Fox lies even more than I thought- When THEY reported it was the Video

From link:

MEGYN KELLY: As news broke of the attack here at home, the Obama administration immediately and repeatedly blamed the deadly assault on protesters outraged over an anti-Mohammed video, made by a filmmaker in California.


KELLY: The media investigated and the story began to fall apart. It was revealed that there were no protests in Benghazi that night and this was, indeed, a pre-planned terrorist attack. Mrs. Clinton's State Department was investigated repeatedly. And while it became clear that the video was not to blame, no smoking gun proving deceit was ever found. And then it emerged that Mrs. Clinton had been withholding evidence. In all of the investigations, she never turned over her own emails. Not from her time at State, not from her days dealing with Benghazi. The committee now investigating the Benghazi attack demanded those emails and her testimony. And today, for the first time, we heard Mrs. Clinton's truth, at least in the hours right after the attack, what she really believed as she told the public a video was to blame. And the truth is, that what Mrs. Clinton said publicly was very different from what she claimed privately. She knew that this attack had nothing to do with a video, nor with a protest. That it was a pre-planned terrorist attack and she said she knew it. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 10/22/15]

But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired The Attack
Greta Van Susteren: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story that cited an anti-Islam video as a trigger for the Benghazi attack:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert." An American consulate worker murdered and at least one other wounded in the American consulate in Libya, that according to the Libyan security officials. The Associated Press is now reporting the American was shot to death when gunmen stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and clashed with security forces.

And there is more violence against America tonight, this time in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. They climbed the embassy walls, they ripped down our American flag, they burned our flag, and then they replaced our flag at our embassy with a black Islamist flag!

According to the A.P., both attacks were triggered by a movie produced in the United States that protesters say is anti-Muslim. The AP further reports that movie was made by an anti-Muslim extremist. "On the Record" is tracking these breaking news stories and will bring you developments throughout the hour.


VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert," an American State Department officer killed in Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now confirming the killing at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At least one other person was reportedly wounded after gunmen stormed the consulate. There are also reports of looting.

And there is even more violence tonight in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. According to the Associated Press, both attacks were triggered by an anti-Muslim film produced here in the United States. [Fox News, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 9/11/12, via Nexis]

Fox's Bret Baier: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Baier reported that there was a "protest over the video" in Benghazi:

BAIER: There was also protest over the video at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Report says an armed mob set fire to that building. [Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, 9/11/12]

Fox's Dana Perino: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Fox host Dana Perino explained that there were many protests occurring throughout the Middle East and North Africa over the anti-Islam video, and blamed a protest over the video for the death of Americans in Benghazi:
Of course Fox tries to help th Clintons!!

It is harder to play sycophantic stooge than wide eyed nutjob. Plus when the Clintons have a Snafu, they can rave about it and drive up ratings. Hard to do when a Republican sits in the Oval office.

Fox want a Democrat in the White house. That is their bread, butter and occassional Chardonnay!!

See how wonderful Capitalism ensures the fair use of the free press?
Of course Fox tries to help th Clintons!!

It is harder to play sycophantic stooge than wide eyed nutjob. Plus when the Clintons have a Snafu, they can rave about it and drive up ratings. Hard to do when a Republican sits in the Oval office.

Fox want a Democrat in the White house. That is their bread, butter and occassional Chardonnay!!

See how wonderful Capitalism ensures the fair use of the free press?

I gotta say - its a hoot watching the RW heads explode as they run backwards away from fox.

Any dupes care your propaganda service is a total disgrace? Jeesh.

awwwww stop being such a Shirley!!!:gay::gay::eusa_dance:

Typical progressive trying change the narrative because he is suddenly loSinG!!!:up:


So, you're saying that fox is "liberal" because they "changed their narrative because they're losing"?

No--Fox is a greedy corporation that focus on making Big Bucks.

Remember Fox "News" isn't real news!! But they know how to make real profits!!

In public, they profess their love for conservatives!!
In private, they are having amazing intercourse with liberals!

That is Fox. The equivalent of a dick-pic tweet was seen during the first debate. Fox caught pleasing the Leftist base for ratings. Disgusting!!

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