Former Top Intel Official Douglas Wise Admits Knowing Hunter Biden Laptop was Real But Lied Anyway and Signed On to Bogus intel Letter

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Jim Jordan is going to make minced meat out of all those 51 traitorous intel officials who signed off saying Hunter's laptop was Russian Disinformation. I can't wait till John Brennan goes before him. These people engaged in election interference.

Jim Jordan is going to make minced meat out of all those 51 traitorous intel officials who signed off saying Hunter's laptop was Russian Disinformation. I can't wait till John Brennan goes before him. These people engaged in election interference.

When you are dealing to testimony from ”intelligence experts” from our numerous alphabet agencies, always keep in mind they are spies and as such are trained, profession liars.

Now the WaPo ‘factchecker’ is rationalizing the letter from 51 lying intelligence officials​

14 Feb 2023 ~~ By Jack Hellner

The Republicans in the House are having an investigation into the collusion of the media, the Justice Department, and intelligence officials as they censored the true story of the Biden family corruption right before the 2020 election.
This was pure election interference to mislead the public.
Now, Glenn Kessler, the designated fact-checker at the WaPo, is claiming that the intelligence officials who lied about Russian disinformation were very careful in their wording of the letter but that the media either misinterpreted or misused the letter. That is a load of garbage.
The letter signed by more than 50 former intelligence officials about the laptop was carefully worded to say much less than is often claimed.​
Yes, they used the expression "has all the earmarks" to leave the impression without definitively stating that it was Russian disinformation. They used this care because they wanted to mislead the public into drawing a conclusion that they were unwilling to state clearly (because they knew it was untrue). The clear purpose of the letter was to tell the public that the laptop's content was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden cited the letter in a presidential debate with President Trump and claimed that it stated that the laptop was a Russian fake. None of the signers of the letter disputed his interpretation.
These 51 people obviously wanted Biden to win, and they didn't want the public to see how corrupt and dishonest Biden is and has been throughout his career while he fed at the public trough.
The question is, who got these former intelligence officials to coordinate a letter as soon as the New York Post story hit?
It is no wonder that the public has so little trust in the media. They have earned their reputation as dishonest communicators.
It is also no wonder that there is so much corruption by politicians throughout the United States as the media gladly campaign for leftist criminals, bury the truth, and seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way as they quest for power.
Read more:

Both Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels must be dancing in hell right now
WAPO fact checkers knew it was real. The former intelligence officials issued a statement saying ‘it looks like Russian misinformation’ when they knew it did not and was not. They lied. “Fact checker” should be changed to “boot licker”.
That being said, Congress has to be careful not to overstep their investigation and violate the press's Constitutional privilege's..
There's no longer any fairness or objectivity and is all one sided. This isn't just a passing political period that will change over time. It has been this way for decades and shows no sign of changing. The question of what means it will take but there must be some rules for fairness and some way of assuring objectivity. The political advantage for the Maoist/DSA Democrats is enormous.
Maoist Dems have no interest in seeing America stay a Constitutional Republic. Ben Franklin was right...
Seems like quite a few of the 'Intel 51' are confessing publicly to their Perjury now.

No more House run by Democrats to protect their asses.

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