France, A patient had coronavirus at the end of December in Bondy?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
So the virus has been circulating well for a long time, but we were told the opposite
The head of the intensive care unit at Bondy Hospital says he welcomed a patient with Covid-19 in late December.
Did a patient admitted to intensive care at the end of December at Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) have Covid-19, when the first official cases date from the end of January? This was affirmed this Sunday by Professor Yves Cohen, head of the resuscitation service at Jean-Verdier hospitals in Bondy, and Avicenne in Bobigny.
"Based on an idea from Jean-Ralph Zahar, who is our professor of hygiene, we took over all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in December and in January whose diagnosis was negative. Of the 24 patients, we had one that was positive at Covid-19, on December 27, when he was hospitalized with us, at Jean-Verdier, "explained Yves Cohen on BFMTV.
PCR, it should be remembered, is a molecular biology technique of genetic amplification, which makes it possible to search for a biological sample for the presence of a DNA or RNA sequence. In hospital, it is used in particular to diagnose various viral infections. The patient mentioned by Professor Cohen had notably been tested for influenza.
Contamination assumptions
The man, said the doctor, was called back by the team. "He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket, at a fish stall. We wondered if it was not related to fish of Chinese origin, but she only works on French products. " The patient had not traveled and "did not understand how he was infected". Possible explanation sketched by Professor Cohen: alongside his wife would work "people of Chinese origin". "One wonders if it has not been achieved asymptomatically." The patient and his family are now in good health.
The new test was performed twice, and was positive both times. "This patient had Covid-19 on December 27, 2019", asserts the doctor. So far, officially the disease only appeared in France in January 2020. On Friday January 24, the then Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, had confirmed that three cases had been diagnosed in Bordeaux and Paris. Two of them had traveled to Wuhan, the cradle of the epidemic, before coming to Paris, and the third was a close relative of one of them.
The Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency "has been warned," said Yves Cohen, and a scientific publication is planned "next week in the International journal of antimicrobial agents". The doctor called on other virologists to also test "negative PCRs from the same period".
Un patient atteint du coronavirus fin décembre à Bondy?
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
I am 99% sure I had in in January

I went to Vegas with a group of 200 in mid January

when we got back, we had 2 dozen or more get sick

56 yr old was in hospital for 5 days with "respiratory/heart" issues & out of commission for a few weeks after that

26 yr old had a heart attack

I got real sick, wife says worst she's ever seen me

she made me go to the doctor after a week (I don't go to the doctor ever if I can help it)

I got better after 3 weeks, a z-pac with a steroid shot made me feel better, but I got a little worse when pills ran out, another week and I was back to normal

before I went to the doctor, my wife also gave me our son's inhaler, I was having trouble breathing and had a really bad dry and deep cough

that was mid January in Vegas, we KNOW it was around and more prevalent out west at the time, won't be 100% sure until I am tested, but I will be surprised if I don't have antibodies; especially with my respiratory issues and needing to use an inhaler for the 1st time in my life...
So the virus has been circulating well for a long time, but we were told the opposite
The head of the intensive care unit at Bondy Hospital says he welcomed a patient with Covid-19 in late December.
Did a patient admitted to intensive care at the end of December at Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) have Covid-19, when the first official cases date from the end of January? This was affirmed this Sunday by Professor Yves Cohen, head of the resuscitation service at Jean-Verdier hospitals in Bondy, and Avicenne in Bobigny.
"Based on an idea from Jean-Ralph Zahar, who is our professor of hygiene, we took over all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in December and in January whose diagnosis was negative. Of the 24 patients, we had one that was positive at Covid-19, on December 27, when he was hospitalized with us, at Jean-Verdier, "explained Yves Cohen on BFMTV.
PCR, it should be remembered, is a molecular biology technique of genetic amplification, which makes it possible to search for a biological sample for the presence of a DNA or RNA sequence. In hospital, it is used in particular to diagnose various viral infections. The patient mentioned by Professor Cohen had notably been tested for influenza.
Contamination assumptions
The man, said the doctor, was called back by the team. "He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket, at a fish stall. We wondered if it was not related to fish of Chinese origin, but she only works on French products. " The patient had not traveled and "did not understand how he was infected". Possible explanation sketched by Professor Cohen: alongside his wife would work "people of Chinese origin". "One wonders if it has not been achieved asymptomatically." The patient and his family are now in good health.
The new test was performed twice, and was positive both times. "This patient had Covid-19 on December 27, 2019", asserts the doctor. So far, officially the disease only appeared in France in January 2020. On Friday January 24, the then Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, had confirmed that three cases had been diagnosed in Bordeaux and Paris. Two of them had traveled to Wuhan, the cradle of the epidemic, before coming to Paris, and the third was a close relative of one of them.
The Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency "has been warned," said Yves Cohen, and a scientific publication is planned "next week in the International journal of antimicrobial agents". The doctor called on other virologists to also test "negative PCRs from the same period".
Un patient atteint du coronavirus fin décembre à Bondy?
this thing has been around longer than anyone realizes, and that is true everywhere

thanks for the great insight and info

I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
It is possible, around me several people were sick this winter but we could not really tell the difference between a flu and the coronavirus, I also think that if the coronavirus has been around since December many more people have been infected but they haven't been tested either
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
I am 99% sure I had in in January

I went to Vegas with a group of 200 in mid January

when we got back, we had 2 dozen or more get sick

56 yr old was in hospital for 5 days with "respiratory/heart" issues & out of commission for a few weeks after that

26 yr old had a heart attack

I got real sick, wife says worst she's ever seen me

she made me go to the doctor after a week (I don't go to the doctor ever if I can help it)

I got better after 3 weeks, a z-pac with a steroid shot made me feel better, but I got a little worse when pills ran out, another week and I was back to normal

before I went to the doctor, my wife also gave me our son's inhaler, I was having trouble breathing and had a really bad dry and deep cough

that was mid January in Vegas, we KNOW it was around and more prevalent out west at the time, won't be 100% sure until I am tested, but I will be surprised if I don't have antibodies; especially with my respiratory issues and needing to use an inhaler for the 1st time in my life...
It is horrible to experience such suffering especially that it is much more serious than a flu. In France, the French government from the start they kept telling us that it was a small flu. a loved one also had horrible symptoms for two weeks believing it was a flu he took a Humex anti flu shot and he felt much better after
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
It is possible, around me several people were sick this winter but we could not really tell the difference between a flu and the coronavirus, I also think that if the coronavirus has been around since December many more people have been infected but they haven't been tested either
The main thing was the loss of taste and smell and the extreme pain along with extreme sinus pressure and pain with on sinus swelling an eye shut.
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
It is possible, around me several people were sick this winter but we could not really tell the difference between a flu and the coronavirus, I also think that if the coronavirus has been around since December many more people have been infected but they haven't been tested either
The main thing was the loss of taste and smell and the extreme pain along with extreme sinus pressure and pain with on sinus swelling an eye shut.
Oui, the loss of taste and smell is one of the mysterious symptoms of coronavirus. there is also this rarer but also mysterious symptom
Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery.
A Medical Mystery
Around the world, doctors caring for COVID-19 patients have been trying to make sense of the same thing. When they draw blood from COVID patients, it clots in the tubes. When nurses insert catheters for kidney dialysis and IV lines to draw blood, the tubes quickly become clogged with clots.
“Patients are making clots all over the place,” says Adam Cuker, MD, a hematologist and associate professor of medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “That’s making management of these patients very challenging.”

Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
It is possible, around me several people were sick this winter but we could not really tell the difference between a flu and the coronavirus, I also think that if the coronavirus has been around since December many more people have been infected but they haven't been tested either
The main thing was the loss of taste and smell and the extreme pain along with extreme sinus pressure and pain with on sinus swelling an eye shut.
Oui, the loss of taste and smell is one of the mysterious symptoms of coronavirus. there is also this rarer but also mysterious symptom
Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery.
A Medical Mystery
Around the world, doctors caring for COVID-19 patients have been trying to make sense of the same thing. When they draw blood from COVID patients, it clots in the tubes. When nurses insert catheters for kidney dialysis and IV lines to draw blood, the tubes quickly become clogged with clots.
“Patients are making clots all over the place,” says Adam Cuker, MD, a hematologist and associate professor of medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “That’s making management of these patients very challenging.”

Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery
I had not heard that, scary stuff

question has the typical Frenchman's attitude towards China changed at all over this thing?
I could have sworn I had it in December to Janurary.
It is possible, around me several people were sick this winter but we could not really tell the difference between a flu and the coronavirus, I also think that if the coronavirus has been around since December many more people have been infected but they haven't been tested either
The main thing was the loss of taste and smell and the extreme pain along with extreme sinus pressure and pain with on sinus swelling an eye shut.
Oui, the loss of taste and smell is one of the mysterious symptoms of coronavirus. there is also this rarer but also mysterious symptom
Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery.
A Medical Mystery
Around the world, doctors caring for COVID-19 patients have been trying to make sense of the same thing. When they draw blood from COVID patients, it clots in the tubes. When nurses insert catheters for kidney dialysis and IV lines to draw blood, the tubes quickly become clogged with clots.
“Patients are making clots all over the place,” says Adam Cuker, MD, a hematologist and associate professor of medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “That’s making management of these patients very challenging.”

Blood Clots Are Another Dangerous COVID-19 Mystery
I had not heard that, scary stuff

question has the typical Frenchman's attitude towards China changed at all over this thing?
I would say more yes, there is anger towards the Chinese especially for having as usual hide the truth from the start.

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