French gun control...yeah...not so much...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
More information on the state of gun control in the country of France....apparently, even with strict gun control laws......

Hooded Men Opened Fire as French PM Prepared to Address Crime Reduction - Breitbart

On February 9, approximately 10 hooded men with Kalashnikov rifles opened fire on police in Marseille as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls prepared to give a speech on the “excellent” work in reducing crime there.
The attack led to a “lockdown… [for] some 7,000 residents in the area.”

According to Sky News, the incident happened “on the notorious housing estate La Castellane” and is being described as “drug-related.” They quoted journalist Stefan De Vries saying, “The area is sealed now and heavily armed squad teams are in the area.” He said the area is home to a “very high murder rate but almost all” of those are gang-related.

At the same time, Sky News Foreign Editor Sam Kiley added that the guns are so easy to get in the area that distinguishing between criminals and terrorists is increasingly difficult. He said the “lines are blurred” because of the supply of weaponry.


As I have said in many threads....criminals will get guns when they want or need them....and France has stricter gun control laws than the can't buy any capacity magazines, you can't buy hand guns or fully automatic rifles, hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades.......and Europe is the example always given by the irrational anti gunners....

The only real gun control tap hat is effective is locking up people who use guns when they break the law.....that way law abiding citizens, the group who don't use guns to commit crimes, aren't left defenseless in the face of well armed criminals....

apparently, French criminals are catching up to their American counterparts....and beginning to use guns to enforce their will.........and as in America....this gun violence in France is confined to a geographically small area and seems to be perpetrated by gangs.....
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More information on the state of gun control in the country of France....apparently, even with strict gun control laws......

Hooded Men Opened Fire as French PM Prepared to Address Crime Reduction - Breitbart

On February 9, approximately 10 hooded men with Kalashnikov rifles opened fire on police in Marseille as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls prepared to give a speech on the “excellent” work in reducing crime there.
The attack led to a “lockdown… [for] some 7,000 residents in the area.”

According to Sky News, the incident happened “on the notorious housing estate La Castellane” and is being described as “drug-related.” They quoted journalist Stefan De Vries saying, “The area is sealed now and heavily armed squad teams are in the area.” He said the area is home to a “very high murder rate but almost all” of those are gang-related.

At the same time, Sky News Foreign Editor Sam Kiley added that the guns are so easy to get in the area that distinguishing between criminals and terrorists is increasingly difficult. He said the “lines are blurred” because of the supply of weaponry.


As I have said in many threads....criminals will get guns when they want or need them....and France has stricter gun control laws than the can't buy any capacity magazines, you can't buy hand guns or fully automatic rifles, hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades.......and Europe is the example always given by the irrational anti gunners....

The only real gun control tap hat is effective is locking up people who use guns when they break the law.....that way law abiding citizens, the group who don't use guns to commit crimes, aren't left defenseless in the face of well armed criminals....

apparently, French criminals are catching up to their American counterparts....and beginning to use guns to enforce their will.........and as in America....this gun violence in France is confined to a geographically small area and seems to be perpetrated by gangs.....

You see, in the leftist utopia world, criminals are victims.. So don't worry about what they do... Move along.... Nothing to see here

France had 278 gun murders in 2011.

America had 11,101.

Yes, stop American inner city gangs and we will bring that number down.......just leave law abiding gun owners alone.....
Yes, stop American inner city gangs and we will bring that number down.......just leave law abiding gun owners alone.....

You mean like the law abiding gun owner who shot those three muslim kids today?

Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

And how would you have stopped him from having a gun....considering that France has far stricter gun control than we fact you can't get guns there, or 30 round magazines, or hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades, and at least 13 terrorists and criminals in the last few weeks have gotten their hands on fully auto rifles....the 3 terrorists only spent 5,000 dollars to get their rifles, pistols and grenades.....and 2 of them were known to the French government and on a terrorist watch list, and they had to cross international borders to get them.......

Then you have Puerto Rico....the strictest gun control in the United States....and island nation where you can't drive across a border with illegal guns....and they have the highest, or one of the highest gun murder rates in the world........

Criminals will get guns when they want and need them.....if this guy wanted a gun he would have gotten a gun....

But.....all of your stupid gun control laws were a success....right.....none of the 3 murder victims had a gun on them when they were attacked by the murderer with a gun.......that's a win....right?
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

And if one or all 3 victims had had a gun he might have been his tracks.....

Guess what....

What happens when the bad guy has a gun and 3 victims do not......we know the answer....3 dead victims....

What happens when the bad guy has a gun and 1 or 3 of the victims has a gun......we don't know....but from years of studying the topic odds are one or more of them would still be alive......
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

There are 8-9,000 gun murders a year in the United States....we have background checks, we have laws that state felons can't have is a crime to carry a gun or own a gun if you are a is a crime to shoot how do you stop them? Considering it is already illegal several times over for these killers to have and use guns.....
And how would you have stopped him from having a gun....considering that France has far stricter gun control than we fact you can't get guns there, or 30 round magazines, or hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades, and at least 13 terrorists and criminals in the last few weeks have gotten their hands on fully auto rifles....the 3 terrorists only spent 5,000 dollars to get their rifles, pistols and grenades.....and 2 of them were known to the French government and on a terrorist watch list, and they had to cross international borders to get them.......

I think you are a little confused here. No, absolutely nothing is going to stop a group of determined criminals or terrorists from getting a gun or a rocket launcher. You only get those guys by going after them and their organization.

The guy who shot these three kids today over a parking space, becuase they were Muslims, the way to stop him is not let him buy a gun to start with.
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

No....he would have just stabbed them to death....spending a lot less to do it too.....

China Knife Attack Man Kills 4 Wounds 11 In Stabbing Spree

A disgruntled man went on a stabbing spree in a southwestern Chinese city, killing four people and wounding 11, police said Monday, in the latest in a string of apparently random attacks across the country.
And how would you have stopped him from having a gun....considering that France has far stricter gun control than we fact you can't get guns there, or 30 round magazines, or hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades, and at least 13 terrorists and criminals in the last few weeks have gotten their hands on fully auto rifles....the 3 terrorists only spent 5,000 dollars to get their rifles, pistols and grenades.....and 2 of them were known to the French government and on a terrorist watch list, and they had to cross international borders to get them.......

I think you are a little confused here. No, absolutely nothing is going to stop a group of determined criminals or terrorists from getting a gun or a rocket launcher. You only get those guys by going after them and their organization.

The guy who shot these three kids today over a parking space, becuase they were Muslims, the way to stop him is not let him buy a gun to start with.

Yeah......and how do you do that....considering the 8-9,000 gun murders a year are done by people who can't buy guns legally......?
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

Or he would have beaten them to death with a baseball bat....

Baseball Bat Beating Victim Describes Attack CBS Chicago
There are 8-9,000 gun murders a year in the United States....we have background checks, we have laws that state felons can't have is a crime to carry a gun or own a gun if you are a is a crime to shoot how do you stop them? Considering it is already illegal several times over for these killers to have and use guns.....

We have INADEQUATE background checks and gun laws.

I used to live in a town where prostitution was illegal, but there were a dozen strip joints where you could have a "private dance' in the back room. The cops didn't enforce the laws, and there were groups that openly tried to get around them.

We have a gun industry that keeps the private sale and gun show loopholes open, gun shops that knowingly sell to straw buyers, and people who never, ever should have been allowed to buy a gun being able to get one.
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

Or he would have beaten them to death with a baseball bat....

Baseball Bat Beating Victim Describes Attack CBS Chicago

Both of those women lived. So, yeah, maybe those three people would be alive today.
There are 8-9,000 gun murders a year in the United States....we have background checks, we have laws that state felons can't have is a crime to carry a gun or own a gun if you are a is a crime to shoot how do you stop them? Considering it is already illegal several times over for these killers to have and use guns.....

We have INADEQUATE background checks and gun laws.

I used to live in a town where prostitution was illegal, but there were a dozen strip joints where you could have a "private dance' in the back room. The cops didn't enforce the laws, and there were groups that openly tried to get around them.

We have a gun industry that keeps the private sale and gun show loopholes open, gun shops that knowingly sell to straw buyers, and people who never, ever should have been allowed to buy a gun being able to get one.

What a crock......the background check system is never going to stop one bad guy from getting a gun, hasn't yet, still won't....the Sandy Hook killer murdered his mother who went through background checks.....the Santa barbara killer went through all the legal gun laws....magazine limit, bought his guns one a month, background check 3x, and registered his guns.....killed a bunch of people anyway....

What don't you guys cannot stop criminals or killers from getting guns like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report" with a pre-crime team that stops them before they break the law.........
Wellllll...the first clue that he wasn't "Law Abiding" is that he murdered 3 now we lock him up and if I had my way he would be executed.....that is how you deal with gun crime......and the 11.1 million people who didn't use their carry guns to murder people would be left alone......

If he hadn't had a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot 3 innocent people over a parking dispute.

Or he would have beaten them to death with a baseball bat....

Baseball Bat Beating Victim Describes Attack CBS Chicago

Both of those women lived. So, yeah, maybe those three people would be alive today.

They lived because he just wanted money...had he wanted to kill them nothing would have stopped him.....

Killers will kill no matter what ......but armed, law abiding citizens can save their own lives and stop the killers.....
Gun show loopholes talking points are stupid......any dealer at a gun show must do a background check. Private sellers will not be stopped if they decide to sell a gun to a can only catch them after the act....most guns are acquired through theft, or through a girlfriend or relative who can pass a background check then giving the gun to the felon who can't..........

Gun control laws do not can only catch them after they break the law.....and lock them up for a long time.....

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