When will tax payers get tired of the GOP-igs wasting their hard earned money?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!
We could have done 130 Clinton investigation just with the money Obama wasted in paying Michael/Michelle old classmate to develop the world's only website that can't even tell you when someone bought your product
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!
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7 mil and you white fucks could give a damn.....5 mil on Obama care and you white fucks could give a damn, but let a nigga get 127 in food stamps and you white fuck nuts have a fit.....LOLOLOLOLOLO
I am very tired of republicans wasting huge amounts of tax dollars.
I am also very tired of democrats wasting huge amounts of tax dollars.

But what I am most tired of is both sides pretending that it is all the fault of the other party.
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
i aint considered white....im darker than most of the Mexicans i live among...but thanks anyway....
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
i aint considered white....im darker than most of the Mexicans i live among...but thanks anyway....
Please don't tell me you use the same tanner as Trump....cause if I see one more Red lobster looking white fuck, I'm gonna puke!!
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

I'm sure they will get sick of the Reps spending their money just as soon as they get sick of the Dems doing the same.

Its a win, win for the taxpayer.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

I'm sure they will get sick of the Reps spending their money just as soon as they get sick of the Dems doing the same.

Its a win, win for the taxpayer.
8 hearings on this shit, 12 hearings on ACA....do tell what hearings have the dems had for the last umpteeth years....lie to me, son, lie to me!! Tell me some of them lies so I can forget about the truth!!
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
We pay for your food stamps, ni#ger.
Since I can't bring up family members here, I will say this...dollar bet there's quite a few nigga's in ya family...just saying, cuz!! LOLOLOLOLO
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
We pay for your food stamps, ni#ger.
Since I can't bring up family members here, I will say this...dollar bet there's quite a few nigga's in ya family...just saying, cuz!! LOLOLOLOLO
Yeah but they wouldn't be a crazy lefty loon like yourself, and I bet they would be self sufficient.
Hey liberals, if Obama would make his buddy Sharpton pay his back taxes. Most of the money used to investigate bengazi would be paid for. Or if Hillary, Obama, and Rice didn't lie In the first place. There wouldn't of been an investigation.

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