Fox journalists can't figure it out....


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Watch A Child Dismantle Fox's Panic Over Gender-Neutral Restrooms


They can't figure out what the half blue and half red person is supposed to be....... I mean.... really?
Children don't understand what this really means.

Well it would seem that adults don't either. The only difference is that children don't care. They'll accept anything, it's the adults who have learned to but not accepting.
Children don't understand what this really means.

Well it would seem that adults don't either. The only difference is that children don't care. They'll accept anything, it's the adults who have learned to but not accepting.

Like the way liberals can't suss out the simple meaning of "shall not be infringed"?

You keep on yelling liberals as if you know any, don't think many live in flyover rube town county that is inbred socially, culturally and intellectually
You keep on yelling liberals as if you know any, don't think many live in flyover rube town county that is inbred socially, culturally and intellectually
For a second I thought I heard the angry screech of a forgotten old man that desperately yearns to get a rise out of make anyone as angry and miserable as he is...repeating the same tired wail over and over like a broken record... but he's constantly and consistently ignored.

Must have been the wind...
Children don't understand what this really means.

Well it would seem that adults don't either. The only difference is that children don't care. They'll accept anything, it's the adults who have learned to but not accepting.

Like the way liberals can't suss out the simple meaning of "shall not be infringed"?

You keep on yelling liberals as if you know any, don't think many live in flyover rube town county that is inbred socially, culturally and intellectually
You mean I can't tell them apart by their positions on gay marriage, transgenders, big government and abortion? Or their moral relativism? Or their normalization of deviance? Or their external locus of control? Or their multiculturalism? Or their practice of indiscriminate indiscriminateness for everything but their beliefs? Or their animosity towards religion? Or their social movements? Or their denial of science when it suits their purpose?
Children don't understand what this really means.

Well it would seem that adults don't either. The only difference is that children don't care. They'll accept anything, it's the adults who have learned to but not accepting.

Like the way liberals can't suss out the simple meaning of "shall not be infringed"?

Yeah, I'm sure you know what "shall not be infringed" means, which is why you think criminals should have guns, and prisoners, and the insane. Yeah, go you.

The funniest thing is that I tell people what the "right to bear arms" means, and I back it all up with evidence, and then I get told I'm wrong. No real explanation, certainly no evidence as to why I'm wrong, but plenty of insults. Yeah, go the right.
Watch A Child Dismantle Fox's Panic Over Gender-Neutral Restrooms


They can't figure out what the half blue and half red person is supposed to be....... I mean.... really?
Try explaining gender bending to a five year old, kids cut through all the adult bullshit to the chase. Is it a girl or a boy?

Kids simply don't care. If you tell kids that men can marry men and women can marry woman, and that some people believe they're born the wrong gender, kids just accept it. Tell this to some hick adults and they won't get it, because they're too small minded to accept things they've been told are wrong.
Children don't understand what this really means.
Yes, they do, actually. We adults are overthinking this to the point of absurdity. 2+2=4, after all.
Yes, 2+2 does equal 4 and men who think they are women have a mental disorder.
I agree, But liberals say "experts" disagree. Shrinks are now saying homosexuality isn't a mental illness. Reminds me of when "doctors" used to endorse smoking as healthy, back in the day. Not that they weren't
corrupted or co-oped by money from the tobacco industry any more than they are NOW by the wealthy homosexual lobby, either. (Not to mention the pharmaceutical lobby) Oh, that would just be silly and contradict the whole Hippocratic thingy. They would never be corrupted by outside influences, ever.
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Children don't understand what this really means.
Yes, they do, actually. We adults are overthinking this to the point of absurdity. 2+2=4, after all.
Yes, 2+2 does equal 4 and men who think they are women have a mental disorder.
I agree, But liberals say "experts" disagree. Shrinks are now saying homosexuality isn't a mental illness. Reminds me of when "doctors" used to endorse smoking as healthy, back in the day. Not that they weren't
corrupted or co-oped by money from the tobacco industry any more than they are NOW by the wealthy homosexual lobby, either. Oh, that would just be silly and contradict the whole Hippocratic thingy.
Or it could be that a man who thinks he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man has some serious mental issues.

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