For left-wingers who want to end a right to bear arms...

People have never had the right to use their firearms wherever and whenever they wanted to and the Constitution does not even mention the use of firearms only that the people have the right to keep and bear arms

Therefore while I can own any firearm and carry that firearm I am not at liberty to use that firearm. In fact there are very few instances where it is legal to use a firearm and those instances are clearly spelled out
Good point

The right to bear arms does not permit you to walk around carrying your guns and firing at will.
Carrying yes

Firing no

Keep and bear

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Oh.....I feel better now

You are constitutionally allowed to keep arms but not fire them
As I have repeatedly said there are very specific very well defined instances where it is legal to discharge a firearm

We first need to enforce the laws we have before we pass any more

It doesn't matter what firearms a person owns as long as he obeys the laws regarding their use.

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“We first need to enforce the laws we have before we pass any more.”

This sort of sophistry is both misleading and inaccurate.

The laws are being enforced; and enacting as Federal law UBCs is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and consistent with Second Amendment case law.

Some ineffective laws need to be repealed, and ineffective proposed laws – such as AWBs – should not be enacted.
We are not enforcing gun laws. If we were then every piece of shit criminal who used a gun would be serving time in federal prison and gun charges would not be the first thing dropped in plea deals

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View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.


So this may come as shocking to many, I have never owned a gun in my life, I have never fired a gun in my life, I have absolutely no desire to ever own a gun in my life. I can live the rest of my life without the need for a gun. So I really don't see anything wrong with gun control.

I see all the nuts where I live own a household of guns and who enjoy firing them off. They start crying "don't take away my guns" when anyone talks about gun control ignoring the fact that we have an increasing problem of mass shootings happening around the country. STUPID !!!
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.


So this may come as shocking to many, I have never owned a gun in my life, I have never fired a gun in my life, I have absolutely no desire to ever own a gun in my life. I can live the rest of my life without the need for a gun. So I really don't see anything wrong with gun control.

I see all the nuts where I live own a household of guns and who enjoy firing them off. They start crying "don't take away my guns" when anyone talks about gun control ignoring the fact that we have an increasing problem of mass shootings happening around the country. STUPID !!!

Nothing you posted is true or accurate...we do not have an increasing problem with mass public shootings and we do not have increasing gun fact, we have the exact more Americans own and actually carry guns our gun violence rate went down 75%, our gun murder rate went down 49%.......

Mass Public shootings are not fact, in 2019 there were fewer than in 2018....

How do you address these facts?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...
That black pos that murdered the TX cop yesterday, how many times had that filthy stinking animal been let out of jail?
So this may come as shocking to many, I have never owned a gun in my life, I have never fired a gun in my life, I have absolutely no desire to ever own a gun in my life. I can live the rest of my life without the need for a gun. So I really don't see anything wrong with gun control.

I see all the nuts where I live own a household of guns and who enjoy firing them off. They start crying "don't take away my guns" when anyone talks about gun control ignoring the fact that we have an increasing problem of mass shootings happening around the country. STUPID !!!

We don't care what you think retard.

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