrowing over time. The overall vaccination rate across states for Asian people was higher compared to White people (72% vs. 56%), which is consistent with the pattern in most reporting states. However, Asian people had lower vaccination rates than White people in five states (Colorado, North Dakota, Utah, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota).
More whites are unvaccinated than anyone else.

It's true that black people are the least vaccinated population in America. This is due of course to the hyperbole and demagoguery over Tuskegee. What the army did there was criminal, but insignificant. Still, two generations of black children have been taught that doctors "be tries uh kilz dem"

The mRNA treatment appears to be mostly ineffectual. It also has severe and often deadly side effects. So perhaps these black people who refuse the jab aren't as dumb as you portray them, Klanboi.
Businesses looking to protect their employees and customers are hardly "nazis", and their requirements aren't mandates. As you pointed out, if you don't like the way they do business, you can go elsewhere. Nazis enforced their will via government, like DeSantis is doing in FL. Like they're doing in NYC (there, government is mandating the opposite).

That's the funny thing. Both NYC and Florida make the same assumption - government must decide and then force it's decision on everyone. That's not a free market. It's not freedom.

So what your saying is government knows best and all people should obey our rulers without question. Liberty through subservience. True freedom is found in slavery!

Seig Heil Herr Black!

Standard Disclaimer: This one gets bookmarked, so next time you claim not to be an authoritarian statist, we can remind you. I told you I'd be watching.
So what your saying is government knows best and all people should obey our rulers without question. Liberty through subservience. True freedom is found in slavery!

Seig Heil Herr Black!

Standard Disclaimer: This one gets bookmarked, so next time you claim not to be an authoritarian statist, we can remind you. I told you I'd be watching.
That's not a bias, those are the facts. DeSantis is opposing what the majority of the voters want,

That's a blatant lie. Of course, you do little else than lie.

DeSantis is making fools of you Nazis and so your Reich gave you Hitler Treats to learn to bleat your lies.

But unlike Xi's man, DeSantis is supported by the overwhelming majority of Floridians,


for no good purpose other than to enhance his chances of being the Republican Presidential candidate in 2024.

Florida is the best run state in America. EVEN while the worst president in history, Xi's man Quid Pro is destroying the nation as a whole.
I get that you're not real bright, few of you fascists are, but using your own words is not a "straw man" fluffy.
It wasn't even really a strawman. Just a display of ignorance. The quote you referenced didn't say what you claim. Now, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you're not a completely fucking idiot and you can comprehend basic English. Which means you were deliberately lying.

Cause that's all you got.
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It's true that black people are the least vaccinated population in America. This is due of course to the hyperbole and demagoguery over Tuskegee. What the army did there was criminal, but insignificant. Still, two generations of black children have been taught that doctors "be tries uh kilz dem"

The mRNA treatment appears to be mostly ineffectual. It also has severe and often deadly side effects. So perhaps these black people who refuse the jab aren't as dumb as you portray them, Klanboi.

Tuskegee was real. So were other experiment on blacks. Whites like you need to shut the fuck up and concern yourselvesc with with white vaccinations.
It wasn't even really a strawman. Just a display of ignorance. The quote you referenced didn't say what you claim. Now, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you're not a completely fucking idiot and you can comprehend basic English. Which means you were deliberately lying.

Cause that's all you got.

Herpaderpity derp.

We gotcha, you were displaying your fealty to fascism, again.

Tell me Herr Black, should Gestapo Agents go from city to city forcibly administering the jab?
Tuskegee was real. So were other experiment on blacks. Whites like you need to shut the fuck up and concern yourselvesc with with white vaccinations.

Yes, it was a couple hundred people by the Army, 70 years ago.

And racist fools like you have hyped it beyond all reality, creating a distrust of medicine in far too many black people, with deadly results.

And the fact - not that you deal in facts - remains that the black population is the least vaccinated in America - by a wide margin.

You need to shut the fuck up and concern yourself with black vaccinations.
Herpaderpity derp.

We gotcha, you were displaying your fealty to fascism, again.

Tell me Herr Black, should Gestapo Agents go from city to city forcibly administering the jab?
Let's look at the quote you're crowing about:

Businesses looking to protect their employees and customers are hardly "nazis", and their requirements aren't mandates. As you pointed out, if you don't like the way they do business, you can go elsewhere. Nazis enforced their will via government, like DeSantis is doing in FL. Like they're doing in NYC (there, government is mandating the opposite).

That's the funny thing. Both NYC and Florida make the same assumption - government must decide and then force it's decision on everyone. That's not a free market. It's not freedom.

Now - quote the portion that you think is me saying: "... government knows best and all people should obey our rulers without question." I'm reading it, and I'm not seeing it. Explain your claim.

Or, hurl some more impotent insults - as is your preference.
That's a blatant lie. Of course, you do little else than lie.

DeSantis is making fools of you Nazis and so your Reich gave you Hitler Treats to learn to bleat your lies.

But unlike Xi's man, DeSantis is supported by the overwhelming majority of Floridians,


Florida is the best run state in America. EVEN while the worst president in history, Xi's man Quid Pro is destroying the nation as a whole.

DeSantis is supported by an overwhelming majority of Floridians???? The only person DeSantis is making a fool of is himself.

If Florida is the best run state in America, how come it has such a low rate of vaccination? 60% fully vaccinated.
Herpaderpity derp.

We gotcha, you were displaying your fealty to fascism, again.

Tell me Herr Black, should Gestapo Agents go from city to city forcibly administering the jab?

Comparing Democrats to Nazis, calling people "liars", and posting just propaganda and garbage shows what a total tool you are. You have nothing but insults and lies.
DeSantis is supported by an overwhelming majority of Floridians???? The only person DeSantis is making a fool of is himself.

If Florida is the best run state in America, how come it has such a low rate of vaccination? 60% fully vaccinated.
You keep believing the polls from groups, that literally were formed as propaganda groups from the DNC

MELBOURNE, FL – Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of the most popular governors in America*, according to a new poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for U.S. Term Limits.

Statewide, 64 percent of Florida voters approve of the job DeSantis is doing, versus just 24 percent who disapprove. Support for DeSantis is broad across nearly all political and demographic groups.

Among Republicans, 85 percent approve of the Governor while 10 percent disapprove. Among independents, 60 percent approve and 23 percent disapprove. DeSantis is even performing well with Democrats, garnering 46 percent approval versus 39 percent who disapprove.
You keep believing the polls from groups, that literally were formed as propaganda groups from the DNC

MELBOURNE, FL – Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of the most popular governors in America*, according to a new poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for U.S. Term Limits.

Statewide, 64 percent of Florida voters approve of the job DeSantis is doing, versus just 24 percent who disapprove. Support for DeSantis is broad across nearly all political and demographic groups.

Among Republicans, 85 percent approve of the Governor while 10 percent disapprove. Among independents, 60 percent approve and 23 percent disapprove. DeSantis is even performing well with Democrats, garnering 46 percent approval versus 39 percent who disapprove.

No stupid. The polls I linked to are current. That poll you linked to is from 2019. There's a link at the bottom of your piece. DeSantis has completely blown those numbers and is below 50% now. People hate it when you don't look after their kids and parents want their kids masked in school in a state with a 60% vaccine rate, and a 20% vaccine rate for those under 18.



  • GovernorApprovalPollExecutiveSummary.pdf
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DeSantis is supported by an overwhelming majority of Floridians???? The only person DeSantis is making a fool of is himself.

If Florida is the best run state in America, how come it has such a low rate of vaccination? 60% fully vaccinated.


A Forbe article from early September when you Nazis and your lying press were still pushing the lie that the Wuhan Designer Virus was running rampant. That lie exploded spectacularly.

56.4% positive. Now, not from months ago, now. There isn't a Nazi governor in the nation with as good of ratings.

There are what, 23 states that have Nazi governors, and none of them crack 50.
Get the vaccine.

No more fear.

Easy peasy.
You have nothing but fear.

The RNA sequencer doesn't work, and you claim that those who didn't get it are a danger to those that did get it, since it doesn't work. You live in abject panic that an unvaccinated person will infect you with the Fauci virus that you had a vaccine against - since the vaccine doesn't protect your from Fauci's handiwork. So you want to force others to get the vaccine that doesn't protect you so they can be unprotected too - and everyone can live in fear!

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