Free Shotguns for NYC residents?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
> FREE Shotguns in New York City? Bloomberg Isn?t Going to Be Happy? | The D.C. Clothesline

Michael Bloomberg stands by his ludicrous statement that polls show 90% of Americans are for stricter background checks. What he does not tell you, however, is that 100% of New Yorkers like free shotguns. I did my own poll. If he would focus on his constituents a little more, and the rest of the country a little less, he might have known that. Pay attention Bloomberg.

Kyle Coplen, founder of Armed Citizen Project, wants to give New Yorkers a free $200 shotgun and free weapons training if they can pass a background check. Bloomberg is not going to be pleased.

I received this article today. It looks like Mayor Bloomberg will not be happy to learn this news. Someone is offering to give the citizens of New York a $200.00 shotgun for free if they can pass a background check. Read the article. Pretty amazing.
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