Former President Gives Veterans Day Speech


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Check out the faux oval office set.
Good luck Donald.

"The twice-impeached one-term president issued a brief video message from a set that looked not unlike the Oval Office paying "tribute to all of those incredible people" who "serve so well and so strong and so powerfully" in the U.S. armed forces, but then steered the topic to his own election defeat."

Hey look, that loser guy is using a national holiday to talk about himself. Who woulda thought...not like he did it for 4 years constantly. Crazy

I mean its not like he still sends pathetic emails from Mara-Lago pretending to be President or anything. He's totally not a loser
Hey look, that loser guy is using a national holiday to talk about himself. Who woulda thought...not like he did it for 4 years constantly. Crazy

I mean its not like he still sends pathetic emails from Mara-Lago pretending to be President or anything. He's totally not a loser
Wasn't long ago (in France) he called those who lost their lives "suckers and losers"
If you want Trump to not be very impactful in your elections then maybe your politicians should look at what policies they promote and ask themselves, "hey, maybe this isn't really going to help Americans or our country".

Your border policy alone is proving a MAJOR boon to Belarus and Russia in their efforts to breakup the E.U. In time, it will most certainly succeed. Ditto for your lost energy independence and an unwillingness to LOUDLY and more staunchly stand with certain allies if it might upset some adversaries.

Also, if there are never consequences for politicians (or a certain class or Party of course), then the American people and your allies around the world will view the U.S drastically different.

France charged their former P.M with corruption, so did Israel. THAT is how democracy and rule of law works, you left to monarchy long ago, remember? If a politician funded external countries to create a national security threat dossier, and/or accepted money from foreign governments, friend or foe, shouldn't there be legal consequences?

Hey, I just ask the questions as a long time admirer of the American system. I know what's at stake. We should be reminded on this day of all days...
The Trumpyberra Insurgency continues.........

"U.S. leaders, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have rightly deemed the Trump-incited storming of the Capitol building as an insurrection that is inconsistent with the rule of law. The assault, which took place while Congress was convened to certify the election—and which left at least five people dead—was not a protest gone awry. Instead, it was a deliberately planned attack. This was violence with a political goal in mind: Preventing the lawful certification of presidential election results to disrupt the peaceful transition of power."

That doesn't look anything like the oval office. It looks like...wait for it... an office.
Unlike the current President who ACTUALLY DOES use a fake oval office
Check out the faux oval office set.
Good luck Donald.

"The twice-impeached one-term president issued a brief video message from a set that looked not unlike the Oval Office paying "tribute to all of those incredible people" who "serve so well and so strong and so powerfully" in the U.S. armed forces, but then steered the topic to his own election defeat."

Too late .. Diaper Don already called them suckers and losers and skipped the service to honor soldiers who lost their lives in France to stay home and loot the US Embassy in Paris.

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