FOX Blows Another One


Sep 23, 2010
Charles Krauthammer is FOX’s most revered ‘contributor’ in that he gets the most face time among FOX’s galaxy of left-leaning contributors. That is not to say that Krauthammer is a liberal, but whenever he fumbles the ball he does it on the goal line. It gags me to say a good word about the Chicago sewer rat, but NOT getting involved in Syria’s civil war was a good call:

The Syrian-refugee debate has become a national embarrassment. It begins with a president, desperate to deflect attention from the collapse of his foreign policy, retreating to his one safe zone — ad hominem attacks on critics, this time for lack of compassion toward Syrian widows and orphans.

This, without a glimmer of acknowledgment of his own responsibility for these unfortunate souls becoming widowed and orphaned, displaced and homeless, in the first place. A quarter-million deaths ago, when Bashar al-Assad began making war on his own people, he unleashed his air force and helicopters. They dropped high explosives, nail-filled barrel bombs, and even chemical weapons on helpless civilians. President Obama lifted not a finger.

In the earliest days, we could have stopped the slaughter: cratered Assad’s airfields, taken out his planes, grounded his helicopters, and created a nationwide no-fly zone. (We successfully maintained one over Kurdistan for twelve years between 1991 and 2003.)​

Let me first note that Charley has taken to using Victoria’s pronoun “. . . we could have stopped the slaughter . . .”. Let me remind readers that I am one of “we”.

Sorry Charley, but the journalist is yet to be born who can speak for me. Had Krauthammer said “Those of who believe in making the world safe for democracy could have stopped the slaughter.” I would now be saying “Hop to go it guys. Don’t call me and mine when nation-building bites you on the ass.”

Just to be clear on this. America’s military is there to defend the nation, not start killing one side or the other as Krauthammer suggests when there is no realistic threat in sight as there was in Iraq and Vietnam.

One last word about Charley’s fall from grace. He not only fumbled the ball, he praised Johnny-gone-lately:

John Kasich has forcefully denounced this slide into the swamp.

Obama’s Moral Hypocrisy on the Syrian-Refugee Question Is Astounding
by Charles Krauthammer November 26, 2015 8:00 PM

Syrian Refugee Crisis -- Obama's Moral Hypocrisy Is Astounding | National Review Online

Finally, Taqiyya the Liar stuck his busy nose in at precisely the wrong time, in the wrong place, for the wrong reason. Americans did not create United Nations refugees, nor are they responsible for them. Bringing thousands of Muslim terrorists to this country to join up with his Muslim fifth column is about as dangerous as it gets. The Liar minded his own business in Syria’s civil war, he should have stopped there before Americans pay the price after he is out of office:

ISIS fighters determined to carry out attacks in European cities are entering the continent hidden among migrants, a German police chief told the Austrian Press Agency.

7,900 ISIS jihadists now inside Germany
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 11/27/2015 @ 7:16 pm

7,900 ISIS jihadists now inside Germany
Wow - for such a crappy network, why is it they have continued to lead all ratings - on all shows - every night - for the last 10 years?
What do the idiot Liberals watch? CNN? MSNBC? I don't even think Nielson tracks those worthless networks.
Wow - for such a crappy network, why is it they have continued to lead all ratings - on all shows - every night - for the last 10 years?
What do the idiot Liberals watch? CNN? MSNBC? I don't even think Nielson tracks those worthless networks.
To SeniorChief_Polock: FOX programs its own version of the Fairness Doctrine. FOX supplies more conservative ears to liberal talking points than does the alphabet networks combined.
FOX’s galaxy of left-leaning contributors.
FOX’s rating are high because liberals also watch FOX, while conservatives do not watch overtly liberal networks. FOX has fooled a substantial audience into believing it is the voice of conservative values. If you listen closely you will see that FOX’s conservative values always come down on the side of the New World Order’s agenda; big government, global government, the United Nations, and every other policy that true conservatives oppose.

The TV viewing public should have a choice between a conservative network, and a liberal network. Note that conservative talk radio thrives, while liberal talk radio tanks every time.

Incidentally, FOX does what it does for the money. High ratings bring in the most TAX DEDUCTIBLE advertising dollars.

Finally, you are new to USMB; so I should tell that I only watch TV in order to analyze the government’s lies. That is the only reason I ever watched TV.
To Ralph Peters and Stacy Dash: Welcome to Coventry. Liberals love censorship —— when a word or phrase offends liberals. I once posted on a message board where monitors would delete an entire thread posted by conservatives for saying the word damn. I beat the game by dropping the n.

Two Fox News commentators were suspended on Monday for using profanities while criticizing President Obama on Monday.

Ralph Peters, a Fox News "strategic analyst," called the president a "total pu---" who "doesn't want to hurt our enemies."

A couple of hours later Stacey Dash, a Fox contributor, said the president "didn't give a sh--" about Sunday night's terrorism speech.​

Move the cursor to 5:50 to “hear” the bleep:

December 8, 2015
Fox News suspends Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash
By Carol Brown

Blog: Fox News suspends Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash

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