Former Marine arrested by FBI for facebook posts

FBI Agents Take Virginia Resident for Facebook Posts, Roommate says,

I swore there was another thread on this but I can't find it. Anyways. They had no warrant for him and they never told him his rights...this is really starting to sound like it fell under the NDAA and yet the people go about their merry lives not giving a shit the country we grew up in is fast becoming a police state.

Seems he was venting his frustration and someone has taken it seriously. Americans like to claim they have freedom of speech - where is this mans freedom to speak his mind?
The reason I think the governor is involved is because when I got out of the service, I rated 100% from the VA. And this guy Bill Aires, who is the guru of all entitlements, told me I rated 30%. So years and years went by and I called upon Senator Alexander to help me with the problem. And I sat down and I figured what the VA gave me in dollars and then figured from what they gave me to what the 100% rate was and it equaled 150,000.00. And the VA got rearranged in Tennessee pretty good, I hear tell the Woman Veterans Manager changed over lots of big upset. And they are still pissed at me about it. I don't get mad when they sell me down the river, but when I do them it's wrong, your crazy, etc. etc. etc.
Notice the dates these medications somehow I didn't get either one till August. Both scripts arrived in August from the VA at Mountain Home


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I know these photos are kinda off kilter but check it out by reading line 2 you can see I was at Mental Health Appt with doctor Jones at 10:00 and it says I checked out at 11:02. I was never at that appointment.




A... no pictures in the post.
B... no one here gives a rats ass about your bullshit.
FBI Agents Take Virginia Resident for Facebook Posts, Roommate says,

I swore there was another thread on this but I can't find it. Anyways. They had no warrant for him and they never told him his rights...this is really starting to sound like it fell under the NDAA and yet the people go about their merry lives not giving a shit the country we grew up in is fast becoming a police state.

During the Democrats' convention, Obama's theme song should be the Star Wars Imperial March. You know...the one that Darth Vadar and the Emperor get when they arrive on screen.
How did the NDAA make it thru the republican controlled house?
MOst republicans on here seem to blame it on Obama.
I understand (however from a Huffington Post article) this 'arrest' was over some new Virginia state law which provides for the rendition and testing of potential nutters if a shrink sees fit. After testing, they committed him for 30 days, plus he may see those resisting charges (but probably not if he's considered nuts).

I think there is a due process loophole if you're not seen as being in charge of yourself. I would guess this is pursuant to the Virginia Tech shootings. I'm kinda nuts; I'm outraged.
How did the NDAA make it thru the republican controlled house?
MOst republicans on here seem to blame it on Obama.

He's the President, he should get most of the blame. He signed this travesty into Law. But there's more than enough blame to go around. Both Parties wanted the NDAA. And that's the sad reality.
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There is no evidence Raub was arrested for his Facebook posts.

There is no evidence Raub's family was harmed.

In fact, there is no evidence for any of the claims made in this thread. This is one giant wild ass assumption topic, with people letting the voices in their heads spew out unsubstantiated "facts".

Perhaps you may have noticed that a hell of a lot of veterans have been offing themselves lately. For all any of you know, this guy was another suicide that was prevented.

Perhaps you may have also noticed there have been some random shootings by crazy people lately, too. If this guy got some wild idea to jump on the shooting rampage bandwagon, you fucks would be pretty pissed if the police had been tipped to his plans by a friend or co-worker and did NOTHING. These days there are probably a lot of tips being phoned in by nervous nellies.

So STFU until you know some facts..
The only facts available to the general public subsequent to Raub being forcibly removed from his home was the presumptive mention of his published thoughts on Facebook. So far I haven't heard a word from any of the various agencies which engaged in Raub's removal and detention. Have you? If so, please enlighten us.

I recall that forcibly removing someone from his home without specifying a reason and transporting him to a "mental hospital" was a common practice in the Soviet Union. It was the standard method of dealing with dissenters.

In order to preserve the essence of Liberty it is critically important that agencies which are empowered to arrest American citizens promptly and clearly explain the reason in every occasion of exercising that power. To forcibly remove someone from his home without a clear explanation of the reason is plainly tyrannical and cannot be tolerated.

What did Raub do to be forcibly removed from his home?
Man oh about back peddling and washing their hands of this. Now FBI(federal bureau of idiots) is claiming they have nothing to do with this despite the mother talking to a fed stormtrooper and her telling the mother he was being held because his posts on FB, and the cops had no record of him being arrested or processed..lie more scumbags we have very good memories. Cops had no warrant therefore had no right on his property and local pigs don't harass you over something like things you said on FB that were directed at the fed gov. Wonder why the video shows feds directing the pigs to take him away but now all of a sudden NO ONE has anything to do with it...guess we put that video everywhere and anywhere we could and they can't lock him away under NDAA so gotta come up with some other bullshit to charge him with. Next time I guess they will just shoot the person with the camera and claim he resisted or tried to harm them to justify it.
When there is a delay in an enforcement agency's explaining its actions the usual reason is an ongoing attempt to either creatively weave a justification or to decide where to assign blame for erroneous action or misconduct. The most typical examples are questionable police shootings. Such events usually involve a group of supervisory officials engaged in brainstorming sessions with departmental lawyers.

So far the only thing I've heard in this case is some vague mention of a "resisting arrest" charge. Arrest -- for what?

What did this fellow do?
FBI Agents Take Virginia Resident for Facebook Posts, Roommate says,

I swore there was another thread on this but I can't find it. Anyways. They had no warrant for him and they never told him his rights...this is really starting to sound like it fell under the NDAA and yet the people go about their merry lives not giving a shit the country we grew up in is fast becoming a police state.

According to the government being "anti-government" is somehow a "mental disorder."

The patriots should storm that place OWS style and extract him - fuck protesting - it will do no good....

Without question we are clearly seeing our government turn authoritarian right before our eyes...

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

"38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]."
I heard on Fox there is all sorts of outrage over this and support for the former marine. They're screaming "free speech". Yet, people scream to high heaven when someone shoots up a school or theater or elsewhere wanting to know why. Why didn't someone see the warning signs and do something. Something is being done and whether you agree with it or not, it may be better to be safe than sorry since we have had so many of these sensless and horrible shootings.
apparently he was not arrested or charged with anything...

Police – acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional – took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime.

Raub's supporters characterized the detention as an arrest, complaining he was handcuffed and whisked away in a police cruiser without being served a warrant or read his rights. But authorities say it wasn't an arrest because Raub doesn't face criminal charges.

Brandon J. Raub, Former Marine, Detained After Anti-Government Facebook Postings
I just skimmed this thread and want to add one quick note.

Miranda Rights are NOT mandatory unless the arrested person is to be interrogated. Local police make thousands of arrests daily without Miranda. Why? If all the evidence one needs has already been collected prior to the arrest, Miranada is not necessary. It just means you can't ask him 1 single question, and anything he says cannot be used against him. Evidence collection before Miranda can ONLY be done before the arrest. And after the arrest, Miranda is only for those prisoners who will be questioned.

If they aren't being questioned or interrogated (after arrest) then they dont have to be read those rights. That is a fact that TV shows and movies have distorted hugely. So when Joe Blow at a bar punches some dude, and a cop locks him up, throws him in the car and his drunk buddies start yelling "YOU DIDNT READ HIM HIS RIGHTS"........they are fucking stupid. The crime happened already, cop saw it, no need for interrogation, no need for Miranda.

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