Former Marine arrested by FBI for facebook posts

I just skimmed this thread and want to add one quick note.

Miranda Rights are NOT mandatory unless the arrested person is to be interrogated. Local police make thousands of arrests daily without Miranda. Why? If all the evidence one needs has already been collected prior to the arrest, Miranada is not necessary. It just means you can't ask him 1 single question, and anything he says cannot be used against him. Evidence collection before Miranda can ONLY be done before the arrest. And after the arrest, Miranda is only for those prisoners who will be questioned.

If they aren't being questioned or interrogated (after arrest) then they dont have to be read those rights. That is a fact that TV shows and movies have distorted hugely. So when Joe Blow at a bar punches some dude, and a cop locks him up, throws him in the car and his drunk buddies start yelling "YOU DIDNT READ HIM HIS RIGHTS"........they are fucking stupid. The crime happened already, cop saw it, no need for interrogation, no need for Miranda.

Who gives a fuck about Miranda Rights right now?? he wasn't charged with a crime and is being held against his will in a psych ward for exercising his First Amendment rights.
FBI Agents Take Virginia Resident for Facebook Posts, Roommate says,

I swore there was another thread on this but I can't find it. Anyways. They had no warrant for him and they never told him his rights...this is really starting to sound like it fell under the NDAA and yet the people go about their merry lives not giving a shit the country we grew up in is fast becoming a police state.
fyi-timothy mcveigh was a disgruntled ex serviceman...
McVeigh was pissed off at the government murdering people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The government can murder people he was simply returning the favor.

I heard on Fox there is all sorts of outrage over this and support for the former marine. They're screaming "free speech". Yet, people scream to high heaven when someone shoots up a school or theater or elsewhere wanting to know why. Why didn't someone see the warning signs and do something. Something is being done and whether you agree with it or not, it may be better to be safe than sorry since we have had so many of these sensless and horrible shootings.

We have rights in this country or we at least used to. Every politicians and government agency shits on the constitution and the bill of rights whenever it suits them.This is communist russia or china or nazi germany.
McVeigh was pissed off at the government murdering people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The government can murder people he was simply returning the favor.

We have rights in this country or we at least used to. Every politicians and government agency shits on the constitution and the bill of rights whenever it suits them.This is communist russia or china or nazi germany.

So, you support McVeigh's actions. Dumb ass.
Fuck off. None of your god damn business what I do or don't do. You obviously think the government has the right to kidnap people. So kiss my ass.
McVeigh was pissed off at the government murdering people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The government can murder people he was simply returning the favor.

We have rights in this country or we at least used to. Every politicians and government agency shits on the constitution and the bill of rights whenever it suits them.This is communist russia or china or nazi germany.

So, you support McVeigh's actions. Dumb ass.

I cant say I support McVeigh's actions but I certainly understand his anger over Waco and Ruby Ridge, however he was no better than the FBI and ATF doing what he did. The people he killed had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge/Randy Weaver....

If he went and offed Janet Reno I would certainly support him..
I heard on Fox there is all sorts of outrage over this and support for the former marine. They're screaming "free speech". Yet, people scream to high heaven when someone shoots up a school or theater or elsewhere wanting to know why. Why didn't someone see the warning signs and do something. Something is being done and whether you agree with it or not, it may be better to be safe than sorry since we have had so many of these sensless and horrible shootings.
Your perception is understandable but extremely superficial.

If we empower law enforcement agents (at any level) to take into custody anyone whom they perceive to be dangerous, or "crazy," or having "terrorist" inclinations, we would need to have concentration camps bigger than anything the Nazis had. And while a tiny percentage of those confined in the camps would be legitimate threats the vast majority would not.

So the bottom line is we need to choose between Liberty and safety. And . . .

"One who would trade his liberty for safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." [Benjamin Franklin]
McVeigh was pissed off at the government murdering people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The government can murder people he was simply returning the favor.

We have rights in this country or we at least used to. Every politicians and government agency shits on the constitution and the bill of rights whenever it suits them.This is communist russia or china or nazi germany.

So, you support McVeigh's actions. Dumb ass.

I cant say I support McVeigh's actions but I certainly understand his anger over Waco and Ruby Ridge, however he was no better than the FBI and ATF doing what he did. The people he killed had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge/Randy Weaver....

If he went and offed Janet Reno I would certainly support him..
That pretty much speaks for me.

When asked about the children who were killed in the day care center at the Murrah Building, McVeigh said he didn't know there was a day care center there and if he had known he would have chosen a different target. He then said, "Now ask the ATF and FBI/HRT how they feel about the kids who died in the Waco massacre."

The interviewer got his facts wrong.

Dee Rybiski, an FBI spokeswoman in Richmond, said there was no Facebook snooping by her agency.

"We received quite a few complaints about what were perceived as threatening posts," she said. "Given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints."

Va. Veteran Detained After Strident Facebook Posts - ABC News

In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads."

The interviewer got his facts wrong.

Dee Rybiski, an FBI spokeswoman in Richmond, said there was no Facebook snooping by her agency.

"We received quite a few complaints about what were perceived as threatening posts," she said. "Given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints."

Va. Veteran Detained After Strident Facebook Posts - ABC News

In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads."
To "pay attention" is one thing. To behave like the KGB is quite another.

What Raub said is rhetorical. Whose heads is he threatening to sever? There is nothing specifically threatening about his statement. I perceive it to be purely metaphorical.

The question which is prompted by this incident, and one which must be asked loudly, clearly, and often, is who will be next?

What I want to know is who is the individual who pushed the button that precipitated this forcible detention of a man who has harmed or threatened to harm no one? This person must be held to account and made an example of.
Well you would have to be insane to question Big Brother, no? Only an insane Un-American Terrorist would do that. ;)

The interviewer got his facts wrong.

Dee Rybiski, an FBI spokeswoman in Richmond, said there was no Facebook snooping by her agency.

"We received quite a few complaints about what were perceived as threatening posts," she said. "Given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints."

Va. Veteran Detained After Strident Facebook Posts - ABC News

In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads."

yeah because we can believe everything the fbi says. They would never lie.:rolleyes:
Ole Big Brother's just testing the sheep. He wants to see how they react. And i think he's very happy so far. Most Americans just don't care. And Big Brother understands that. This is just a test-run for what it is to become routine. But it's what the People want i guess.
I think Governors Haslem and McDonnell are holding political prisoners, to put pressure on President Obama. Maybe McDonnell needs to flex his muscle for all to see. I think in today's political environment, holding political prisoners should be seen as an act of terrorism. Let's hold them accountable for awhile.
If he didn't make threats against the POTUS and other leaders, then someone needs to lose their job in the DoJ and FBI.
Hmm....there are a number of people, and one in particular, on this forum who has made 'questionable' replies. perhaps they should be reported to the FBI and we'll just let the government sort them out.

After all, wishing death on people when your a public employee could be considered something worthy of 'observation'.
Hmm....there are a number of people, and one in particular, on this forum who has made 'questionable' replies. perhaps they should be reported to the FBI and we'll just let the government sort them out.

After all, wishing death on people when your a public employee could be considered something worthy of 'observation'.
Wishing someone were dead is one thing. Threatening to kill someone is very different -- and is illegal.
Ole Big Brother's just testing the sheep. He wants to see how they react. And i think he's very happy so far. Most Americans just don't care. And Big Brother understands that. This is just a test-run for what it is to become routine. But it's what the People want i guess.
One effect of this action will be substantial suppression of free speech, which is why it is critically important to find out who is responsible for deciding to move so aggressively against Raub.
Ole Big Brother's just testing the sheep. He wants to see how they react. And i think he's very happy so far. Most Americans just don't care. And Big Brother understands that. This is just a test-run for what it is to become routine. But it's what the People want i guess.
One effect of this action will be substantial suppression of free speech, which is why it is critically important to find out who is responsible for deciding to move so aggressively against Raub.
I think that's a good call. I think the Constitution should be called up on this law. I understand that Virginia has a new due process work-around based on nutterhood.

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