Former Louisiana House Representative David Duke Has A Message To America And You Better Listen

Anyone who advocates for the advancement of their own race above all others - is a racist.

noun\ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

: racial prejudice or discrimination

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Hence, David Duke and Steve_McGarrett are racists.
If all you have to be proud of is your skin color - something you had absolutely nothing to do with - you must lead a particularly worthless life.

Not surprising - but very sad.
IMHO - Stevie works for the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is his job to make racism look so stupid, that others will be repelled and therefor NOT be racists.

Doing a GREAT job.
IMHO - Stevie works for the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is his job to make racism look so stupid, that others will be repelled and therefor NOT be racists.

Doing a GREAT job.
The SPLC has been exposed as being a anti-white hate group.
Anyone who advocates for the advancement of their own race above all others - is a racist.

noun\ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

: racial prejudice or discrimination

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well that would be the NAACP.
What the right wing extremist, racists don't want anyone to notice is that, since 9/11, they, as a group, have killed more people in the US than islamic extremists have. The body count now stands at 34 people and the islamic extremists have killed 21.

The difference is that when islamic extremists kill the news media jumps all over it and all of islam is blamed. When a white supremist kills 3 at a jewish center, it is a lone lunatic.

Frazier Glenn Miller killed 3 jews and yelled "Heil Hitler". The Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 people. Now granted, the bombing also injured 16 or so others. But one is labeled terrorism and we should act to go after those not directly involved in the bombing. But once Miller was arrested no one seemed interested in pursuing whatever organization he was involved with.

But the jews and blacks are the biggest threat? That is laughable.
You have become that which you claim to hate.

Is there a....right wing extremist....movement that is murdering thousands of people in your country, well armed with military equipment, organized, and murdering those who not only oppose it, but don't agree with them?

And blacks, at 13% of the population, commit over half the homicides in the US. These are simple facts and trying to distort reality does nothing to support your position.

If half of the murders were committed by people for a cause other than basic crime, I would agree with you.
IMHO - Stevie works for the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is his job to make racism look so stupid, that others will be repelled and therefor NOT be racists.

Doing a GREAT job.
The SPLC has been exposed as being a anti-white hate group.

And so they should be ignored for being a hate group?

Great, we can continue to ignore David Duke for the same reasons.
What the right wing extremist, racists don't want anyone to notice is that, since 9/11, they, as a group, have killed more people in the US than islamic extremists have. The body count now stands at 34 people and the islamic extremists have killed 21.

The difference is that when islamic extremists kill the news media jumps all over it and all of islam is blamed. When a white supremist kills 3 at a jewish center, it is a lone lunatic.

Frazier Glenn Miller killed 3 jews and yelled "Heil Hitler". The Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 people. Now granted, the bombing also injured 16 or so others. But one is labeled terrorism and we should act to go after those not directly involved in the bombing. But once Miller was arrested no one seemed interested in pursuing whatever organization he was involved with.

But the jews and blacks are the biggest threat? That is laughable.
You have become that which you claim to hate.

Is there a....right wing extremist....movement that is murdering thousands of people in your country, well armed with military equipment, organized, and murdering those who not only oppose it, but don't agree with them?

And blacks, at 13% of the population, commit over half the homicides in the US. These are simple facts and trying to distort reality does nothing to support your position.

If half of the murders were committed by people for a cause other than basic crime, I would agree with you.
There is no agreeing. It is fact. You pretend to be concerned with "the biggest threat." That's it.
What the right wing extremist, racists don't want anyone to notice is that, since 9/11, they, as a group, have killed more people in the US than islamic extremists have. The body count now stands at 34 people and the islamic extremists have killed 21.

The difference is that when islamic extremists kill the news media jumps all over it and all of islam is blamed. When a white supremist kills 3 at a jewish center, it is a lone lunatic.

Frazier Glenn Miller killed 3 jews and yelled "Heil Hitler". The Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 people. Now granted, the bombing also injured 16 or so others. But one is labeled terrorism and we should act to go after those not directly involved in the bombing. But once Miller was arrested no one seemed interested in pursuing whatever organization he was involved with.

But the jews and blacks are the biggest threat? That is laughable.
You have become that which you claim to hate.

Is there a....right wing extremist....movement that is murdering thousands of people in your country, well armed with military equipment, organized, and murdering those who not only oppose it, but don't agree with them?

And blacks, at 13% of the population, commit over half the homicides in the US. These are simple facts and trying to distort reality does nothing to support your position.

If half of the murders were committed by people for a cause other than basic crime, I would agree with you.
There is no agreeing. It is fact. You pretend to be concerned with "the biggest threat." That's it.

The video in the OP seems to be as much about Jews as about blacks. Or am I misreading the responses?

And since blacks murder more blacks than whites, it seems to be a failure where the "terrorist" angle is concerned.

I am not defending blacks who murder. I am not defending any murderers. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of these racists who post such drivel.
IMHO - Stevie works for the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is his job to make racism look so stupid, that others will be repelled and therefor NOT be racists.

Doing a GREAT job.
The SPLC has been exposed as being a anti-white hate group.

And so they should be ignored for being a hate group?

Great, we can continue to ignore David Duke for the same reasons.
Duke is not a man of hate!
What the right wing extremist, racists don't want anyone to notice is that, since 9/11, they, as a group, have killed more people in the US than islamic extremists have. The body count now stands at 34 people and the islamic extremists have killed 21.

The difference is that when islamic extremists kill the news media jumps all over it and all of islam is blamed. When a white supremist kills 3 at a jewish center, it is a lone lunatic.

Frazier Glenn Miller killed 3 jews and yelled "Heil Hitler". The Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 people. Now granted, the bombing also injured 16 or so others. But one is labeled terrorism and we should act to go after those not directly involved in the bombing. But once Miller was arrested no one seemed interested in pursuing whatever organization he was involved with.

But the jews and blacks are the biggest threat? That is laughable.
You have become that which you claim to hate.

Is there a....right wing extremist....movement that is murdering thousands of people in your country, well armed with military equipment, organized, and murdering those who not only oppose it, but don't agree with them?

And blacks, at 13% of the population, commit over half the homicides in the US. These are simple facts and trying to distort reality does nothing to support your position.

If half of the murders were committed by people for a cause other than basic crime, I would agree with you.
There is no agreeing. It is fact. You pretend to be concerned with "the biggest threat." That's it.

The video in the OP seems to be as much about Jews as about blacks. Or am I misreading the responses?

And since blacks murder more blacks than whites, it seems to be a failure where the "terrorist" angle is concerned.

I am not defending blacks who murder. I am not defending any murderers. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of these racists who post such drivel.
You're the one who went off topic and mentioned blacks for some reason. Your logic is completely flawed. Here's why:

a) You make an arbitrary starting point of "since 9/11"
b) You claim since 2001, more whites have killed in the name of white supremacist philosophy.
c) You include the Boston Marathon bombing in this number, when that was clearly a Muslim extremist attack
d) You go on to state that it is laughable that blacks and Jews are thought to be the biggest threats.

If the biggest threats are truly your concern, black Americans kill more people than any other group, racial or religious, for any reason. It just is.
IMHO - Stevie works for the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is his job to make racism look so stupid, that others will be repelled and therefor NOT be racists.

Doing a GREAT job.
The SPLC has been exposed as being a anti-white hate group.

And so they should be ignored for being a hate group?

Great, we can continue to ignore David Duke for the same reasons.
Duke is not a man of hate!

"Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests."

Yep, those are not the words of a man who hates. lmao

No, David Duke is a failed politician and a fraud. In fact, he was convicted of felony fraud when he pleaded with his supporters to send emergency donations because he was broke and about to lose his house. When, in fact, he was not broke, and he used the donations for recreational gambling. Oh, and he was convicted of tax fruad as well.

His political "career" is a joke. He was elected once to the Louisiana State Senate. He failed miserably in his election bid for president as a democrat and as a republican. He also failed at bids to be elected again to the Louisiana State Senate, the US Senate, the US House of Representative and as Gov. of Louisiana.

Maybe you sent him money to "help" him out of his financial straits?? I'm sure the casinos say thank you.
What the right wing extremist, racists don't want anyone to notice is that, since 9/11, they, as a group, have killed more people in the US than islamic extremists have. The body count now stands at 34 people and the islamic extremists have killed 21.

The difference is that when islamic extremists kill the news media jumps all over it and all of islam is blamed. When a white supremist kills 3 at a jewish center, it is a lone lunatic.

Frazier Glenn Miller killed 3 jews and yelled "Heil Hitler". The Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 people. Now granted, the bombing also injured 16 or so others. But one is labeled terrorism and we should act to go after those not directly involved in the bombing. But once Miller was arrested no one seemed interested in pursuing whatever organization he was involved with.

But the jews and blacks are the biggest threat? That is laughable.
You have become that which you claim to hate.

Is there a....right wing extremist....movement that is murdering thousands of people in your country, well armed with military equipment, organized, and murdering those who not only oppose it, but don't agree with them?

And blacks, at 13% of the population, commit over half the homicides in the US. These are simple facts and trying to distort reality does nothing to support your position.

If half of the murders were committed by people for a cause other than basic crime, I would agree with you.
There is no agreeing. It is fact. You pretend to be concerned with "the biggest threat." That's it.

The video in the OP seems to be as much about Jews as about blacks. Or am I misreading the responses?

And since blacks murder more blacks than whites, it seems to be a failure where the "terrorist" angle is concerned.

I am not defending blacks who murder. I am not defending any murderers. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of these racists who post such drivel.
You're the one who went off topic and mentioned blacks for some reason. Your logic is completely flawed. Here's why:

a) You make an arbitrary starting point of "since 9/11"
b) You claim since 2001, more whites have killed in the name of white supremacist philosophy.
c) You include the Boston Marathon bombing in this number, when that was clearly a Muslim extremist attack
d) You go on to state that it is laughable that blacks and Jews are thought to be the biggest threats.

If the biggest threats are truly your concern, black Americans kill more people than any other group, racial or religious, for any reason. It just is.

Riiight. But the Jews? Aren't they a threat too?

David Duke is part of the threat from right wing extremists. Blacks do not kill as part of a movement, as do these right wing extremists and islamic extremists. I am discussing the claims that a group (muslims) is responsible for so much terror, when they are not responsible for as much terror in the 13 years since 9/11. Ordinary street crime is not what I am talking about. Nor is it what Duke is discussing.
Anyone who advocates for the advancement of their own race above all others - is a racist.

noun\ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

: racial prejudice or discrimination

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well that would be the NAACP.

No, that would be white racist retards like you and Duke. The NAACP seeks equality - not supremacy.
Which are?
Which are?
They both support Vitter the Shitter, the illustrious Senator from their mutual state.
No, you said Scalise supports Dukes ideals. What are they?
I said ideas. They both shared the idea that Vitter the poopy diaper Senator should be re elected. As far as I know they agree on lots of conservative stuff and Scalise may even be a racist like Duke. You seem to be the expert racist here. Is Scalise as big a racist and white supremo as Duke?
Nope and Duke is not a racist. Being proud of your race and its superior accomplishments is not racist.
Well I happen to consider Duke to be a racist. How much cred can I give you when you say Scalise is not a racist in the same breath you say Duke is not a racist? You seem to be a racist too. Do you claim not to be a racist?
If you read the thread you wouldn't have to ask such silly questions:
Jews and blacks are a big problem to a working civilized society. To think otherwise is foolosh.
The bigotry is blatant.

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