French town of Roubaix hit


Gold Member
May 20, 2008
across the pond
Breaking from the BBC and Fox

Reports say that a group of armed men may have taken hostages in the northern French town of Roubaix.
Local media said the incident took place at around 19:00 local time (18:00 GMT).
Witnesses reported gunshots being fired. Media reports say the area has been closed off by police.
The incident does not appear to be related to the ongoing security situation in France following the 13 November attacks in Paris.

Hostage situation in northern French town of Roubaix - BBC News

Roubaix is in extreme northern France. right on the Belgian border
Isn't Liberal France a gun-free zone? I mean really - these hostage situations. I believe many of them could be de-fuzed a hell of a lot quicker/immediately if the bad guys are killed by the people attending, who are randomly carrying firearms.
This is precisely why I love America. I arm myself 24/7.
It's my RIGHT -
And me, and millions of others, are not going to let some guy shoot up a shopping mall or a church in the United States without resistance or death.
And it's a right that will never be taken away from any American, no matter how loud you Liberals whine.
Don't worry - we'll even save your ass too when the time comes.
And it will, with all of your pandering for Muslims.
they have a lot of guns for a place that has so many laws against them
Some of the finest guns in the world are made in Belgium. Those people are superb machinists.

If guns are banned in the U.S. Belgium will become one of the main sources of a thriving black market that will immediately emerge. Belgium will become for guns what Mexico and Afghanistan are for drugs.
"Armed Men".

It's probably those terrible Amish again!

most muslims are not terrorists.

but most terrorists are muslims.

normal people understand that and still don't want to blow up all the harmless muslims.


I heard the other day the Muslim population is some ga-zillion-billion number, and terrorists only account for 3 percent of that number! On the surface - that's pretty encouraging. But 3 percent of whatever number that was - equates to 7,000,000. So you're right - most Muslims are NOT terrorists. Only about 7 Million are. That help?
"Armed Men".

It's probably those terrible Amish again!

most muslims are not terrorists.

but most terrorists are muslims.

normal people understand that and still don't want to blow up all the harmless muslims.


I heard the other day the Muslim population is some ga-zillion-billion number, and terrorists only account for 3 percent of that number! On the surface - that's pretty encouraging. But 3 percent of whatever number that was - equates to 7,000,000. So you're right - most Muslims are NOT terrorists. Only about 7 Million are. That help?

I think we know that. but I also think when dealing with that many people, you need to be compassionate and smart about it. you can't just blow up stuff, as emotionally gratifying as that might seem at times.
Isn't Liberal France a gun-free zone? I mean really - these hostage situations. I believe many of them could be de-fuzed a hell of a lot quicker/immediately if the bad guys are killed by the people attending, who are randomly carrying firearms.
This is precisely why I love America. I arm myself 24/7.
It's my RIGHT -
And me, and millions of others, are not going to let some guy shoot up a shopping mall or a church in the United States without resistance or death.
And it's a right that will never be taken away from any American, no matter how loud you Liberals whine.
Don't worry - we'll even save your ass too when the time comes.
And it will, with all of your pandering for Muslims.

France is a gun culture-free zone --- that's why it doesn't have or need "gun free zones".

See, French culture is more into things like wine and women and good food. You know, things that have to do with life, rather than things that have to do with shooting people up and destroying shit.

What a stoopid culture, huh?
"Armed Men".

It's probably those terrible Amish again!

most muslims are not terrorists.

but most terrorists are muslims.

normal people understand that and still don't want to blow up all the harmless muslims.


Actually that's another media-fed myth. With lots of second helpings from the intellectual sloths here.

>> The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions. <<​
Belgium and French gun laws. The envy of the American left. Seems they fail....a lot.
they have a lot of guns for a place that has so many laws against them
Some of the finest guns in the world are made in Belgium. Those people are superb machinists.

If guns are banned in the U.S. Belgium will become one of the main sources of a thriving black market that will immediately emerge. Belgium will become for guns what Mexico and Afghanistan are for drugs.

In Belgium, civilians are not allowed to possess military weapons, automatic firearms, and their ammunition, concealable firearms, silencers, laser sights, and high capacity cartridges

i get really tired of leftists attempting to equate a shotgun with military weapons

by far and the most part private ownership of firearms in Belgium is illegal or at least very restrictive
Isn't Liberal France a gun-free zone? I mean really - these hostage situations. I believe many of them could be de-fuzed a hell of a lot quicker/immediately if the bad guys are killed by the people attending, who are randomly carrying firearms.
This is precisely why I love America. I arm myself 24/7.
It's my RIGHT -
And me, and millions of others, are not going to let some guy shoot up a shopping mall or a church in the United States without resistance or death.
And it's a right that will never be taken away from any American, no matter how loud you Liberals whine.
Don't worry - we'll even save your ass too when the time comes.
And it will, with all of your pandering for Muslims.

France is a gun culture-free zone --- that's why it doesn't have or need "gun free zones".

See, French culture is more into things like wine and women and good food. You know, things that have to do with life, rather than things that have to do with shooting people up and destroying shit.

What a stoopid culture, huh?

No...their criminal culture prefers fully automatic rifles for crime and terrorism. A cultural choice...our criminals prefer pistols....

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