Foreign agents don't like the American bull


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Pay attention to the legs of this girl. Foreign agents were not too lazy in details: they depicted this girl with an X-shaped deformity of the legs typical of northern Europe. This deformity is extremely rare in America and Latin America.
It was easiest to do just straight legs, but they made northern European legs!


In the days of the hippies, they hid European legs under a bell-bottom and a high platform, and now they are claiming America openly: the British colonists have returned to the USA.
This girl lacks only a can of beer in her hand.
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The protégé of Kennedy's foreign agent, Marilyn Monroe, also had these un-American legs. She always hid them. Because of this, she useed to move her kneels inward like a German whore.
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With every post, and every thread; I become more convinced that this poster is a low budget, North Korean ChatGPT knock off bot...
Everything that you have read in the US since 2009 was written at the agency of Trump’s owner Prigozhin, at his troll factory in Olgino, not far from St. Petersburg. So a North Korean bot is not a bad option for your little brain.
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For this shape of the legs, they produce special shoes, with the sole cut off from the inside. If a cowboy wears these shoes, his feet begin to twist, and he cannot walk with the grace of a cowboy and is limited in movement. In the US, this is irrelevant, it seems that there are all shoes with straight soles, but in other countries they began to silently sell these shoes, and many do not know about it.

If you don't do something like sprinting you may never notice it, you will always be a little uncomfortable but you will endure.

Whether you have a cowboy foot or a straight foot, your sole always wears out on the outside. This is the American leg. All athletes who run fast have a cowboy foot.
For this shape of the legs, they produce special shoes, with the sole cut off from the inside. If a cowboy wears these shoes, his feet begin to twist, and he cannot walk with the grace of a cowboy and is limited in movement. In the US, this is irrelevant, it seems that there are all shoes with straight soles, but in other countries they began to silently sell these shoes, and many do not know about it.

If you don't do something like sprinting you may never notice it, you will always be a little uncomfortable but you will endure.

Whether you have a cowboy foot or a straight foot, your sole always wears out on the outside. This is the American leg. All athletes who run fast have a cowboy foot.

Walk with the grace of a cowboy? On their horse they are graceful. Off of it, not so much.

And isn't the cowboy going to be condemned for offending the holy cow?
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Walk with the grace of a cowboy? On their horse they are graceful. Off of it, not so much.
You're lying, a cowboy walk without a horse is also graceful, because they have a graceful body. Here we are talking about real cowboys from the Apache-Inde.

Bastards like trump shouldn't even be wearing classic jeans over their asses.
Wearing a cowboy outfit doesn't mean you're a cowboy.

All real athletes have a cowboy type of leg structure. In CrossFit, most athletes have long, slender legs, resting on the outside of the foot, which is an advantage for CrossFit.
In addition, cowboy grace comes from explosive power and high speed, which is what defines the cowboy type on a biochemical level. Anaerobic strong male type. Posture and grace of a warrior-aristocrat. Fiery look, hot temperament, and so on. Like a tango dancer.
You're lying, a cowboy walk without a horse is also graceful, because they have a graceful body. Here we are talking about real cowboys from the Apache-Inde.

Bastards like trump shouldn't even be wearing classic jeans over their asses.
Wearing a cowboy outfit doesn't mean you're a cowboy.

All real athletes have a cowboy type of leg structure. In CrossFit, most athletes have long, slender legs, resting on the outside of the foot, which is an advantage for CrossFit.
In addition, cowboy grace comes from explosive power and high speed, which is what defines the cowboy type on a biochemical level. Anaerobic strong male type. Posture and grace of a warrior-aristocrat. Fiery look, hot temperament, and so on. Like a tango dancer.

It is common for cowboys to be bow-legged from all the time spent on a horse. Again, you are clueless. Movies are not reality.
Also, cowboy posture matters. He has a skeleton that is thrown back and is always relaxed. Cowboys have a strong ass and back, he is not constrained and does not stoop.
Strong ligaments allow sharp movements. The cowboy should easily jump onto the table from a place and easily jump from a height of about 2 meters.

The length of the legs of a cowboy in relation to the body is determined in the same way as in crossfit. If you sat on your ass and easily reached your shoulder with your knee - this is enough to consider your legs long.
It is common for cowboys to be bow-legged
The cowboy's legs are either wheeled or even, but never x-shaped. This is a common quality of all horse breeding peoples who were indeed horse breeders in antiquity.

This horse breeder's body was the model of an Olympic athlete in Greece. The Olympics originated from the Indo-Aryans.

Apollo was a cowboy type, Apollo is a standard in ancient Greece, he is the Greek version of Indra.
The high instep of the foot also matters. This is never combined with flat feet, and it is also the standard of the female foot.
A high instep is always evidence of a strong leg and cowboy posture.

A woman's foot can only be beautiful when she has a cowboy foot.
If you have a Northern European type of x-shaped legs with a flat foot, you cannot dance and have cowboy or macho grace. The functionality of the leg depends on it. With heavy loads, your legs will generally break if you have such a paleo-hunter leg.
Also, cowboy posture matters. He has a skeleton that is thrown back and is always relaxed. Cowboys have a strong ass and back, he is not constrained and does not stoop.
Strong ligaments allow sharp movements. The cowboy should easily jump onto the table from a place and easily jump from a height of about 2 meters.

The length of the legs of a cowboy in relation to the body is determined in the same way as in crossfit. If you sat on your ass and easily reached your shoulder with your knee - this is enough to consider your legs long.

"The cowboy should easily jump onto the table from a place and easily jump from a height of about 2 meters."

And you know this how?
"The cowboy should easily jump onto the table from a place and easily jump from a height of about 2 meters."

And you know this how?
because good feet always do it. They have reactive power. If he does not have these qualities, he will not be able to participate in rodeo and horse riding. In a rodeo, he can fly 5 meters into the air and needs to land. In horse riding, he must jump off a horse at a speed of 100 km per hour and jump back. How could you do that with paleohunter legs?


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