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Ah the beauty of alternative media. First is Frist's Post, following are the comments:
Democrat Obstruction Weakens Our Borders
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01:10 PM - April 7th, 2006
UPDATE: Senator Frist has a podcast up on Democrat obstruction and the immigration compromise. Click here to listen.
This morning Democrat obstruction dealt a serious blow to Americas border security and to Americas national security.Trackback :
Several weeks ago, I introduced an enforcement first border security bill the Secure Americas Borders Act that would have greatly increased the number of border security agents, that would have built physical barriers in high traffic areas and utilized remote sensors and UAVs elsewhere, that would have provided for real workplace enforcement.
But I knew that 44 Democrat Senators would use every means at their disposal to obstruct an enforcement first approach. And I recognized that we must deal with the 11-12 million illegal immigrants currently living in America today.
So I helped broker an agreement that would have coupled the strong border security and interior enforcement provisions of my Secure Americas Borders Act with a temporary worker plan that gave those immigrants whove been here for longer than five years the opportunity to gain legal status but only by beginning at the end of the line, behind those millions around the world who want to come to America honestly and legally. And only if they kept a job, learned English and American history, passed a national security and criminal background check, and paid a fine and back taxes. Those who had been here less than five years would have been required to leave the country, with only some allowed back in.
Yet Democrats led by Harry Reid and provoked by the far left of their party decided to cripple this compromise legislation by refusing to allow us to vote on several crucial amendments amendments that would have greatly strengthened the border security and enforcement provisions of the compromise bill. Over 300 amendments had been filed and the Democrats refused to let the Senate vote on virtually any of them. Here are a few of those amendments on which the Democrats blocked a vote:
* An amendment by Senators Kyl and Cornyn, which would have prevented illegal immigrants who had been convicted of felonies such as burglary; involuntary manslaughter; and assault and battery from getting green cards
* An amendment by Senator Isakson, which would have prevented the creation of any new temporary worker program until the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security certified that our border is secure
* An amendment by Senator Dorgan, which would have made the temporary worker program truly temporary by refusing to provide green cards to future temporary workers
* An amendment by Senator Ensign, which would have allowed the National Guard to help secure the border
Because of the Democrats stubborn obstruction of these amendments, the Senate will not be able to pass border security and immigration reform at this time. We will not have 15,000 new border patrol agents. We will not expand the program of expedited removal for illegal aliens caught at our border. We will not have a nationwide, mandatory verification program for hiring workers.
More to follow in the days ahead.
Written by Bill Frist, M.D.
I don't understand what is the hurry to give citizenship to illegal alliens lets take step by step, I went thru the whole enchilada, proud to be a US citizen, my US flag has been in my backyward since 9/11 and ready to defend my country, in which mind fits that all those demostrators wants to be US citizen? OK to have a plan how to legalize them but first a work permit, then green card, then citizenship, and a real test for citizenship
Written by : Gonzalez, Josefa
Dr. Frist,
Please spare us the old "democrates spoiled everything" spiel. Not a single person in my large circle of friends and family (a family of stauch republicans) supported the bill you brokered. We, like 80% or more of this Nations citizens, oppose ANY bill that includes a path to citizenship cough*amnesty*cough.
You know this yet you, and most of the senate, are absolutely determined to legitimize at least some illegal aliens. Why is that?
I'll answer for you. Because if one group of illegal aliens is afforded legal status to stay, regardless of the requirements, we must ASSUME, by proxy, all have legal status. Dicks green card is real, so Janes must be also. Dicks social security card is real, so Janes must be also. Dick can't speak a lick of english yet he's here legally, so Jane, who cant speak a lick either, is also.
It is a stunningly duplictous attempt to keep the status quo by PC rules. Rightfully concerned citizens that dared to question the legal status of both workers or their employers would now be labeled as, what else...racists.
Written by : Feeney, Matt
Senator Frist,
Wouldn't all of this farce be unnecessary if the Immigration Act of '87 or '88 would be enforced?
Written by : Styka, Paul
I speak with others voices. We are appalled and disgusted with what we are seeing in the "reform" of illegal aliens. We have a plague on our hands, if we don't reform, we are spiraling down faster that we can imagine. This virus-as you can see now-is starting in our cities, and moving outward. Socialists and Communistic tactics are/have been instrumental in the destruction of our structure for many years now. WE NEED SRICT CONRTOL REGARDLESS OF WHAT ELEMENTS THINKS OUTERWISE, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republican Team Leader,
Valentino Tapia
Written by : Tapia, Valentino
the fact is- is doesnt matter if you support republicans or democrats, it is all about the power and influence of the job, and of course pork barrel projects that you get when you go to washington. with the position you have had now mr frist you should have been be able to do more than you have done the last 7 years.
take away title vi or change the language to read all "american citizens" are entitled...... make it unlawful to birth, hire,educate,medicate,house, feed and shelter illegals. maybe then there would be no reason to come here without first having something to offer, except liabilities. they are breaking the law but hey pres. bush touts the constitution when he wants to invade a country, but forgets the part about protecting our borders-how about impeaching pres bush.
Written by : dove, william
Seems to me that BOTH Democrats and Republicans are simply pandering for the Hispanic vote. Question: "What if one of the illegal immigrants that have been here working for five years is an al-Qaida operative?" "Does he/she get on the fast-track to US citizenship too?"
Written by : Kirk, Robert
Please Senator, not only Democrats , but also Republicans are ignoring us the legal naturalized citicens that fallow the law to come to this contry. Including President Bush, I feel insulted the message we get from most of Congress is yes go ahead be a law braker you will be rewarded with and very welcome. On voter that is completlly dissapointe. Respectfully Piedad Heritage
Written by : Heritage, Piedad
I am so sick of hearing the Republicans talk about how the Democrats are obstructing their plans. The true is the Republicans just lie down or cave in and let the Democrats walk all over them. That includes you, Dr. Frist. I am so disgusted with the Republican party. I am convinced that none of you care about the AMerican people are their just to further your own career and line your own pockets.
Written by : Kuhlman, B
Senator Frist, I have supported the Republicans since I could 1st vote in 1966. I was thrilled when Republicans FINALLY took control of the House & Senate and then watched as the Senate allowed the press to destroy Gingrich. And now after 12 years, I ask "WHAT have the republicans accomplished besides spending MORE THAN EVER (not counting the war effort) and now proposing to allow lawbreakers to gain full benefits of this country. I'm not sure I'm correct, but, I've heard one of the provisisions is to allow illegals to attend colleges at the INSTATE tuition rate. My kids were not allowed that luxuries and I'm STILL paying their tuition debts after the LAST of three has graduated (about 6-7 years of payments). And now you want me to continue to support the Republicans. I'm not sure I can support you any longer. I DO NOT inted to vote for Sen Burns (Montana). I am not sure if I will even vote for the 1st time since 1966. HEED THE WARNINGS. Conservatives are NOT HAPPY with YOU and your party!!!!!
Written by : LAVOIE, GUY
I have been dealing with this invasion by non Americans into our country for a cop! It has been a problem for that long.
Why are BOTH partys JUST NOW dealing with it!
Quit whining like it's a NEW problem and FIX it!
I stoped 15 in a van and the office of ICE in Nashville told me to turn them loose if I had no charges.
Well this is one life long Republican who is feed up!!!!!!! Fix it or "We the People" WILL use the CONSTITUTION to fix the GOV. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written by : Holiday, Ted
Yes, Mr. Tramel, it does matter.
I have been receiving Senator Frist's e-mails for some time but I have never commented until today. It matters. Trust me, it matters a lot.
We have laws against murder. Are we murder free? We have laws against speeding. Have you tried driving the posted speed limit (or less) lately? The bottom line is: what we have laws against, and what we actually are protected from, are two entirely different realities.
The sad reality of the immigration situation is sort of like a nice, middle class, suburban neighborhood. The residents are all very friendly people. They talk across the fence. Their children play together. They borrow tools and exchange recipies. They watch out for each other when a neighbor goes on vacation. There is always someone out mowing, planting flowers, grilling, washing a car or something. In other words, a nice place.
Then one day, a stranger moves in. He brings a large, extended family. He does not attempt to integrate into the neighborhood. He has no respect for his neighbor's property. He lives as if he is above the established norm.
Soon, there's less talk across the fences. The grills are cold. The children no longer play in the streets. Sheds and storgae buildings boast shiny new padlocks. "For Sale" signs appear in front lawns. Friendships are broken. Property values decline.
Those who wish to immigrate to America legally, and those who truly integrate into American society are welcome. However, we are not "Irish Americans" or "Latino Americans" or any other kind of Americans. We are simply Americans. To immigrate is to become a part of the American way of life. Our national language is English. We stand tall and show reverence for Old Glory. We know the words to "The Star Spangled Banner." We know and understand how to pay for transactions using dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies. This is not idealistic. Trying to maintain "ethnic diversity" and "celebrating our differences" does not weave the fabric of the USA tighter. On the contrary, it leads us to believe that the individual, not the greater common good, is what is most sacred. Without a higher, nobler, greater ideal than ourselves, we have no direction and no purpose. Self-service and individual gain are not worthy of what we are and who we are as Americans. The "melting pot" of the past was only successful because of the melting, not because of the pot or what was melted. Take the melting out of the equation and there is only chaos.
I have no issue with those who wish to become my fellow Americans through the legal means available to them. I do, however, have a serious issue with those who live in my country illegally. These illegal aliens, while they may make some contribution to the economy, consume an exhorbitant amount in services and benefits to which they have no legal right. I would lay down my life for the principles upon which this country was founded, yet, I do not think any American should have to pay taxes into a system which subsidizes the prosperity of anyone who lives and/or works in this country illegally.
Being of Irish and Scottish decent, and having studied my own ancestry, I realize that I would not be an American today were it not for immigration. However, my ancestors did not sneak under a fence to get here. My ancestors came to this country peniless and haggard and carved out a new life, a life in the land the prizes freedom above all else, and through their own determination they transformed themselves from what they were into American citizens. Those who wish to share in my freedoms, without first learning to love and to cherish the same ideals that I hold dear, are simply not welcome.
Thank you Senator Frist for fighting the good fight and for trying.
Written by : Patrick, P
I applaud your efforts on border security....
If amnesty is granted to the 11 or so million,
and security isn't beefed up, there will be
11 million more to replace them..and probably
not of desireable types.
Written by : Allen, Robbie
Does it really matter? I could have sworn we already had laws pertaining to this issue.
Written by : Tramel, Robert