Free Will vs. The Democrat Propaganda


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
No, you can't believe you have free will if you vote Democrat. You must believe that skin color determines all.

1.As is so often the case, I find myself having to explain to Democrat voters what they vote for. Begin with the hallmark of the Democrat agenda: There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility. Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race. They use two methods of proving it: one is constant repetition of the charge, with the aid of their state media, and the other is to lie about it.
They are exceptionally good at both.

An example of their lying about oppression, racism:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Ask them to produce any such laws.….there are no such laws in America.

3. But let’s get to the ‘distribution’ lie…..they can point to the number of each race, class and gender in any particular industry, profession, income group and demand equal numbers of whatever group they are claiming is oppressed.
And the simple minded will stroke their chins, and say, ’hmmm….it’s true.’

4. Hence….the thread title: either individual make decisions based on their individual, unique abilities, conditions, and desires.......or their skin color determines all.
Put another way, there is what the Right maintains is the proper course.....personal responsibility....

Or believe the lies of the Democrats.....that you cannot win against the evil skin-colorists, and they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

How has that worked out for the underclass these last fifty years?
2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race.

Not only is it a race issue on oppression it is also a class and social issue as well.. There is no free will in the world that is your imagination...
I suppose a jury of Democrat would accept this.....

5. The claim is that some groups have been restricted from their life’s ambition due to oppression.

“The intellectual incoherence of Intersectionality Theory, and its undefended and indefensible premise that there are groups in America that are actually oppressed, …As of 2018 the National Science Foundation had supported 101 programs devoted to combatting Intersectional oppression in the sciences at a cost of $62.5 million. The programs were designed to identify alleged “systems of discrimination and disadvantage” against women in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and offer assistance in combatting them.” Elizabeth Harrington, “NSF Has Spent $62.5 Million on ‘Intersectionality’ and STEM under Current Director: ‘Workshops on Allies, Inclusive Classrooms, and Microaggressions,’” Washington Free Beacon, December 3, 2018, "Free Beacon" — Breaking News, Politics, National Security issues/nsf-spent-62-5-million-intersectionality-stem-rent-director/

Are there fewer women than men in science-oriented vocations?


Is it due to oppression, or to the free will exercised by those women.

Democrats cannot accept the latter……they don’t believe in free anything, certainly not freely determined job paths.
5. The claim is that some groups have been restricted from their life’s ambition due to oppression.

“The intellectual incoherence of Intersectionality Theory, and its undefended and indefensible premise that there are groups in America that are actually oppressed, …As of 2018 the National Science Foundation had supported 101 programs devoted to combatting Intersectional oppression in the sciences at a cost of $62.5 million. The programs were designed to identify alleged “systems of discrimination and disadvantage” against women in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and offer assistance in combatting them.” Elizabeth Harrington, “NSF Has Spent $62.5 Million on ‘Intersectionality’ and STEM under Current Director: ‘Workshops on Allies, Inclusive Classrooms, and Microaggressions,’” Washington Free Beacon, December 3, 2018, "Free Beacon" — Breaking News, Politics, National Security issues/nsf-spent-62-5-million-intersectionality-stem-rent-director/

Are there fewer women than men in science-oriented vocations?


Is it due to oppression, or to the free will exercised by those women.

Democrats cannot accept the latter……they don’t believe in free anything, certainly not freely determined job paths.
There are people oppressed by the will of those in power-duh...
5. The claim is that some groups have been restricted from their life’s ambition due to oppression.

“The intellectual incoherence of Intersectionality Theory, and its undefended and indefensible premise that there are groups in America that are actually oppressed, …As of 2018 the National Science Foundation had supported 101 programs devoted to combatting Intersectional oppression in the sciences at a cost of $62.5 million. The programs were designed to identify alleged “systems of discrimination and disadvantage” against women in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and offer assistance in combatting them.” Elizabeth Harrington, “NSF Has Spent $62.5 Million on ‘Intersectionality’ and STEM under Current Director: ‘Workshops on Allies, Inclusive Classrooms, and Microaggressions,’” Washington Free Beacon, December 3, 2018, "Free Beacon" — Breaking News, Politics, National Security issues/nsf-spent-62-5-million-intersectionality-stem-rent-director/

Are there fewer women than men in science-oriented vocations?


Is it due to oppression, or to the free will exercised by those women.

Democrats cannot accept the latter……they don’t believe in free anything, certainly not freely determined job paths.
Yes they have, I myself wanted to be a pimp and sell weed, but they curtailed my free will by oppressing my interest and hobbies I wanted to incorporate. Have you caught on yet or are you just gonna play stupid some more?
Democrats whine about racism but are some of the biggest racists on the planet.
View attachment 486616

Can you provide any evidence that racism is responsible for the positions of the various races?


Why not?

until I see these race quota/equity folk demand that the NBA be 70.. or even 50% white, it’s clear they don’t care about an egalitarian racial equity at all.. they have preferred races
Democrats whine about racism but are some of the biggest racists on the planet.
View attachment 486616

Can you provide any evidence that racism is responsible for the positions of the various races?


Why not?
Slavery and Jim Crow after slavery has nothing to do with it...... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans pried the slaves away from your party some eight generations ago.

Don't dodge the

Can you provide any evidence that racism is responsible for the positions of the various races?


Why not?
Democrats whine about racism but are some of the biggest racists on the planet.
View attachment 486616

Can you provide any evidence that racism is responsible for the positions of the various races?


Why not?

until I see these race quota/equity folk demand that the NBA be 70.. or even 50% white, it’s clear they don’t care about an egalitarian racial equity at all.. they have preferred races

Democrats/Liberals believe ( I almost said 'think') that hypocrisy is their birthright.
No, you can't believe you have free will if you vote Democrat. You must believe that skin color determines all.

1.As is so often the case, I find myself having to explain to Democrat voters what they vote for. Begin with the hallmark of the Democrat agenda: There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility. Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race. They use two methods of proving it: one is constant repetition of the charge, with the aid of their state media, and the other is to lie about it.
They are exceptionally good at both.

An example of their lying about oppression, racism:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Ask them to produce any such laws.….there are no such laws in America.

3. But let’s get to the ‘distribution’ lie…..they can point to the number of each race, class and gender in any particular industry, profession, income group and demand equal numbers of whatever group they are claiming is oppressed.
And the simple minded will stroke their chins, and say, ’hmmm….it’s true.’

4. Hence….the thread title: either individual make decisions based on their individual, unique abilities, conditions, and desires.......or their skin color determines all.
Put another way, there is what the Right maintains is the proper course.....personal responsibility....

Or believe the lies of the Democrats.....that you cannot win against the evil skin-colorists, and they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

How has that worked out for the underclass these last fifty years?
Vote inclusive blue not excusive red!
No, you can't believe you have free will if you vote Democrat. You must believe that skin color determines all.

1.As is so often the case, I find myself having to explain to Democrat voters what they vote for. Begin with the hallmark of the Democrat agenda: There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility. Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race. They use two methods of proving it: one is constant repetition of the charge, with the aid of their state media, and the other is to lie about it.
They are exceptionally good at both.

An example of their lying about oppression, racism:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Ask them to produce any such laws.….there are no such laws in America.

3. But let’s get to the ‘distribution’ lie…..they can point to the number of each race, class and gender in any particular industry, profession, income group and demand equal numbers of whatever group they are claiming is oppressed.
And the simple minded will stroke their chins, and say, ’hmmm….it’s true.’

4. Hence….the thread title: either individual make decisions based on their individual, unique abilities, conditions, and desires.......or their skin color determines all.
Put another way, there is what the Right maintains is the proper course.....personal responsibility....

Or believe the lies of the Democrats.....that you cannot win against the evil skin-colorists, and they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

How has that worked out for the underclass these last fifty years?
Vote inclusive blue not excusive red!
there is a reason democrats go after poorly educated immigrants and folk in the inner cities...duh
No, you can't believe you have free will if you vote Democrat. You must believe that skin color determines all.

1.As is so often the case, I find myself having to explain to Democrat voters what they vote for. Begin with the hallmark of the Democrat agenda: There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility. Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race. They use two methods of proving it: one is constant repetition of the charge, with the aid of their state media, and the other is to lie about it.
They are exceptionally good at both.

An example of their lying about oppression, racism:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Ask them to produce any such laws.….there are no such laws in America.

3. But let’s get to the ‘distribution’ lie…..they can point to the number of each race, class and gender in any particular industry, profession, income group and demand equal numbers of whatever group they are claiming is oppressed.
And the simple minded will stroke their chins, and say, ’hmmm….it’s true.’

4. Hence….the thread title: either individual make decisions based on their individual, unique abilities, conditions, and desires.......or their skin color determines all.
Put another way, there is what the Right maintains is the proper course.....personal responsibility....

Or believe the lies of the Democrats.....that you cannot win against the evil skin-colorists, and they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

How has that worked out for the underclass these last fifty years?
Vote inclusive blue not excusive red!
there is a reason democrats go after poorly educated immigrants and folk in the inner cities...duh
They are more inclusive and less bigoted and exclusive. Everybody knows that.
No, you can't believe you have free will if you vote Democrat. You must believe that skin color determines all.

1.As is so often the case, I find myself having to explain to Democrat voters what they vote for. Begin with the hallmark of the Democrat agenda: There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility. Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

2. And ‘race’ is the fuel that keeps the party going. Toward that end, they need to claim that there is oppression of some individuals based on their race. They use two methods of proving it: one is constant repetition of the charge, with the aid of their state media, and the other is to lie about it.
They are exceptionally good at both.

An example of their lying about oppression, racism:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Ask them to produce any such laws.….there are no such laws in America.

3. But let’s get to the ‘distribution’ lie…..they can point to the number of each race, class and gender in any particular industry, profession, income group and demand equal numbers of whatever group they are claiming is oppressed.
And the simple minded will stroke their chins, and say, ’hmmm….it’s true.’

4. Hence….the thread title: either individual make decisions based on their individual, unique abilities, conditions, and desires.......or their skin color determines all.
Put another way, there is what the Right maintains is the proper course.....personal responsibility....

Or believe the lies of the Democrats.....that you cannot win against the evil skin-colorists, and they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

How has that worked out for the underclass these last fifty years?
Vote inclusive blue not excusive red!
there is a reason democrats go after poorly educated immigrants and folk in the inner cities...duh

Well......there is the vote-buying deal called "Welfare".....

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