Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Indicted for Election Fraud in Favor of Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Indicted for Election Fraud in Favor of Democrats

21 May 2020 ~~ By Reagan McCarthy
United States Attorney William McSwain announced on Thursday that Domenick DeMuro, a former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, has been charged with multiple counts of election-related fraud:
“(1) conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, and (2) a violation of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of any facility in interstate commerce (here, a cell phone) with the intent to promote certain illegal activity (here, bribery),” per a DOJ release.​
DeMuro conceded that a political consultant, whose name was not revealed, paid him to illegally doctor votes for multiple Democratic candidates. The bribery money would be disguised as "consulting fees":
“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear. This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain. “Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If even one vote is fraudulently rung up, the integrity of that election is compromised. I want the public to know that this investigation is active and ongoing, and my Office is taking every possible step that we can to ensure the integrity of the upcoming primary and general elections in the nine counties of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.”
DeMuro’s indictment eviscerates the narrative, pushed predominantly by Democrats, that voter fraud is non-existent.

Indeed, we continue to hear from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left there is no voter fraud in Blue cities, the right person just happens to win every time how can that be fraud? But, funny thing is, the past 5 or 6 PROVEN cases of fraud were ALL, each and every one of them, in the Democrat favor and in DEEP BLUE states or cities. Just a coincidence I am sure. Nudge, nudge, snicker, snicker....:abgg2q.jpg:
States like Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois are primarily Red States controlled by the heavily populated Blue cities.
You have to question why the name of the "Political Consultant" was not revealed, paying him to illegally doctor votes for multiple Democratic candidates.
Our vote is among the most sacred acts we have. For someone to engage in a voter fraud on such a scale should be considered treasonous and should come with a very stiff penalty. I'd say 10 years prison time for each fraudulent vote should be sufficient or given the option of hanging.
What a "Brave New World" the Progressive Marxist Socialists offer us.
Really !! "I'm shocked - shocked - that illegalities are involved in Democratically-controlled elections," said no one, ever.
Democrat vote fraud is real, and Republicans must begin fighting back

23 May 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk
Don't tell the mainstream media, but another case of "nonexistent" voter fraud managed to squeak a few times this week before "objective" journalists quickly jumped on top of the story and smothered it with a pillow. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia secured a guilty plea from an election judge who admitted to "literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear." The investigation is ongoing, and prosecutors alluded to a much larger conspiracy involved. What is definitive, according to the guilty plea, is that a Democratic Party ward chairman stuffed the ballot boxes for Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 elections in exchange for thousands of dollars in cash. If he pleaded guilty to cheating Pennsylvanians out of honest local, state, and federal elections in the small window of '14 to '16, just think of all those other elections he might have affected while nobody was looking or for reasons other than money.
No worries, though. It's only one Democratic Party ward boss in one swing state. It's not as though presidential elections ever come down to a few hundred votes in one county. Philadelphia usually has around 8,500 poll workers; Pennsylvania uses somewhere between 50 and 60 thousand overall; and across the U.S., 2–3 million election judges help supervise elections. I'm sure this one solitary Democratic Party official is the only one in America stuffing ballots and stealing elections. The press has assured me that this is the case. All that election fraud is a figment of my conspiracy-warped imagination.
The best part is that state-level Republicans can begin to take control and play offense. In 2016, President Trump won 30 of the 50 states overall but won the popular votes of 2,623 counties to Hillary Clinton's 489. If Democrats are forced to defend against this type of outcome, the political warfare between the parties will be much less one-sided. Either way, I'm tired of constantly being shelled by the other side without ever firing back. Democrat vote fraud is real, and it is going nowhere, but only Republicans can choose whether to continue being victims of it.

It brings the electoral college to the county level, which neuters cheating by combining all stolen votes into one. Cook county for example gets 1 vote against all the downstate counties. That won't happen in Illinois, or New York, but it can in 30 R run states.
With Democrats emboldened to defeat Orange Man Bad, there is and will be no qualms about vote stealing.
Going back to the 2016 election, it was found that some Philadelphia and Detroit polling districts infamously had more total votes (all or near all Democrat votes) than registered voters even including the dead registered voters.
Then there was that famous election of Franken where suddenly thousands of votes in his favor were found in the trunk of a car. But hey!! Did anyone mention Eric Holder dropping the actions of the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia and would not investigate numerous ironclad examples of vote fraud that happened in the past.
As a direct result of a prior consent decree (which has been thrown into the faces of Republicans many times by Democrats that state categorically that Republicans are racists who have a documented history of minority vote-suppression), the Democrats ALWAYS frame any proposed action by the Republicans to fight vote fraud as "attempting to suppress the votes of people of color"
Shouldn't rational people begin to ask whether Democrats ought to be allowed to slate candidates? They aren't legitimate!
It's been proven in the past many times over that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine is corrupt and their success is based upon nationwide election fraud.
Now with "mail in voting" it will only get worse. What's next - internet voting ? That's what the Dems really want in the end. POWER Over the voting people.
Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Indicted for Election Fraud in Favor of Democrats

21 May 2020 ~~ By Reagan McCarthy
United States Attorney William McSwain announced on Thursday that Domenick DeMuro, a former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, has been charged with multiple counts of election-related fraud:
“(1) conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, and (2) a violation of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of any facility in interstate commerce (here, a cell phone) with the intent to promote certain illegal activity (here, bribery),” per a DOJ release.​
DeMuro conceded that a political consultant, whose name was not revealed, paid him to illegally doctor votes for multiple Democratic candidates. The bribery money would be disguised as "consulting fees":
“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear. This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain. “Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If even one vote is fraudulently rung up, the integrity of that election is compromised. I want the public to know that this investigation is active and ongoing, and my Office is taking every possible step that we can to ensure the integrity of the upcoming primary and general elections in the nine counties of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.”
DeMuro’s indictment eviscerates the narrative, pushed predominantly by Democrats, that voter fraud is non-existent.

Indeed, we continue to hear from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left there is no voter fraud in Blue cities, the right person just happens to win every time how can that be fraud? But, funny thing is, the past 5 or 6 PROVEN cases of fraud were ALL, each and every one of them, in the Democrat favor and in DEEP BLUE states or cities. Just a coincidence I am sure. Nudge, nudge, snicker, snicker....:abgg2q.jpg:
States like Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois are primarily Red States controlled by the heavily populated Blue cities.
You have to question why the name of the "Political Consultant" was not revealed, paying him to illegally doctor votes for multiple Democratic candidates.
Our vote is among the most sacred acts we have. For someone to engage in a voter fraud on such a scale should be considered treasonous and should come with a very stiff penalty. I'd say 10 years prison time for each fraudulent vote should be sufficient or given the option of hanging.
What a "Brave New World" the Progressive Marxist Socialists offer us.
Really !! "I'm shocked - shocked - that illegalities are involved in Democratically-controlled elections," said no one, ever.
In real news, town hall is lying. There is no mention of party affiliation from the authorities.

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