France: Terror Attack


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
There was a terrorist attack in Paris, France. In this attack, two terrorists killed 12 civilians and two police men. This morning before I went work I got to see the chilling footage of terrorists executing one of the policemen who was wounded. My condolence to victims and their family. I hope French government will bring those terrorists to justice soon.


PARIS — As France mourned, thousands of law enforcement agents mobilized on Thursday in an extensive manhunt for two brothers suspected of killing 12 people, including two police officers, at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

The police were focusing their search on northern France, where the suspects were reported to have stolen food from a gasoline station. One of the cars they used in their getaway from Paris on Wednesday was found abandoned in the area.

Television channels carried live coverage of the search for the brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, 34 and 32. A third suspect, Hamyd Mourad, 18, turned himself in early Thursday at a police station in Charleville-Mézières, about 145 miles northeast of Paris.

The sighting of the brothers and the discovery of the car in the town of Villers-Cotterêts, in Picardy, captivated a nation that seemed to draw together on Thursday, at least for a moment of silence at noon on a rare official day of national mourning, to defend French values like freedom of the press and religious tolerance.

French police officers were also guarding railway and subway stations, department stores and other potential targets like news media offices on Thursday. Officials in Britain said they were stepping up screening at ferry ports in case the two men tried to head that way.

In London, the head of Britain’s MI5 Security Service, roughly equivalent to the F.B.I., warned on Thursday that Qaeda militants in Syria were plotting attacks to inflict mass casualties in the West, possibly against transport systems or “iconic targets.”

Andrew Parker, in a speech prepared before the Paris attack but delivered afterward, called an attack on Britain highly likely. About the Paris attack, he said, “it is too early for us to come to judgments about the precise details or origin of the attack, but it is a terrible reminder of the intentions of those who wish us harm.”

In Washington, President Obama visited the French Embassy on Thursday evening, where he signed a book of condolences and paused for a minute of silence alongside Ambassador Gerard Araud, according to the White House pool report.

The moment of silence in France was widely respected, but the national mood encompassed fear, anger, unity and, ultimately, defiance. Isolated events helped fan anxiety. On Thursday morning, a police officer was killed and a city employee was wounded by gunfire near a subway station just south of Paris.

The police said the shooting appeared unrelated to the attack on the newspaper or the subsequent manhunt, and they announced two arrests. There was also an explosion at a kebab shop in eastern France, with no casualties reported, and two mosques were fired at, prosecutors said.

PARIS: Muslims places of worship in two French towns were fired upon overnight, leaving no casualties, prosecutors said on Thursday.

Three blank grenades were thrown at a mosque shortly after midnight in the city of Le Mans, west of Paris, and shots were fired in the direction of a Muslim prayer hall shortly after evening prayers in the Port-la-Nouvelle district near Narbonne in southern France.

An explosion at a kebab shop near a mos ..

Read more at:
Several attacks against France Muslim targets since magazine killings - The Economic Times
Here is a video of one of the unarmed policemen who was executed by terrorists. It is tragic that unarmed policemen were sent to apprehend armed terrorists.

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the mosques that were fired on MAY have been fired on by muslims looking to garner sympathy . Same for the keeebob shop bombing . Just speculation but the tactic I describe has happened often with muslims and other groups looking for sympathy .

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the mosques that were fired on MAY have been fired on by muslims looking to garner sympathy . Same for the keeebob shop bombing . Just speculation but the tactic I describe has happened often with muslims and other groups looking for sympathy .

It seems like you are saying that there had been proven cases where Muslims faked attack on mosques to garner sympathy. Where did that happen before?
Really?...another thread on this?

I have not see any thread on this. At least not in the Europe section.
Sections?.....there are 4 or 5 other ones on the site.

Don't get me wrong, and I'm not against another's been a long day. my bad.


I did not scan the entire site. I looked in the Europe section and when I did not see any threads on this topic, I posted mine. Anyway since France is in Europe, I think there should be at least one thread on this topic in the Europe section. It makes sense from a searcher's perspective.
Australia with a big shot muslim imam is one case but some individuals of different minority groups stage false attacks as a way to garner sympathy or money or favors . Hey catch the guy with the gun , might be a hateful Frenchman but until he or the bomber is caught no one knows who the criminal is Vikrant .
check out 'sheik hilali' , guy is a sheik or imam in Australia . I find links to him so just google him . Its a common strategy of some groups of people looking for sympathy . Feminist professors in the USA have also claimed crimes were done against them because they were feminists and were found to be lying after investigation ,
On Wednesday, masked gunmen attacked the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killing at least 12 people. While both the motive and the identity of the perpetrators are still unknown, the magazine is famous for its controversial cartoon covers. (Today’s cover features novelist Michel Houellebecq smoking a cigarette with the caption “In 2022, I will do Ramadan.” His latest novel, Submission, is said to be about a future France run by Muslims.) While they’ve mocked everything from Sept. 11 to Michael Jackson, Charlie Hebdo has riled up the most controversy when covering religion, particularly the Prophet Mohammed—who many Muslims believe it is forbidden to depict.


Charlie Hebdo covers Religious satire cartoons translated and explained.
The two men who allegedly killed 12 people in a daytime massacre in Paris were listed in an American terrorist database and were on the U.S. no-fly list for years, a senior U.S. intelligence official said today.

The men, identified by French authorities as brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, remain on the loose in France, despite a massive mobilization of French police forces since they allegedly attacked the Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo Wednesday.

The senior U.S. official declined to say why the brothers’ information was on the American security lists, but information emerged today that the younger brother, Cherif, had been arrested and convicted in the mid-2000s on terror-related charges. Cherif, now 32, was briefly featured in a 2005 French television documentary as an aspiring rap musician-turned-jihadist.

At the time, Cherif had told a French court that the scandal at Abu Ghraib prison and the influence of a young religious leader convinced him to give up rapping to prepare himself for jihad abroad, according to local reports.

The French outlet Le Monde reported that Cherif was again imprisoned in 2010 and accused of terror-related crimes, but was released due to insufficient evidence.

Now, French officials say that he and his older brother, 34-year-old Said, both born in Paris, should be considered armed and dangerous.

French Terror Suspect Was Failed Rapper-Turned-Jihadist - ABC News
both born on Paris huh , good info thanks . Looks like these muslim murderers adult self identity is all about being a muslim 'jihadi' / murderer .
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lots more Murderers just like them spread throughout the western world I bet !!
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think that the 2 'jihadi' brothers in France have been killed and hostages freed . Same for the 'jihadi' that killed a police lady in a traffic stop yesterday . Heard that that guy was holed up in a KOSHER deli and I think they also got him , killed him . Hope that it was a Jew that got him !!
How in the world did the girl get away, of course Israel had to make it about them. the Israel PM is laughing and saying this is good, this is very good, or perhaps I warned them about their vote.

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