Former Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Submitted Fictitious Cases To Court Which Were Generated By Google's AI Bard Bot

I really don't think you have considered the implications of AI. It's not a nothingburger, lawyers submitting fiction written by Google programs. Imagine if the judge did not check.

It is also quite notable that Cohen got nailed doing it. It's like cheating on a term paper, or plagiarizing a thesis.

Just wait until AI is designing buildings and airplanes.

In theory, it should get better than humans at what it does. So far, it's not really there, but it can do stuff like write decent poetry, and it can do it instantly. Most humans can't do it given much more time.

Self-driving cars are another story. Been a long time coming, and they are fraught with problems for now.
I'm saying that if it's some kind of "gotcha" on Michael Cohen, it's a huge nothingburger.

AI is not to be trusted for quite a while. AI 'hallucinates' in it's current form.

AI hallucinations refer to the problem where generative AI models create confident, plausible outputs that seem like facts, but are in fact completely made up by the model1234. This problem is often caused by limitations or biases in training data and algorithms1. The outputs generated by the model may be factually incorrect or unrelated to the given context3. AI hallucinations can result in producing content that is wrong or even harmful1.

Disgraced Former Lawyer Michael Cohen and His Attorney Busted Using Google Bard AI to Generate Fake Case Citations

30 Dec 2023 ~~ By Brian Lupo

Disgraced former attorney for President Trump, Michael Cohen, provided his counsel with previous court citations to create a precedent for his motion to terminate his supervised release early.
Cohen plead guilty in 2018 to campaign finance violations and lying to Congress. Cohen’s attorney submitted the citations to the court unchecked.
And they were fake. Do not exist.
The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2023 that Cohen, who plead guilty to lying to Congress, switched his testimony regarding President Trump asking him to inflate his assets. When asked by Trump attorney Cliff Robert, “So Mr. Trump never asked you to inflate the numbers on his financial statement?” Cohen responded “Correct.”
The letter claims that Cohen was attempting to “assist” his attorney and “conducted open-source research for cases that reflected what he anecdotally knew to be true.” The non-existent cases Cohen cited were generated using Google Bard. Cohen claimed that he believed Google Bard was more of a “super-charged search engine, not a generative AI service like Chat-GPT.” Cohen had previously used Google Bard for research purposes and purports that he “did not appreciate its unreliability as a tool for legal research.
Perry’s letter passes the blame from Cohen to his attorney, David M. Schwartz, because Cohen did not have an “ethical obligation to verify the accuracy” but Schwartz did, which he has admitted to.

Seems that The prosecution's star witness has not only shot himself in the foot but also the case against Trump. This is the best they have to offer.
Cohen is a pawn used by the FBI and now Laetitia James to try and set Trump up.
Cohen's attorney need to be disbarred immediately. Every legal document filed with the court has an attorney attestation that says he affirms that the facts contained therein is true. There is no "accidentally" citing non-existent cases. This is outright fraud and perjury.
Cohen should be serving time in the same prison that Avanatti is in.

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