'Forgotten' Supreme Court decision and its impact on our politics


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The 'Forgotten' Supreme Court decision and its impact on our politics
The 'forgotten' Supreme Court decision and its impact on our politics | Fox News
Amid the current national debate over immigration policies, racial discrimination, LGBTQ rights, and executive power, the anniversary of an important legal and political dispute that has directly shaped that debate will pass quietly, its legacy all but forgotten. In September 1958, sixty years ago next week, the United States Supreme Court finally earned its hard-fought reputation as a co-equal branch of the federal government, in a courtroom drama filled with urgency and uncertainty. For perhaps the first time, the high court put muscle behind its mandate, asserting in unequivocal terms that its interpretation of the Constitution was the "Supreme Law Of The Land," and ordering immediate state compliance.

Odd isn't it, how Democrat have changed, they hate the constitution and try to politicize it. they believe the Constitution is a living document and have been trying to subvert and destroy it in every move.
I wonder what will happen when the USSC rules that States having passed Sanctuary City Laws are Unconstitutional let’s see what the lemmings do.
If Cooper v. Aaron is 'Settled Law,' (a 'concept very near and dear to Progressive Democrats like Diane Feinstein et al.), then the idea of Sanctuary States and Cities are illegal, on their face. SCOTUS has decided immigration law in the decision against the state of Arizona's making their laws on illegals more supreme than federal law. So why aren't Jerry Brown, Andy Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel and all their co-lawbreakers being perp walked into a federal courthouse and indicted for violating FEDERAL law?
Hmm...., Over fifty years later and this nation still suffers the consequences of Democrat LBJ and Congress's) Great Society program, and LBJs appointed Federal judges. Thus fifty plus years later Blacks now prefer and practice self-segregation and only recognize and celebrate Black History over desegregation and American History; so goes the battle. What they want, unless it otherwise offers great benefit and doesn't conflict with their tribal culture and ancestral propagation of hatred and no assimilation, is "Black separate but equal." In other words, they want to be plantation kept, never disciplined, and to own the plantation.
If based upon settled law, SCOTUS being the law of the land...and in the words of Democrats, Immigration is a function of the Federal Government. How can State Governors and Mayors defy immigration laws? Trump needs to send in the National Guard, just as presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy did for School Segregation. Remember Governor Oravl Faubus, Bull Connors, and George Wallace.... Democrats All.
The 'Forgotten' Supreme Court decision and its impact on our politics
The 'forgotten' Supreme Court decision and its impact on our politics | Fox News
Amid the current national debate over immigration policies, racial discrimination, LGBTQ rights, and executive power, the anniversary of an important legal and political dispute that has directly shaped that debate will pass quietly, its legacy all but forgotten. In September 1958, sixty years ago next week, the United States Supreme Court finally earned its hard-fought reputation as a co-equal branch of the federal government, in a courtroom drama filled with urgency and uncertainty. For perhaps the first time, the high court put muscle behind its mandate, asserting in unequivocal terms that its interpretation of the Constitution was the "Supreme Law Of The Land," and ordering immediate state compliance.

Odd isn't it, how Democrat have changed, they hate the constitution and try to politicize it. they believe the Constitution is a living document and have been trying to subvert and destroy it in every move.
I wonder what will happen when the USSC rules that States having passed Sanctuary City Laws are Unconstitutional let’s see what the lemmings do.
If Cooper v. Aaron is 'Settled Law,' (a 'concept very near and dear to Progressive Democrats like Diane Feinstein et al.), then the idea of Sanctuary States and Cities are illegal, on their face. SCOTUS has decided immigration law in the decision against the state of Arizona's making their laws on illegals more supreme than federal law. So why aren't Jerry Brown, Andy Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel and all their co-lawbreakers being perp walked into a federal courthouse and indicted for violating FEDERAL law?
Hmm...., Over fifty years later and this nation still suffers the consequences of Democrat LBJ and Congress's) Great Society program, and LBJs appointed Federal judges. Thus fifty plus years later Blacks now prefer and practice self-segregation and only recognize and celebrate Black History over desegregation and American History; so goes the battle. What they want, unless it otherwise offers great benefit and doesn't conflict with their tribal culture and ancestral propagation of hatred and no assimilation, is "Black separate but equal." In other words, they want to be plantation kept, never disciplined, and to own the plantation.
If based upon settled law, SCOTUS being the law of the land...and in the words of Democrats, Immigration is a function of the Federal Government. How can State Governors and Mayors defy immigration laws? Trump needs to send in the National Guard, just as presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy did for School Segregation. Remember Governor Oravl Faubus, Bull Connors, and George Wallace.... Democrats All.
Self segregation is the will of the people. It is only those in power, who do not want to see their power divided.

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