Free Country News: Feds raid Texas secessionist meeting

You seem to think the US needs to "simply agree", that's where your fallacy lies. I never said that, you inferred it.

No, that's exactly what you're saying. According to you the government has no power to do anything until the newly independent countries become violent. Pretty silly.
It has no power to do anything unless it's invaded.
I am encouraged that Texans apparently precipitated this thing, idiots need to have their little meetings but quit harassing public officials with this ignorant bullshit.
You seem to think the US needs to "simply agree", that's where your fallacy lies. I never said that, you inferred it.

No, that's exactly what you're saying. According to you the government has no power to do anything until the newly independent countries become violent. Pretty silly.
No, you are inferring based on some faulty perspective you cannot get past, pretty normal for a partisan hack. :dunno:
Try reading what I write, not reading into what I write. It's that easy.
As well they should, 2A. You should have been as successful as me. You are not, and you want be as peaceful and content.
As well they should, 2A. You should have been as successful as me. You are not, and you want be as peaceful and content.

If you're peaceful and content with the status quo, then why are you involved in politics (on messageboards making more posts than 20 average users combined daily)? People content with the status quo rarely talk politics...because they are content.
I said I was happy but you folks are trying to fuck up a model in which is highly successful until you freaks with your silly ideas get involved.

The difference between you and me is that I am an American patriot with fully defined American ideals.
Living in the USA is not a burden, folks.

Sure, if you're unemployed making 5,000 posts a day on our dime, it's not a burden at all. If I don't pay my taxes to support you, guys with guns show up to seize my house and car and other earned effects.
There are three valid solutions, vote in those who will possibly change the laws to represent something you want, move to another country or break the law and suffer the consequences. It's really that easy...........
Federal law can't apply in the Republic of Texas.
It was an invasion...US foreign policy at work.
They should be shipped off to Guantanamo for interrogation and then relocation to another country.
As well they should, 2A. You should have been as successful as me. You are not, and you want be as peaceful and content.

If you're peaceful and content with the status quo, then why are you involved in politics (on messageboards making more posts than 20 average users combined daily)? People content with the status quo rarely talk politics...because they are content.
Or like me and only here for the beer. :thup:
There actually is a Constitution method of secession.

Article IV, Section 3
.... but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

All the counties of a State could convene to expel themselves out of the State, leaving only one township in the original State. So all the Counties of New York could leave New York, and as long as one township remains "New York," New York would still be in the Union and the new counties would be OUTSIDE its Jurisdiction.

Erm, not quite. That doesn't provide a unilateral remedy. New York would not be able to unilaterally secede by creating a New New York of all but one county, because first it would have to be approved by Congress. Then, New New York would still be a US state, not subject to unilateral secession.
There actually is a Constitution method of secession.

Article IV, Section 3
.... but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

All the counties of a State could convene to expel themselves out of the State, leaving only one township in the original State. So all the Counties of New York could leave New York, and as long as one township remains "New York," New York would still be in the Union and the new counties would be OUTSIDE its Jurisdiction.

Erm, not quite. That doesn't provide a unilateral remedy. New York would not be able to unilaterally secede by creating a New New York of all but one county, because first it would have to be approved by Congress. Then, New New York would still be a US state, not subject to unilateral secession.

The legal method to secede is for the state legislature to pass legislation saying it is seceding from the Union. That's all that's needed.
There actually is a Constitution method of secession.

Article IV, Section 3
.... but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

All the counties of a State could convene to expel themselves out of the State, leaving only one township in the original State. So all the Counties of New York could leave New York, and as long as one township remains "New York," New York would still be in the Union and the new counties would be OUTSIDE its Jurisdiction.

Erm, not quite. That doesn't provide a unilateral remedy. New York would not be able to unilaterally secede by creating a New New York of all but one county, because first it would have to be approved by Congress. Then, New New York would still be a US state, not subject to unilateral secession.

The legal method to secede is for the state legislature to pass legislation saying it is seceding from the Union. That's all that's needed.

I already told you to get the fuck out. Go hate America somewhere else. I'm sure ISIS will take you in.
"The pretext of the raid was that two individuals from the group had reportedly sent out “simulated court documents” — summonses for a judge and a banker to appear before the Republic of Texas to discuss the matter of a foreclosure.

These “simulated documents” were rejected and the authorities decided to react with a “show of force” — twenty officers and an extremely broad search warrant."

Ah, do be careful when attempting to overthrow the government, it tends to overthrow you, off the nearest bridge. And be careful who you associate with, they may be the wrong kinds since fringe movements like this are full of nutters.
There are dangerous fringe groups out there, this does not appear to be one of them and it does present the image of overkill on the part of Law Enforcement.
Given that I'd like to get more from the side of the raiders and why they determined this style, level of raid was necessary, there could be other unreported aspects here that justifies what Law Enforcement did. :dunno:
By law if someone is not advocating the use of force or violence to overthrow the Federal government, any local, county or state government he/she/they are withing their rights as protected by the First Amendment however if they are participating in other actions that are illegal then it's a whole nother story.
No one was arrested so this has all the appearances of an intimidation tactic which would constitute a violation of their Civil Rights. Personally I believe (I have a law enforcement background) those who ordered and orchestrated the raid have some explaining to do.
4th Amendment violation.
"The pretext of the raid was that two individuals from the group had reportedly sent out “simulated court documents” — summonses for a judge and a banker to appear before the Republic of Texas to discuss the matter of a foreclosure.

These “simulated documents” were rejected and the authorities decided to react with a “show of force” — twenty officers and an extremely broad search warrant."

Ah, do be careful when attempting to overthrow the government, it tends to overthrow you, off the nearest bridge. And be careful who you associate with, they may be the wrong kinds since fringe movements like this are full of nutters.
There are dangerous fringe groups out there, this does not appear to be one of them and it does present the image of overkill on the part of Law Enforcement.
Given that I'd like to get more from the side of the raiders and why they determined this style, level of raid was necessary, there could be other unreported aspects here that justifies what Law Enforcement did. :dunno:
By law if someone is not advocating the use of force or violence to overthrow the Federal government, any local, county or state government he/she/they are withing their rights as protected by the First Amendment however if they are participating in other actions that are illegal then it's a whole nother story.
No one was arrested so this has all the appearances of an intimidation tactic which would constitute a violation of their Civil Rights. Personally I believe (I have a law enforcement background) those who ordered and orchestrated the raid have some explaining to do.
4th Amendment violation.
Okay. Now prove it based on the limited information we've been given. :dunno:

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