Fox Reporter's Wife Subject To Racist Slurs From The Left


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The bigotry of the left is staggering in its monstrosity...

Fox News Reporter Responds to 'Bigoted' Slurs about His Interracial Marriage | National Review Online

Adam Housley, a Fox News correspondent out of Los Angeles, lashed out at people who have maded racially insensitive remarks toward him and his wife, calling their comments and views “pathetic.” Housley, who is white, is married to actress Tamera Mowry, who is black.

On Monday, Mowry told Oprah Winfrey that she has received “hurtful” remarks about her marriage to Housley, including people calling her a “white man’s whore.” “People choose to look past love and spew hate,” she said. Mowry added that her twin sister Tia has been called a “true black woman” because she married a black man.

When asked about the verbal attacks on his wife, Housley said that the targeting slurs ”is beyond sad.”

“The problem isn’t pigmentation . . . the problem is backwards, bigoted thought from people who should know better,” he told TVNewser.

Mowry and Housley married in 2011, and welcomed a son a year later.
The left just wants something to hate. Anyone who identifies as conservative is not subject to their tolerance rhetoric they preach and demand
The left just wants something to hate. Anyone who identifies as conservative is not subject to their tolerance rhetoric they preach and demand

left, schmeft.

dimocraps are the political descendants of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

They don't care that you're Conservative or Patriotic or White or Brown or Pink with Purple polka-dots...

They only care if you disagree with them.
Sadly, I doubt that racism will ever die. We are not born hating a person for the pigmentation of their skin, it is learned from the parents, family members and peers we associate with.
How do you know these anonymous people are left?

How interesting that there's no mention whatsoever of lefties or liberals in the article. And that it's Oprah, a liberal, who is sympathizing.


Yeah, because Patriotic Americans and Conservatives who are members of the Party that Freed Black People from dimocrap scum routinely attack FNC reporters and their wives.

Go to the Bank, withdraw ALL your money and buy a fucking clue.

What a dumbfuck you are..

Larry Elder: Tamera Mowry-Housley ?not alone?; Sick lib bigotry flashbacks | Twitchy
How do you know these anonymous people are left?

How interesting that there's no mention whatsoever of lefties or liberals in the article. And that it's Oprah, a liberal, who is sympathizing.


Yeah, because Patriotic Americans and Conservatives who are members of the Party that Freed Black People from dimocrap scum routinely attack FNC reporters and their wives.

Go to the Bank, withdraw ALL your money and buy a fucking clue.

What a dumbfuck you are..

Larry Elder: Tamera Mowry-Housley ?not alone?; Sick lib bigotry flashbacks | Twitchy

Your links are hilarious
How interesting that there's no mention whatsoever of lefties or liberals in the article. And that it's Oprah, a liberal, who is sympathizing.


Yeah, because Patriotic Americans and Conservatives who are members of the Party that Freed Black People from dimocrap scum routinely attack FNC reporters and their wives.

Go to the Bank, withdraw ALL your money and buy a fucking clue.

What a dumbfuck you are..

Larry Elder: Tamera Mowry-Housley ?not alone?; Sick lib bigotry flashbacks | Twitchy

Your links are hilarious

Why isn't the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM reporting on it?

The woman told Queen Oprah of Fatass that it was from the 'Black Community'.

Isn't that enough for you or do you want God Almighty Himself to come down and turn you into a pile of shit....

Too late
Yeah, because Patriotic Americans and Conservatives who are members of the Party that Freed Black People from dimocrap scum routinely attack FNC reporters and their wives.

Go to the Bank, withdraw ALL your money and buy a fucking clue.

What a dumbfuck you are..

Larry Elder: Tamera Mowry-Housley ?not alone?; Sick lib bigotry flashbacks | Twitchy

Your links are hilarious

Why isn't the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM reporting on it?

The woman told Queen Oprah of Fatass that it was from the 'Black Community'.

Isn't that enough for you or do you want God Almighty Himself to come down and turn you into a pile of shit....

Too late

I thought Oprah is the LSM? You cons and your nonsense is really hard to keep track of sometimes
How do you know these anonymous people are left? especially with Fox's record of false stories.

Hey, when leftists spout stuff like that against Mia Love, Herman Cain, Allen West or Deneen Borelli (who's husband Tom Borelli is also white); you know they're leftists. To add to it all, he's a Fox reporter.

You really lack any deductive reasoning skills, don't you?
And upon taking a closer look at Deneen Borelli, she was blacklisted from the NAACP convention last June. Her husband, Tom is white. This incident with Ms. Mowry has similar undertones. Liberals tout this racial tolerance line, but such tolerance only extends to those of liberal leanings. This behavior is not as confined as you think.
And upon taking a closer look at Deneen Borelli, she was blacklisted from the NAACP convention last June. Her husband, Tom is white. This incident with Ms. Mowry has similar undertones. Liberals tout this racial tolerance line, but such tolerance only extends to those of liberal leanings. This behavior is not as confined as you think.

There was no room for their booth. Any claim of blacklisting is complete speculation. Not that I particularly like the NAACP or anything.
And upon taking a closer look at Deneen Borelli, she was blacklisted from the NAACP convention last June. Her husband, Tom is white. This incident with Ms. Mowry has similar undertones. Liberals tout this racial tolerance line, but such tolerance only extends to those of liberal leanings. This behavior is not as confined as you think.

There was no room for their booth. Any claim of blacklisting is complete speculation. Not that I particularly like the NAACP or anything.

Yeah, right

[ame=]Black conservative Deneen Borelli Blacklisted from NAACP Convention - YouTube[/ame]

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