Fraud: Judicial Watch Has Filed an Ethics Complaint Against Ilhan Omar

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Government watchdog Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint with the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics against Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar over numerous allegations of fraud and repeated criminal action.

"Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote in a letter to Congressional Ethics Chairman David Skaggs.

"Rep. Omar's conduct may include immigration fraud. It appears that Rep. Omar married her brother in order to assist his emigration to the United Stated from the United Kingdom. The same immigration fraud scheme may have aided Mr. Elmi in obtaining federally-backed student loans for his attendance at North Dakota State University. Mr. Elmi and Rep. Omar simultaneously attended North Dakota State University and may have derived illicit benefits predicated on the immigration fraud scheme," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I guess by shining a bright light on this cockroach for all to see what she is; it's at least a nice big step in the right direction. I think she will be a one termer. She has gall; I'll give her that. Most people who know the crimes they committed would not think of running for office just knowing it will all come out.

Still want to see the perp walk though... The sooner the better.

Make sure and support Judicial watch...they are doing good work uncovering the swamp....
Make sure and support Judicial watch...they are doing good work uncovering the swamp....

Indeed. You can learn more from Sekelow's daily one hour radio show than most of the rest of them combined, and they do great work to boot, good outfit. I was asking why she wan't investigated over that fake marriage a day or two ago.
Tom Fitton is an American hero! He usually is busy in court filing Freedom of Information stuff that has uncovered massive Deep State corruption. He deals with very complex legal issues and when the illegal alien who wears the diaper on the head came to his attention he took the first step, to give Congress a chance to do what they should do. Rest assured, if Congress fails, he will expose the Europhobic, anti-American, low IQ, ugly ass illegal alien, tax cheat, etc., like nobody ever has.

Government watchdog Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint with the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics against Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar over numerous allegations of fraud and repeated criminal action.

"Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote in a letter to Congressional Ethics Chairman David Skaggs.

Da Bitch Must Go. After she costs the Democrats another major election.

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