Four Black Youfs Brutally Beat White Man In Unprovoked Attack In Baltimore Again


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man

Nov 6, 2012
A 32-year-old man is fighting for his life after being the victim of what appeared to be an unprovoked attack in downtown Baltimore in broad daylight on Friday.

Police said John Mason was walking near his home around Howard and Lombard streets when four men converged and started beating and kicking him. Mason was rushed to Shock Trauma with skull fractures. Surgeons noted footprints on his face, according to Mason's aunt, Christina Jasi.

Mason is currently in a medically induced coma.

"It's a life-or-death matter at this point. We don't know if he's going to survive. If he does survive, is he going to have the quality of life where he can live by himself again? Would he need us to take care of him? We don't know," Jasi said.

Police said that, so far, they believe the beating was unprovoked, but they are running down every possibility.

"We're going to look into the victim's background to see if there might have been a dispute in his past that could have led to something. But right now, there's just nothing evident for investigators," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

He said they also expect crime cameras to flesh out vague descriptions of the attackers, who witnesses said were four black men

4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home
Black on white crime has always been high, but it was usually accompanied by a motive: Often robbery. The random acts we're witnessing today with these young blacks increased dramatically after Obama's first election. It's as if blacks feel they can now do whatever they want with impunity. Most are never arrested, even when they post their attacks on YT for the world to see. Expect these attacks to occur more frequently now that Obama has been re-elected. Unless, of course, whites wake up, stand up, and put these monsters in their place.
whites are gonna have to stop being punks and start kicking some azz.Thats what these azzholes need.
I guess it don't pay to be white in Bloodymore Slaughterland.

time to move back to
Black on white crime has always been high, but it was usually accompanied by a motive: Often robbery. The random acts we're witnessing today with these young blacks increased dramatically after Obama's first election. It's as if blacks feel they can now do whatever they want with impunity. Most are never arrested, even when they post their attacks on YT for the world to see. Expect these attacks to occur more frequently now that Obama has been re-elected. Unless, of course, whites wake up, stand up, and put these monsters in their place.

That's what nobody seems to get.

Rule by blacks means life on the street is dangerous for whites.

The future looks like Zimbabwe and South Africa for whites. It's never about brotherhood and equaliness like the leftist fuckers talk about when it occurs.

Yes... "diversity" is never a two-way street, "tolerance" is a word designed to rob whites and pay non-whites. The South African whites are now the most hunted group in Africa... total media silence. White farmers in Zimbabwe are getting murdered daily.
4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man

Nov 6, 2012
A 32-year-old man is fighting for his life after being the victim of what appeared to be an unprovoked attack in downtown Baltimore in broad daylight on Friday.

Police said John Mason was walking near his home around Howard and Lombard streets when four men converged and started beating and kicking him. Mason was rushed to Shock Trauma with skull fractures. Surgeons noted footprints on his face, according to Mason's aunt, Christina Jasi.

Mason is currently in a medically induced coma.

"It's a life-or-death matter at this point. We don't know if he's going to survive. If he does survive, is he going to have the quality of life where he can live by himself again? Would he need us to take care of him? We don't know," Jasi said.

Police said that, so far, they believe the beating was unprovoked, but they are running down every possibility.

"We're going to look into the victim's background to see if there might have been a dispute in his past that could have led to something. But right now, there's just nothing evident for investigators," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

He said they also expect crime cameras to flesh out vague descriptions of the attackers, who witnesses said were four black men

4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home

Not a fair fight 1 against 4....
I'm sure most Libs here would justify these 4 youths defending themselves.
The guy probably disrespected or slighted them in some fashion.
Maybe he wondered silently what was up when them wearing their pants way down below their ASS.

Anyway I hope this guy has a good attorney to defend himself against the lawsuits that are coming his way!!!

Good luck buddy,but next time if you make it that is or if you still have the ability to walk without aid.Next time be a little more careful how you interact with people. :mad:
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"We're going to look into the victim's background to see if there might have been a dispute in his past that could have led to something. But right now, there's just nothing evident for investigators," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

Translation: We are doing everything possible to avoid saying the words "Hate Crime".
4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man
matt you cant spell,I bet your IQ is.25 isn't it.
Nov 6, 2012
A 32-year-old man is fighting for his life after being the victim of what appeared to be an unprovoked attack in downtown Baltimore in broad daylight on Friday.

Police said John Mason was walking near his home around Howard and Lombard streets when four men converged and started beating and kicking him. Mason was rushed to Shock Trauma with skull fractures. Surgeons noted footprints on his face, according to Mason's aunt, Christina Jasi.

Mason is currently in a medically induced coma.

"It's a life-or-death matter at this point. We don't know if he's going to survive. If he does survive, is he going to have the quality of life where he can live by himself again? Would he need us to take care of him? We don't know," Jasi said.

Police said that, so far, they believe the beating was unprovoked, but they are running down every possibility.

"We're going to look into the victim's background to see if there might have been a dispute in his past that could have led to something. But right now, there's just nothing evident for investigators," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

He said they also expect crime cameras to flesh out vague descriptions of the attackers, who witnesses said were four black men

4 sought in unprovoked daytime beating of city man | Baltimore City News - WBAL Home
matt you cant spell,I bet your IQ is.25 isn't it.
Heh, I feel sorry for white people.

It's called "White Guilt". White people gave up many of their rights because of some terrible things their ancestors did to blacks. If you don't like it, call up your great-grandfather in the afterlife and ask him how fucking over blacks helped to advance the white agenda.

And you know what? Given the kind of passive-aggressive bigotry I see here, you fucking deserve it.
You who think the hue of your hide means you are to blame And your father's misdeeds are his son's to carry in shame Not mine I'll take no part You can shove the sins of the your father where no light may pass And kiss my Scandinavianass

Pages of the past How long will they last? A lie lost in the legacyoffools leftus this parody unsurpassed Pages of the past How long will they last? he shadow of the Swastika byfools' fearsnowfor far toolong has been

You who think the hue of your hide means you get to blame The black for your own faults and so bring humanity shame Make sure you count me out of the ranks of your inbredmorons With your sewer gas and kiss my Scandinavian ass

Pages of the past How long will they last? A lie lost in the legacyoffools leftus this parody unsurpassed Pages of the past How long will they last? he shadow of the Swastika byfools' fearsnowfor far toolong has been


Pages of the past How long will they last? A lie lost in the legacyoffools leftus this parody unsurpassed Pages of the past How long will they last? he shadow of the Swastika byfools' fearsnowfor far toolong has be

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Why are whites the ones you point the blame for what all races did? God you people are stupid if you think whites are all to blame for slavery. You need never to post again on this subject until you learn something on the subject for christ sakes. On the other hand whites ended slavery and worked to greatly expand freedom.

Funny how we're the evil ones and we did more to charge the world than anyone.
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