FOX photo journalist killed in Ukraine

So, is Carlson going to blame the United States again? He is the best mouth piece that Pootin can wish for.
I was going to call ole JimH52 a tool, but I have come to the conclusion that he wouldn't even make a good flat head screwdriver...
Total waste of time...
I hope he recovers as well as one can with those injuries but tooling around in a combat zone has the associated risks involved with that endeavor.

I do call into question the reporting that they were fired upon intentionally because they were a news crew. Maybe, maybe not.
I was going to call ole JimH52 a tool, but I have come to the conclusion that he wouldn't even make a good flat head screwdriver...
Total waste of time... will Vladimir Carlson handle a FOX associate being killed in the war that he blames on the US? Will he ignore it or blame the US...again? Does he have a direct line to Pootin?
I hope he recovers as well as one can with those injuries but tooling around in a combat zone has the associated risks involved with that endeavor.

I do call into question the reporting that they were fired upon intentionally because they were a news crew. Maybe, maybe not.
Pootin's army has failed. His tanks and much of his army has stalled. He is relying on long distance targeting, which in many cases are fired at random targets. His practice in Syria and in Chechnya give an idea of what a cold killer that he is.

Pootin's army has failed. His tanks and much of his army has stalled. He is relying on long distance targeting, which in many cases are fired at random targets. His practice in Syria and in Chechnya give an idea of what a cold killer that he is.

:th_Back_2_Topic_2: JimH52 Can't get any milage out of a dead journalist so you decide to be a War Umpire?

Useless tool...
Pootin's army has failed. His tanks and much of his army has stalled. He is relying on long distance targeting, which in many cases are fired at random targets. His practice in Syria and in Chechnya give an idea of what a cold killer that he is.

What the blue fuck does that have to do with my post?

Whoo! Short bus much?
Pootin's army has failed. His tanks and much of his army has stalled. He is relying on long distance targeting, which in many cases are fired at random targets. His practice in Syria and in Chechnya give an idea of what a cold killer that he is.

Running on empty is the rumor...aka ammo. The Ukraine fighters say to Putin "Welcome to HELL"

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