Fox News had projected an even split with both Democrats and Republicans holding 48 Senate seats after the election


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Per this article below.

Oh my, will the GOP Establishment suddenly care? I wonder how disenfranchised Trump supporters are to NOT vote again, certainly in GA, Abrams will be working hard to get out the black vote.

They spend $100M in S.Carolina and Kentucky, how much will they spend in a run off? $500M? You can bet Dem operatives will be in any run off state discouraging Trump supporters.

From the article below:

The president was referring to Perdue’s closely watched Senate race in Georgia against Jon Ossoff, a Democrat who has been making gains on the Republican's vote count. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that it appeared the two were headed to a runoff.

Fox News had projected an even split with both Democrats and Republicans holding 48 Senate seats after the election. Along with North Carolina's Senate race, Georgia's will be critical for each side achieving control of the upper chamber of Congress.

James' campaign ended in a narrow defeat in what turned out to be one of the tightest Senate races in the country against incumbent Michigan Democrat Sen. Gary Peters.

James said in a statement, “While Senator Peters is currently ahead, I have deep concerns that millions of Michiganders may have been disenfranchised by a dishonest few who cheat. While not everyone wins in an election, voters must be confident that the election was fair and honest. Failure to do so, is the end of democracy.”
Tillis needs to win, and then both GOP senators from GA, then the dems pick up 1-seat, not the 3-needed if Biden wins.
The House is in-play too.
As I understand it, the current status in the Senate races is at 48-48, assuming that Kelly did in fact beat McSally in Arizona. Which leaves 4 uncalled Senate races to go: one in Alaska, one in North Carolina, and 2 in Georgia. The race in Alaska and the one in NC appear to be going to the GOP but for whatever reason have not been called. A recount is probable in Georgia, and those 2 races could go in for a runoff in January. Georgia is normally a red state and one might think at least one of those races will go to the GOP, BUT you can bet your ass that the Dems will be pouring big money into those runoff elections, cuz if the Dems win both of those Georgia seats and Biden ends up in the WH then the Dems have a majority in the Senate with the VP breaking the 50-50 tie.

Now - it appears that a recount will be done in Georgia, and if so it is possible that one of those Senate races (Perdue) may avoid a runoff if he gets 50% of the vote. Right now he's really close, we'll see how it goes there. Or maybe the Dems pull off a surprise in AL or NC. But assuming that Biden wins, all they need is 2 or those 4 uncalled seats. IOW, it ain't over in the Senate either.

My take: if Biden wins and the Dems get their 50 Senate seats then this country will be in very big trouble. There will be an immediate push of gigantic proportions to kill the filibuster, meaning that the Senate Dems can do anything they want with only 50 votes if the filibuster is totally abolished. And that IMHO would be a disaster for America, cuz then all these off the wall Far Left programs and policies would be in play. Would any democrat senator have the balls to say no? I hope so if it comes to that, but that person will be put under ENORMOUS pressure to cave in. Until and unless a 3rd party comes along that is robust enough to garner enough seats to preclude either party from reaching 50 seats, compromise and cooperation in the Congress would be destroyed forever. Once the filibuster is gone, it's gone for good and no majority party is going to give it up.
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