Fox News - Best Year Ever...!!

OMG Pogo is stupid

Pogo, ALL THREE networks carried coverage of the Turkey bombing. Same fucking story, same blood. Which do you think attracted the most viewers? Oh that's right, no doubt it was FOX NEWS because viewers APPROVE of the way they present the same news over the way the other two cable news networks do.


No, Dumbass. There's no "approval" in simple numbers.

How many of the public "approve" of fake wrestling? Well it runs away with ratings. Explain that.
How many people "approve of" the details of how Michael Jackson or Prince died? Well they run rampant with coverage too so there must be a whole lotta "approvin'" goin' on.
Why is all this traffic slowed to a crawl and it turns out to be a car flipped over? Because they "approve of" cars flipping over?

Fucking idiot.

Once again, "If it bleeds it leads". Figure it out.

I don't make the laws of psychological manipulation. I just point out what's going on. You want to walk around them with your head obediently up your ass, that's your problem.

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