CDZ For violent teens...put their names on a database and allow gun stores to refuse to sell to them....

Pretty simple, really: The assailant was an adult.
That seems reasonable. But ...
Apparently, some here believe that the parents should be held responsible for their adult child's actions...
Let's take a more extreme example. Let's say Islamic fundamentalists raise their kid steeped in the jihadist mindset, essentially raising him to be a suicide bomber. And on his 18th birthday he fulfills his "destiny". Should the parents get a free pass?
A gun store can already refuse to sell someone a gun...

This would give them actual information on specific risky individuals....the police put this kids name out to the gun stores and they know not to sell to them.....otherwise the killer doesn't have a criminal record that would pop, and doesn't have a judicial committment that would pop.....

This way the gun store can decide based on the police warning them.....
That seems reasonable. But ...

Let's take a more extreme example. Let's say Islamic fundamentalists raise their kid steeped in the jihadist mindset, essentially raising him to be a suicide bomber. And on his 18th birthday he fulfills his "destiny". Should the parents get a free pass?

No, let's deal with the example which actually exists...
This would give them actual information on specific risky individuals....the police put this kids name out to the gun stores and they know not to sell to them.....otherwise the killer doesn't have a criminal record that would pop, and doesn't have a judicial committment that would pop.....

This way the gun store can decide based on the police warning them.....
Who makes the determination as to whether someone is legitimately violent or not?
The process would have to be worked out...this wasn't your average teen problem....he had a history of violence at school and at home, and likely self mutilation...
You of all people should know the slippery slope of gun control. It would have to be worked out, and how would those on the list get off the list?
Who makes the determination as to whether someone is legitimately violent or not?

That could be determined...police reports where no arrest was made....that could be given to the gun stores.....the police could simply state that......

Local school officials and our department have had multiple interactions with stated individual and we are concerned that from his/her actual violent behavior, bizarre threats, and multiple police calls to his school and his home, we do not believe you should sell this individual firearms or ammunition.....
The last two shooters, one, a left wing authoritarian, eco-fascist....and the latest.....a violent nut job........they were both known to the police and to their schools, both had histories of either violence or making threats of violence....

They couldn't be arrested, and they couldn't be put in a psychiatric hospital...... is a way to catch the few nut jobs who are in the grey area....

If a teen is identified by the school to the point the police are called multiple times, and the police go to their home for violent domestic situations....the police could simply put the kids name and face into a data base and supply it to all of the gun stores in the state...then, when the 18-21 year old shows up....the gun store can simply refuse to sell the kid a gun....

This covers the grey area where the kid doesn't have an actual criminal record or psychiatric commitment....

This would be struck down as unconstitutional by the courts, and appropriately so, a violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

Having the state collect names for punitive measures absent due process of the law is the stuff of neo-fascist authoritarianism.
You of all people should know the slippery slope of gun control. It would have to be worked out, and how would those on the list get off the list?

I do.....I I give the left wingers an inch, and they start to dig mass graves....

Just throwing this idea out there for discussion...
I've made no such argument. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to put words in my mouth...
No, I was saying that 'should' be your argument. But much better a little cooperation when 2A is demonstrating that all the mass shootings are having an effect on even the most avid gun owners.

This would be struck down as unconstitutional by the courts, and appropriately so, a violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

Having the state collect names for punitive measures absent due process of the law is the stuff of neo-fascist authoritarianism.

Maybe, maybe not....the local police informing a local business about a threat? Maybe not....
The last two shooters, one, a left wing authoritarian, eco-fascist....and the latest.....a violent nut job........they were both known to the police and to their schools, both had histories of either violence or making threats of violence....

They couldn't be arrested, and they couldn't be put in a psychiatric hospital...... is a way to catch the few nut jobs who are in the grey area....

If a teen is identified by the school to the point the police are called multiple times, and the police go to their home for violent domestic situations....the police could simply put the kids name and face into a data base and supply it to all of the gun stores in the state...then, when the 18-21 year old shows up....the gun store can simply refuse to sell the kid a gun....

This covers the grey area where the kid doesn't have an actual criminal record or psychiatric commitment....
Good idea 👍
Legally, an 18 year old is an adult.
That was a political gimmick dreamed up by the Nixon administration to justify the drafting 18 year olds during the Viet Nam war. Before that, 21 was the legal age. If anything, young people today are less mature, intelligent or self sufficient than they were 50 years ago.

It's too bad that restoring the 21 age limit would be demagogued to death by Democrats.
That could be determined...police reports where no arrest was made....that could be given to the gun stores.....the police could simply state that......

Local school officials and our department have had multiple interactions with stated individual and we are concerned that from his/her actual violent behavior, bizarre threats, and multiple police calls to his school and his home, we do not believe you should sell this individual firearms or ammunition.....

And that's it? Just that? No supporting documentation listing all of the police interactions; violent behavior and threats? Shouldn't they have to provide police call logs to show police responding to a child's school and/or home? Body-Cam footage?

Should there be no documentation required from the school?

More importantly, how long would such a moratorium remain active?
That was a political gimmick dreamed up by the Nixon administration to justify the drafting 18 year olds during the Viet Nam war. Before that, 21 was the legal age. If anything, young people today are less mature, intelligent or self sufficient than they were 50 years ago.

It's too bad that restoring the 21 age limit would be demagogued to death by Democrats.

It really doesn't matter why the age of adulthood is where it is. It's the law...
This would give them actual information on specific risky individuals....the police put this kids name out to the gun stores and they know not to sell to them.....otherwise the killer doesn't have a criminal record that would pop, and doesn't have a judicial committment that would pop.....

This way the gun store can decide based on the police warning them.....
And the police, acting as agents of the State; in an effort to inhibit a persons right to purchase a firearm would be shot down in court. In a heartbeat. And likely make the first victim of this end-run attempt out to be very wealthy. It’s a horrible, and likely unconstitutional idea.
If there was a legal way to accomplish this, I'd be willing to look at it but my gut reaction is to point to our Liberal member who hears your suggestion and begins to salivate over a DATABASE. Once we begin making lists, they will not long remain as intended.
If the government were trustworthy, we could have solved this years ago. No 2A is the hill millions are prepared to stand and fight on. 80+ million gun owners did NOTHING yesterday to harm innocent children and I'll be damned if anyone is going to shame me for exercising my right to keep and bear.

Liberals oppose this because it violates the Constitution and jeopardizes individual liberty.

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